Sunday, 25 April 2021



Prafulla Kumar Mohanty's 


Why am I so lonely,

the crescent moon outside

a snowy carpet on fields, trees

the breeze caresses wooingly

everyone in the palace is happy

Krishna  Vasudev has filled all spaces

with golden promises

which have fruitioned  delighting all hearts.

Brother Dristhadyumna is preparing

invitation scrolls to all Princes and Kings

Father regrets the Pandav death

in  Varunabarta, wishes it were untrue

what Swayambara it will be without Arjun!

He remembers how Arjun tied him in rope

for  Drona's Gurudakshina - the king moans

remembering his humiliation, groans

roars for revenge, "My child Draupadi

for you I must have a hero, an Arjun

who shall throw at my feet a tied Drona".

He has several times narrated

in half choked voice to Draupadi and others

his friendship, betrayal and humiliation

 Draupadi almost visualizes the scenes,

but today Drupad is happy after

Krishna's assurance of all help,

The prayer bells are  ringing in his

personal Shiva temple where he alone

has entry at any hour of the day or night,

he smiles and shouts, discusses

preparations albeit the Swayambar

is months away, the plans are not afoot

nor ready, none have moved

yet everyone behaves as though

the Swaymbara is tomorrow.


Draupadi sighed looked out for air

the lamps are all lighted, incense

rises up in the air, her large rooms

resonate the sweet joy of the palace.

But she is somewhere else, not on earth

not anywhere in the stratosphere

she was wandering without her knowledge

in the affective area of Vasudev.


Draupadi couldn't know why her agitation

in wordless conflict writhes her heart.

Is  she in love Draupadi shuddered- no no,

It's a sin to think of it when Krishna already

has elevated me to be his Sakhi, close and dear

Let me be his Sakhi in my silent prayers,

my love my respect for him has been rewarded

I'm his Sakhi, His Alter ego, yes his very own.


Draupadi did not wait for Alpana

washed the vision of peacock plumes

with lines of kajal thick and shiney

she closed her ears to the rising dust

of the receding chariot

she bit her lips to bite

the mesmerizing smiles

she sealed her feelings to oblivion

she went out to speak to the king

her womanly heart in blushfull honesty.

Saturday, 24 April 2021

But You Never Ask Me

If you ask me to sing

I'll pour out my heart

a sea full of melodies

will wash your feet in wavy art!

               But you never ask me.


If you ask me to pray

bells of all temples would

chime to lull god's sleep

in Swings Way

silence will reign deep.

               But you never ask me.


If you ask me to cry

I'll raise tempests wild

recreate deluge where

Noha's arc will forever lie.

               But you never ask me.


And if you ask me to die

I'll make all births rot

in the chambers of womb

for their living tomb

to save the birth of my love.

              But you never ask me.

Sabita Sahu

Sunday, 18 April 2021


How can life be shared!
If one is full in mind and body
the unseen soul too covers the fullness
man is a whole with many dimensions
but the many are one, the one whole.

The shadow is never divided
nor does it merge in another
the digital shades never converge 
distant words never make melody.
I never wish to claim any share
for, the share I need a whole.
The heart that is empty stays empty
another fullness cannot fill it up 
unless the other heart desires for it.
Can I undo, unwrite, unwipe
the written letters of my soul!

No, that's anti-nature, unwholesome
the best is to stay empty
and wither away before the winter 
buries it under the snow
of unrequited memory.

Sabita Sahu



Prafulla Kumar Mohanty's 


Krishna returned the next morning

to a grand send off with gifts galore

swallowing her half formed words in silence,

Krishna the all knowing placed his hands

on Draupadi's shoulder seriously smiling

Hey Sakhi, don't make my parting grim

smile your farewell and wish me success

my mission ahead is a tight rope walk

I need my Sakhi's love to wade through

the fateful slushy territory with valour:

Draupadi relaxed a smile and whispered

no thorn will sear your skin nor failure

will deter you from your destined vision

Dear Sakha just remember, there is your

alluring Sakhi strewing jasmine buds all the way

and worshipping your name in all her orisons.


The parting was joyous and clamorous

Krishna's entourage left pleased and happy

she stood at her gates till the distant dust

settled in her heart to a blank silence.


Back in her lonely chamber she brooded,

Swayambara! Why and what for? Is marriage

such an urgent need?   For whom the ceremony,

If Swayambara is for me, I must choose

my life's co-journeyer, a man of honour,

valour, witty decoder of life's puzzles,

not simply a heroic archer, not a revenger

to satisfy my father's obsessive pride!

If I am to choose why should there be a test?

That too an Archery test of military skill,

Why not I test the Princes and assess

their nobility, grace, honour and love,

It's Love I need in life to overcome.

All worldly vicissitudes and complexities:

Am I not helpless being the king's daughter,

I am Princess for all, beautiful and wise

but am I a woman to chose my life

to live displaying my dream vision?

Her undulating heart chocked in uncertainty

she closed her eyes and moved inwards.


Sunday, 11 April 2021

My Erratic Clock

The clock in me is erratic

often the alarm goes

at ungodly hours

shaking me to find

the moonless night

whispering horror horror

It stalks my moods

but I am helpless.


My schedules go awry

when I sit determined

to read the new book

whistle comes from the street

to hand over the garbage bin.

When I sing in joy

how tuneless it may be

my foot dashes against

my study table and

I shout for  volini gel.


At times telephonic command comes

asks me to attend the meeting

I say yes and smile within

I am tilling the wasteland

of my life watering with tears

which defy self control.


How to set my clock

it ticks, stops goes tik - tik

I can't throw it away

nor can  I thank it

for making my dull routine

clamorous, vociferous

with uninvited logos.


 Sabita Sahu



Prafulla Kumar Mohanty's 


Thank you Draupadi said Vasudev

while guards and others led by Alpana

receded beyond sight leaving Draupadi

and Krishna for a divine moment

of eye contact in uncoded silence

only the elements knew

what they breathed into each other.


O Fair Fireborn  I felt your fiery

message in your gift,

I hope your heart was in its own place

when you thought of the gift.

The lotus blooming petal feathers

to couch a lifetime of love!


Krishna looked deep in the eyes of Draupadi,

what role do you propose to play in history?

A bland onlooker of my play

or a  protagonist of your own world

firewalking to ambrosiac essence

leading and being led to grasp

may be time's sprouts of fresh

challenges to show you are one

in body mind and soul?

My dear Draupadi, you are on this earth

far from your lost memories of Fire and Ice,

what do you think of our men and soil

O daughter of fire, speak up, your smile

intrigues me and rolls me beyond the elements!

Draupadi ventured,   do I  have  any role or

do I float in the current in helpless rage?


Yes, you have a role, you child of destiny

you will cause a river of blood and swim

to rediscover Dharma

on the shore of a new Aryabarta,

I have settled the issue of your marriage

with your father king Drupad, he wants

a true revenge hero as your life mate

and the best archer of the world shall be

your father's son-in-law through  a test

in a grand Swayanbar!

              If a fool wins the test

what lifemate will he make, smirked Draupadi.


Wait and see dear hold your horses

your life will be stormy yet fulfilling

you are here on earth to change humanity.

I shall be your Sakha

and you my Sakhi till the ice

burns in fury to conceive

new seeds of creation.

Sunday, 4 April 2021

Rain - Eyes



When I watch the rain

standing on the balcony

I feel a feast for the parched  earth

slushing and churning the feelings

of soil and turn into pulp.


Rain comes with bands

its fireworks strike terror,

But when my tears roll down

no  thunder strikes

and none matches my tears

my silence hides the sobs

my sorrow is not for display.


I don't know why I cry

when the clouds seize the sky

and rain falls with trumpets in fury

I now realize that the sky is weeping

to let me wash my face and feel fresh

to show my lightning face  and

the spark of my eyes to the world

and put a full stop to the source of tears.

Sabita Sahu

Forever New