Sunday, 11 July 2021



Prafulla Kumar Mohanty's 


Krishna emerged from the sides

great King rash judgement leads

to harsh consequences, its patience

you all need to tide over this moment,

there are things beyond as we are

uncertain of what the future would reveal

the Maker's designs are inscrutable

his history making is beyond human logic

maybe this moment is pregnant with hopes

which we cannot guage as our vision is limited,

hostage to nature's light, there are other lights

that control sun and moon.


The lingering shadows disappear when

light is withdrawn, now this is off, unseen

please wait the on moment is not far

let the spirit of the universe decide the course

our wishes may be accommodated

sooner or later now do what you

need to do: But how can my child

be a polyandrous bride, wife to all

five Pandavs, how can I accept that?

When there is  no choice settle for

what the moment yields and respond

with your royal dignity to glorify

what you feel is ignominious.


Should I then return broken hearted

kicking my crown to roll in dust:

No King, take them all to your palace

have celebrations for days together,

declare to Aryabarta the Pandavs

are here, the Princes of Hastinapur

have emerged harmless defying

all turns of the dice and they are

now your Sons-in law making you

the richest  Father-in-law on earth.


Krishna took Draupadi's hand

Sakhi suck back your sorrow and

make the tremulous drops of your

sparkling eyes the costliest gems

and charge the price on the wicked

the vile elements in fake splendour:

And Sakhi you deserve these five

great souls are for you are vast various

you cannot be confined to the kitchen.

The world is your play field

you will feed the hungry, punish

the vile and give history a turn

for posterity to remember  you

as the woman who dusted false peaks

 -- no don't speak don't cry your fate

you are fated for brighter light

and great heat for you are fire

you will purify the earth sacrificing

your mortal desires; you are a Princess

be a Princess of life to reign:

Go my Sakhi I am with you in your

moments of pride and ignominy.

How can I receive and give

what nature ordains in love!

Draupadi closed her eyes sitting 

on the bed and thought of praying-

whom to pray, I have only one friend

my Sakha who is all encompassing

I couldn't have him as life mate

but hope his wisdom will guide me

in soft sailing life's rock and slime:

she prayed and received intimations

her mind cleared and a smile

spread from lips to breasts and heart

she got back her lost confidence

arose like the moon foaming the waves.

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