Prafulla Kumar Mohanty
Gone are the days when children were considered the gifts of
God. In India a one (or two) norm is followed by most educated couples suo motto. The poor and the people, who
think more is merrier, go in for four or more. India is gradually becoming an
affluent and workaholic society and people pursue their careers with keen
concentration: producing children is no more a passionate pastime. But the
problem which has now grown into nightmarish proportions is rearing the
children, their upbringing, schooling and releasing them into the larger world
to flap their own wings to seek their own goals.
The spouses work in their respective fields and each one
lives in a different competitive world. They hardly find time to give quality
time to the child(ren). The rich employ aayas and caretakers to look after the
children. The children listen to strange hired voices between the good morning
good night of the parents. In most cases a combative antipathy grows in the
children who are lovelorn. The middle class children too are often deprived of
parental love as both parents work. They do not grow under the loving care of
their parents. As they go to school they see boys and girls alighting from
expensive chauffeur driven cars with rich food in tiffin boxes, expensive
mobile phones, pens and wads of pocket money. The boys and girls within the
uniforms are temperamentally of a stubborn bohemianism. In certain cities they
smoke marijuana or take drugs from the peddlers who sell addiction with
impunity under protection of cynical bribable police. The Indian middle class
is growing in size and the income packets too are growing phenomenally. To give
all the luxuries available in today’s gadget crazy world the parents never
hesitate. Those who cannot afford readily, often compelled by their stubborn
lone child’s zealous craving take bank loans which are readily available to
boost business in a consumer society. Rich parents give overfond gifts like BMWs
or Mercedes in overbearing parties in seven star hotels. The eleven /twelve
year old boys drive such cars in overcrowded cities at top speed under the
influence of alcohol. The parents spend millions to save their errant kids from
prison bars on high priced lawyers and move heaven and earth in political
circles to protect their own overpowering love for their kids. If you ask them
why did you allow your boys to go to clubs and bars till late night? They will
keep mum with their head downcast: For they have no answer. These people have
no time to wait for their children at home after the school hours. They
themselves return home, if at all, inebriated in the wee hours of the morning
spending time in the arms of social climbers or in the company of foreign
business guests entertaining them for their own business interests. Their wives
all dolled up visit their friends or spend a kitty night pegged up and
pampered. They too never have time for their children. These people think
parenting means giving all the luxuries to their lone kids and sending them to
reputed schools in India or abroad. These people escape responsibility in
spoiling their children. This is not necessarily an expression of love. This is
a social cover up for their overindulgent ways of life.
The boys and girls often feel a sort of loneliness which
later in their lives makes them aggressive in whatever they do. But the problem
is not simple and the solution is not easy. The ordinary middle class parents
especially the first or second generation professionals do come up in life the
hard way. They know how difficult it is to enter the rat race and the
competition. They pay special attention to their children. Make them work hard
and teach them how to use the available and affordable comforts diligently.
Even with parental care at times the children demand things which the parents
cannot afford under demonstration effect. This can be avoided by parental
advice backed up by their own demeanors .
The home- work place management is not an insurmountable
problem. Working parents can manage both home and workplace by adhering to
principles acceptable both at home and society. In an aspirational society like
ours children are ambitious and that should be admired and encouraged.
Lavishing tokens of love is welcome but parents must choose between ostentation
and austerity. Moreover strict discipline and moral preaching must be avoided.
Let the children grow with freedom under the benign care of loving parents. The
parents must live a life which the children will emulate without pressure.
Parents must be admired by the children: This the parents alone can ensure by
living such lives.