Sunday, 16 October 2022

We Are Indomitable

Half of Odisha is under water

all rivers in spiteful spate

the Mahanadi too is overflowing

Men women crouch in fear

no news is this only memory revival

the great annual ritual

crowds love

Hurricane storms

thunder strikes

love this ancient land

of proud Odia

who has never surrounded

to these fake lovers.


Floods storms come and go

we know how to ride

the rise and swell

the cruel search of

nature’s fury to bow to her

hold her in reverence

for we know her anger

is  an act of love .

Our spirit rises

we stop the sea

we make the rain gods

go back  after taking a few lives:

Our appeasing sacrifice.


Nature is more human

more generous and kind

than the marauders who kill

all innocence, destroy out deities

loot our nourished prosperity

we are alive we are powerful

we have defied the invaders

we will now rise with our love

for man’s future.

Sabita Sahu


Sunday, 9 October 2022



I never saw you,

you were always a photo

an image forced on memory

by your great life.

Attenborough opened my eyes

after watching your works

well coursed by Ben Kingsley.

I wondered: Is it true a man could be so great

without clothes, food and power!

I bowed to your photo

which still hangs on my wall.


You are the father of the Nation

you made Indian free

to abuse man , country, nation

to dispute your Fatherhood

you fell to bullets of hate

your love was in flames:

people wrote obituaries

I read in the 1990's

double edged hypocrisy

in polished language.


But I adore you

not as my ideal

for if I follow your values

life will take away

the little joys we dote on:

I adore you for your courage

how could you rise against

the enemies of human essence!

See today the enemies are here

in our free country

nailing your picture

in inhuman haste.

Sabita Sahu


Sunday, 2 October 2022

Blocked Up

I never wanted to be a wave

in the sea to rise and fall

to advance and return

repeating myself Sisyphus

like achieving nothing


I wanted to flow like a river

with a soft murmur

inviting birds, beasts and men

to quench their thirst:

I wanted to swell in the rain

and flow indulging my

propensities for over excitement

to bless life all around me.


But they built bridges

smoking clouds from chimneys

of craze for industries chocked me

as the fuming words at home

made my nights agony filled

and soporific: but I never slept.


Today I am drying up

by the heat of life

at home, at office and

on the public stage.

Who will come like

rain bearing clouds

to make me full again?

Sabita Sahu

Sunday, 25 September 2022

Dream Parade

Could not sleep last night

I don’t want to know why

although I normally sleep like a log

but what dreams what visions

I wish all my nights were

like last night.


I saw I was fishing

the bait caught a big fish

may be shark

no no how could it be

sharks are never found in tanks –

anyway I’ll try to pull it hard

but the fishing rod slipped

away from my hand

and I fell on my back:

I woke up with a start

and felt that pain

in my back.


The next was funny

a woman ran out of a house

chased by a rod

may be a magic one as

no hand was seen holding it.

The woman entered my room

and fell on me fully in nude –

startled I jumped on the bed

laughing soundlessly

and tried to sleep again.


The other dreams were dim

sporadic and short:

I knew dreams are dreams

insubstantial irrelevant

yet I see my dancing

in orgiastic humour.


I want to have a dream

in my hands of love

feeding the separation stuck

sad souls with dream nourishment:

What are dreams meant for

if not for love?
















Sunday, 18 September 2022

Thus Spake The Sea

What sound what water

what jewels in my belly

what foam at my mouth

you poets you don’t know me

you use metaphors to introduce me

to fellow humans:

I am time

I am vast self flowing

embracing the earth

and all sea holes.


You come and play at my shores

throw wet sand at your beloved

I laugh and roar it away.

But when you Titanic and Warships

tear into my belly I swallow them.

When Blizzards and Hurricane

my angry fangs at your mischief

appear you shrink into

your cowardly shell

with pegs of whiskey


Come and watch me

how beautiful I am

I change colours

I change the moon beams

I change the sun mild and wild

come watch me

I am life live like me

don’t rival me

for that I’ll be your doom.

Sabita Sahu


Sunday, 11 September 2022


Why do I crab about

what is inevitable

distraught mind and

synthetic pain invited by

dreams and desires:

they will come I can’t block

none have blocked –

acceptance is all.


But when the soul is sick

of broken dreams

an unsolicited stabs

on betrayal indifference

as if I am a dispensable toy

to be handled without care?


What do I live for

I don’t wish to tarnish images

in my vengeful attitudinal jibes

nor am I selfish.

When I do good

the world blames me

when I do bad

they pounce on me

but when I am

innocent , pure, honest

they ignore me.


Am I just a tree

unplanted by loving hands

who come to bite my fruits

cut my hands tick my body

suck my juice and live me alone

for the clouds, sun and wind.


I know I am not the only one

to say this in agony

the world is full of such crimes

so is it true finally that

destiny shapes our end

or is there some hidden truth

which I have not discovered?

Sabita Sahu



Prafulla Kumar Mohanty's 


Draupadi’s Farewell to Life

At sundown we reached the foothills

of the world's ladder to the stars

without a passage; Yudhistira said:

Now we shall climb Himavant to our home

our worldly dharma is over, now we

need our final abode for restful repose

from the heat of life we have come

to the snowy mountains at whose top

the sylphs will guide us to our homes,

where eternal joy awaits us

for our final salvation in serenity.

He walked on followed by the brothers

I had no choice but to walk on

my wifely dharma forced my tired legs

to step up at the rear of my husbands.

The sunset glow dissipated into

blinking darkness slowly thickening

slowly condensing into a pall of gloom.


The arrows of light returned to

the Sun's quiver, the pale glimmer

became a blindfold.

The feet were numb on the cold path,

Draupadi shivered, her legs were heavy

her eyes strained to see ahead,

she became breathless, she panted

grasped for air, her strength ebbed

she fell on the stony ice

face down legs limp arms flailing

the thin air chocking her - She cried

stop! I cannot rise, lift me up!

Yudhistira didn't look back, the twins

stopped, Arjuna looked back but

Bhima came down with long steps,

lifted Draupadi to his chest:

O my dearest Panchali, breathe!

Take my breath and breathe, 

O' Brothers stop, 

our life's life has fallen

without turning his face Yudhidstira said,

leave her, come up  we have to go

untie yourself of Maya, let her

stay behind if she cannot come

come up Bhima, I cannot stop for her

or anyone, this journey is solitary:

Tears flew from Bhima's eyes as he

rose and climbed up, Draupadi saw

the glistening tear in the dark night

a cold grin half arose in her lips.


Breathless Draupadi dragged herself

on the numbing stone to find some

support for her aching body, she leaned

on a rough boulder and breathed

her pain of body and mind in drags

her eyes half open with swelling tears,

she saw the back of Bhima disappear

the enveloping darkness drew curtains.


They are gone, my five husbands!

why should they wait, who waits for whom

does the river in spate wait for

the poor and weak to rush to safety

does the falling tree wait for the old man

to pass, does the king wait for his people

to be evacuated first in a fire?

Nothing waits for nothing, Wife Husband,

Father Daughter, Master Slave, Night Day

all move alone till they bow out.

We are all alone, relationship is a

customary social duty where each one

tries to dominate, man's life is

a lonely journey without destination,

Goals are the projections of the alone man

in his perceptive illusions of reality.


I came alone, lived in a palace,

called Drupad Father, Krishna my Sakha

suppressing desires lest I be caught

in the snare of repulsive gossip.

Married five against my will,

adjusted my ego with other egos

suffered unnatural humiliation

lived in jungles in fear and hunger

sat as Queen, Empress, loved by people

became a mother: But now

what am I except an abandoned nothing?

No wife, no mother  no queen I am

I am just a woman a lonely human

ready to leave the world in cold pain.


My life in nature, my role

on her stage is now over - Her body

stiffened senses withdrew to a stupor,

eyes, in lid heavy automation closed,

she whispered, the lips appeared to move

no sound came, the cold thin air shook:


Farewell Nature, farewell life

I lived intensely, lived well

loved all, men, animals, huts,

palaces, trees and rivers - Now

I leave you all with my last

Breath of Love.


                                             * The End *                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         

Forever New