Sunday, 18 July 2021


What pleases me

I asked myself?

Sipping my morning tea,

watching the dewy grass,

crimson sun tearing the clouds

or the morning onulom vilom,

I don't know.


When I sit down to

take my breakfast,

my mind flies to my

school days ;ringing of the

prayer bell, classroom noise

suddenly gets disturbed

 by the cooker whistles.


When I sit at my study

going through Arjun's  vishad jog

I think of my dead father's struggle

my ailing neighbour's suffering

I turn aside the Gita

and turn the pages of

'Alice in the wonderland'.


Watching the crescent

moon's struggle to outclass the

clouds in colour and sweep.

The word victory flashes in mind

and my pen flows  to write



Victory pleases me

victory in love, life ,career

but in the noises of life

victory's canons fall silent

sights of glory recede

doesn't matter where.

I am here again searching

the undefined resources,

I shall find

the needle in the haystack.

Sabita Sahu


Prafulla Kumar Mohanty's 


Drupad pacified by the wise

convinced and consoled by all

he held in esteem,  celebrated

Draupadi's marriage with the Five

Princes who turned their status

from recluse to iconic Princes

heir to Hastinapur's affluence.


Messengers were sent to Dhritrastra

to give them their due recognition,

festivities continued in Kampilya

till appetites sagged to refrain

from delight to practical basics

Drupad was happy to flaunt Pandavs

his pride and glory now has no ebb.


Draupadi didn't  know whether

to wax like the moon or wane

like the lily at dewy sunrise;

she covered her dark innards

with silky smiles and bejewelled glow

but she decided to ask Arjun the victor

not as wife but as  woman

why she should be fifth of herself

when she is whole and handsome!


In the winter noon while the court

met informally to discuss further

strategies to meet the Kuru king

and claim Pandav rights

Draupadi searched for a lone moment

to ask Arjun, her true winner

why was he quiet when Yudhistir

rationalised Mother Kunti's casual

routine blessing as the unshakable law?

Did Arjun win me for his brothers?

For Pandavs, for his family name?

Draupadi lowered her head in doubts,

all answers were questions for her

all flowers in Kampilya garden

looked black, colourless and faded

she shook her head in self doubt

all thoughts which seemed to be solutions

became fresh riddles, Draupadi saw

everything as nothing

Arjun appeared in parts 

one fifth of his Gandiv

his body and soul solemn

in the middle of the brothers.


Draupadi closed her eyes and walked

at random among the vanishing plants

she stumbled and sat down again

to stumble into her lonely bed.

Sunday, 11 July 2021



Prafulla Kumar Mohanty's 


Krishna emerged from the sides

great King rash judgement leads

to harsh consequences, its patience

you all need to tide over this moment,

there are things beyond as we are

uncertain of what the future would reveal

the Maker's designs are inscrutable

his history making is beyond human logic

maybe this moment is pregnant with hopes

which we cannot guage as our vision is limited,

hostage to nature's light, there are other lights

that control sun and moon.


The lingering shadows disappear when

light is withdrawn, now this is off, unseen

please wait the on moment is not far

let the spirit of the universe decide the course

our wishes may be accommodated

sooner or later now do what you

need to do: But how can my child

be a polyandrous bride, wife to all

five Pandavs, how can I accept that?

When there is  no choice settle for

what the moment yields and respond

with your royal dignity to glorify

what you feel is ignominious.


Should I then return broken hearted

kicking my crown to roll in dust:

No King, take them all to your palace

have celebrations for days together,

declare to Aryabarta the Pandavs

are here, the Princes of Hastinapur

have emerged harmless defying

all turns of the dice and they are

now your Sons-in law making you

the richest  Father-in-law on earth.


Krishna took Draupadi's hand

Sakhi suck back your sorrow and

make the tremulous drops of your

sparkling eyes the costliest gems

and charge the price on the wicked

the vile elements in fake splendour:

And Sakhi you deserve these five

great souls are for you are vast various

you cannot be confined to the kitchen.

The world is your play field

you will feed the hungry, punish

the vile and give history a turn

for posterity to remember  you

as the woman who dusted false peaks

 -- no don't speak don't cry your fate

you are fated for brighter light

and great heat for you are fire

you will purify the earth sacrificing

your mortal desires; you are a Princess

be a Princess of life to reign:

Go my Sakhi I am with you in your

moments of pride and ignominy.

How can I receive and give

what nature ordains in love!

Draupadi closed her eyes sitting 

on the bed and thought of praying-

whom to pray, I have only one friend

my Sakha who is all encompassing

I couldn't have him as life mate

but hope his wisdom will guide me

in soft sailing life's rock and slime:

she prayed and received intimations

her mind cleared and a smile

spread from lips to breasts and heart

she got back her lost confidence

arose like the moon foaming the waves.

Transcending Death

We die into life in a new form

to resume playing our flutes

striking new chords with our souls

embracing lovers kicking out

the same loved ones

when affections find alternatives.


But from birth to death

what remains constant

never goes by cajolement

or abuse which envelopes

a body and mind like

a vengeful lover, in pain.


We cry when we are born

we suffer without tears

in the rest of our ventures

in other moods and emotions

trying to overcome pain

but it lingers and

takes us to our pyres.


I don't hate you  Pain.

But to love you,

you must relent

and lend me moments of

respite to celebrate life.


Sabita Sahu


Saturday, 3 July 2021

If I Am Wrong

When pain paralyzes me

my lower back sends shock waves

legs swell ruining the Master's shape

I fold my body into a chess board pawn

and throw it in the Municipal drain

for someone to find it and make it

whole again by magic or by his love.


You may think I am  a fake

I complain without waiting for the pain     

to make me feel human and ordinary

what's wrong with me you will ask

No, nothing is wrong

only I am wrong the way I am.


Body aches mind cracks and  

soul - I do not know if I have one

life has sickened my senses

but its Apps sucking away my secrets

to blackmail me to submission.


If I am wrong make me right

if you cannot make me fight

let my coming days be nights

to learn karate out of sights.                                                            



Prafulla Kumar Mohanty's 



The victor and his trophy

walked hand in hand, followed

by the brothers of the hero:

Draupadi could not understand

is she a wife, someone's daughter-in-law

or a prize to be kept on display

in pride and heroic glamour!


Why are they silent, walking

on stone and grass to nowhere

all of them rejected Father's offer

If not dowry, let her take some maids

and dress, food, elephants, horses

loaded with Drupad's blessings:

No, the time is not ripe yet

the Elder had said, Krishna too

kept quiet with an enigmatic smile.


Finally they stopped at the door

of a shed whose youth was gone

the sun had already set, no moon,

no stars mocked at her body ache

her bridal dress half soaked in sweat

she heard the Elder say, Mother

open up and see what we have:

share it  between you what you have.


The voice came from the closed doors

when it opened Panchali saw

a woman of beauty mellowed by

the ruthless temper of vicissitudes

which threaten in uneven ways.

The brothers touched her feet

and said here is our prize

not alms or gifts, a well won treasure:

What  O! What have I done!


Kunti shed bitter tears of regret

I didn't know, I thought you were jesting

I too in the same vein said, Share

between you what wondrous thing

you have brought today. O' God

I cannot take back my words for

that would be a betrayal of my soul.


Why not Mother, why not said Bhima

Arjun won Draupadi in Panchal king's

swayambar shaming all Princes and Kings

she is Arjun's bride, not rice or dal

we brothers have no right on her: wait

Yudhistira admonished, never have we

disrespected  Mother's words her word

is our command we cannot disobey.


Draupadi walked away from the scene

broken hearted, her legs failed her

she sat down on the ashen grass.

The Princess is now going to be a slut

changing arms every night like a slave

her Queenly dreams crashed on her fate.


All faces turned to the sound of chariots

mounted soldiers and the din of royalty

King Drupad, Prince Dhristadyumna and Krishna

alighted from three chariots, Draupadi

saw and stood up head downcast, speechless.


Drupad shouted, I know you are all

Pandavs and I am happy my daughter

will marry the Prince I chose for her

whom I thought was dead as reported

But what is this I hear, Panchali

will be wife to all five Pandavs!

No that will never happen, Draupadi

is  Arjun's wife else she goes with me

and you are all imprisoned for good.

Sunday, 27 June 2021



Prafulla Kumar Mohanty's 




Draupadi stood up excited

not because the fish eye was

pierced and the test was won

the garland in her hand

has to fall on the victor's neck,

but who is this man, forest dweller

or mendicant renouncer of life

what will he do with me when

he has given up the ways of the world?


The Kuru group shouted  'Arjun'

in bewildered fearful voice

when the brahmin walked like

a tiger with sure majestic steps

but she had heard from the king

the Pandavs had an unfortunate end

in the lac house made by

Shakuni's aides to kill the Pandavs:


Did they escape and is the  victor

real Arjun, Drupad's dream choice

for a son in law to avenge his shame!

But why did Krishna my dear Sakha

wink at me  swelling with joyous pride

and till this moment he  shouts

at the Kaurabs in hillarious mood?


The defeated kings left the hall

the Kaurabs swore to fight and kill

the Pandavs who now in their true

identities were greeted by  Krishna.

Drupad was the happiest and he

declared the contest closed and asked

daughter Draupadi to garland Arjun.


Draupadi held the garland of choice

her mind unsteady, heart throbbing

who is this man, how could he be Arjun

and if he is why is he in disguise

but her hands were still, her smile

did not betray the inner forest fire

she put the garland on Arjun's neck

she felt a wave of uncanny thrill

coursing through her entire body

while the celebratory band rang out

to the joy of Panchal king and people

in the large hall in mirthful cadence.


Krishna came his face beaming

his smile was inscrutable to Draupadi

when he said be happy my Sakhi

don't filter the joy with doubts

he is Arjun the Archer incomparable

an artist and his love is pure and noble,

now you are ready to fulfil the purpose

for which you came, spread your charm

to conquer and vanquish the dross

with your nobility and feminine magic.

Draupadi looked at him in silence.

The storm inside calmed when he put his

arms on her shoulder and whispered

life is meaningless without challenge

meet it all the way with your truth.

Arjun came held her hand and said:

Princess , come, I will give you life

the living may be hazardous now

but we shall change our fate together.


Conches blew vibrating the farewells

the maids, servants especially Alpana

shed copious tears as though they lost

the heart jewel of their existence to

unknown brahmins heroic yet poor

living on alms , how can they take care

of this delicate pearl rare and priceless

when they don't seem to have any address.


Chariots were refused by them

nothing but the prize they would take

and walk back from where they came:

Drupad was angry in tears but

Krishna held Drupad's hand and said

let them go, great King, greet your luck 

with open armed ecstasy

I'll tell you how it is all foreordained

let the party leave we must attend to

other hot issues the other Princes may raise

 in their blood thirsty envy.

Forever New