Sunday 31 December 2017

Free Sex

Prafulla Kumar Mohanty

Desire for sex is as old as mankind. In Freudian terms libido is the most powerful driving force in men and women. The evolution of civilizational paradigms include sex drive in different forms. Creation arguably centres round the phallus and for that reason phallus worship in different religions in east and west is observed. To curb this drive in the humans, religions and governments have laws or moral precepts: it is a sin to transgress the limits imposed by religion and a crime in the eyes of law. But defying all moral and legal forces men give free play to their libidinous energy. Clandestine sex, enforced sex(rape) consensual sex beyond the limitations imposed by society, extramarital, premarital sex, homosexuality and all  imaginable kinky sex is seen all over the world. In the so called high society wife swapping, group sex, competitive sex goes on winking at the norms of high society values. Pornographic literature and the Internet sky way porn do roaring business. In most countries homosexual marriages are legal. In India the transgender marriages may soon be decriminalized. No progressive writer bothers about Cenci  although father – daughter sex often shames us on the media. So what’s the problem? Bury all scriptures proscribing sex beyond the framework of marriage and abolish the oldest and now effete institution of marriage, and have a free sex society, if the word society in the meanwhile has not broken apart by the logic of the new normal.

The humanist ethic today is persuaded by the logic-if it feels good, do it-; all socio moral norms are anachronisms now. If the heart desires and the mind wills, conscience is trapped by passion to ineffectual protestations often unheard and always ignored. This is not necessarily a recent phenomenon; this has existed concurrently with creation. It is not man who because of his physical superiority subdues woman to sex; Women too have self- chosen sexual pleasures by their urges. Kunti in Mahabharat invited the sun, wind gods for the curiosity of sexual pleasure. Helen being a wife and mother voluntarily became bed mate to Paris in the name of love. Sexual urge defies god and man. In the twenty first century sex is just an itch; it can be scratched without the conscience ringing alarm bells. Films show stalking and even foreplay in the name of freedom of expression. Sex too is a freedom which men and women enjoy with or without sociomoral approval.    

The scientists say that the sex act simply creates a very pleasurable sensation because of chemical changes in the body. Tantrics argue that through sex a divine consciousness is awakened. If this be so why ‘fake’ moralists cry foul ?  Sex is a very private and sweet relationship between two persons. By opening it up to ridiculous levels of freedom we destroy its sanctity. Civilization lends a measure of sophistication to sexual union. It is not a canine act. Humans over the centuries have made this relationship between man and woman a royal artistic relationship. Poets have given it the most luxuriant metaphors. Upendra Bhanja, the Kabisamrat of Odisha has made sex a universal union of elemental divinities. It is the most intense experience where the body and mind reach a still point of spirituality after a participatory journey to the peak of human togetherness

Let not sex, spurred by passion destroy the consummation of human relationships in the name of libidinous freedom. The moral values fortified by modern laws are a good measure of maturity in civilization. Time, place and manner make sexual contact between man and woman a dignified and soul-thrilling institutions. Let us not move in the streets like “A beast with two backs” to borrow an image from W.B.Yeats, making the animals look at us with disdain.

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