Sunday, 27 June 2021



Prafulla Kumar Mohanty's 




Draupadi stood up excited

not because the fish eye was

pierced and the test was won

the garland in her hand

has to fall on the victor's neck,

but who is this man, forest dweller

or mendicant renouncer of life

what will he do with me when

he has given up the ways of the world?


The Kuru group shouted  'Arjun'

in bewildered fearful voice

when the brahmin walked like

a tiger with sure majestic steps

but she had heard from the king

the Pandavs had an unfortunate end

in the lac house made by

Shakuni's aides to kill the Pandavs:


Did they escape and is the  victor

real Arjun, Drupad's dream choice

for a son in law to avenge his shame!

But why did Krishna my dear Sakha

wink at me  swelling with joyous pride

and till this moment he  shouts

at the Kaurabs in hillarious mood?


The defeated kings left the hall

the Kaurabs swore to fight and kill

the Pandavs who now in their true

identities were greeted by  Krishna.

Drupad was the happiest and he

declared the contest closed and asked

daughter Draupadi to garland Arjun.


Draupadi held the garland of choice

her mind unsteady, heart throbbing

who is this man, how could he be Arjun

and if he is why is he in disguise

but her hands were still, her smile

did not betray the inner forest fire

she put the garland on Arjun's neck

she felt a wave of uncanny thrill

coursing through her entire body

while the celebratory band rang out

to the joy of Panchal king and people

in the large hall in mirthful cadence.


Krishna came his face beaming

his smile was inscrutable to Draupadi

when he said be happy my Sakhi

don't filter the joy with doubts

he is Arjun the Archer incomparable

an artist and his love is pure and noble,

now you are ready to fulfil the purpose

for which you came, spread your charm

to conquer and vanquish the dross

with your nobility and feminine magic.

Draupadi looked at him in silence.

The storm inside calmed when he put his

arms on her shoulder and whispered

life is meaningless without challenge

meet it all the way with your truth.

Arjun came held her hand and said:

Princess , come, I will give you life

the living may be hazardous now

but we shall change our fate together.


Conches blew vibrating the farewells

the maids, servants especially Alpana

shed copious tears as though they lost

the heart jewel of their existence to

unknown brahmins heroic yet poor

living on alms , how can they take care

of this delicate pearl rare and priceless

when they don't seem to have any address.


Chariots were refused by them

nothing but the prize they would take

and walk back from where they came:

Drupad was angry in tears but

Krishna held Drupad's hand and said

let them go, great King, greet your luck 

with open armed ecstasy

I'll tell you how it is all foreordained

let the party leave we must attend to

other hot issues the other Princes may raise

 in their blood thirsty envy.

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