Saturday, 3 July 2021



Prafulla Kumar Mohanty's 



The victor and his trophy

walked hand in hand, followed

by the brothers of the hero:

Draupadi could not understand

is she a wife, someone's daughter-in-law

or a prize to be kept on display

in pride and heroic glamour!


Why are they silent, walking

on stone and grass to nowhere

all of them rejected Father's offer

If not dowry, let her take some maids

and dress, food, elephants, horses

loaded with Drupad's blessings:

No, the time is not ripe yet

the Elder had said, Krishna too

kept quiet with an enigmatic smile.


Finally they stopped at the door

of a shed whose youth was gone

the sun had already set, no moon,

no stars mocked at her body ache

her bridal dress half soaked in sweat

she heard the Elder say, Mother

open up and see what we have:

share it  between you what you have.


The voice came from the closed doors

when it opened Panchali saw

a woman of beauty mellowed by

the ruthless temper of vicissitudes

which threaten in uneven ways.

The brothers touched her feet

and said here is our prize

not alms or gifts, a well won treasure:

What  O! What have I done!


Kunti shed bitter tears of regret

I didn't know, I thought you were jesting

I too in the same vein said, Share

between you what wondrous thing

you have brought today. O' God

I cannot take back my words for

that would be a betrayal of my soul.


Why not Mother, why not said Bhima

Arjun won Draupadi in Panchal king's

swayambar shaming all Princes and Kings

she is Arjun's bride, not rice or dal

we brothers have no right on her: wait

Yudhistira admonished, never have we

disrespected  Mother's words her word

is our command we cannot disobey.


Draupadi walked away from the scene

broken hearted, her legs failed her

she sat down on the ashen grass.

The Princess is now going to be a slut

changing arms every night like a slave

her Queenly dreams crashed on her fate.


All faces turned to the sound of chariots

mounted soldiers and the din of royalty

King Drupad, Prince Dhristadyumna and Krishna

alighted from three chariots, Draupadi

saw and stood up head downcast, speechless.


Drupad shouted, I know you are all

Pandavs and I am happy my daughter

will marry the Prince I chose for her

whom I thought was dead as reported

But what is this I hear, Panchali

will be wife to all five Pandavs!

No that will never happen, Draupadi

is  Arjun's wife else she goes with me

and you are all imprisoned for good.

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