Sunday, 10 January 2021

Beyond The Routine

When the sun goes south

I do not cower

when the spring breeze romances

with youthful senstivities

I don't caper

for I know them all .


These changes in nature,

the ordinary cake cutting

bemoaning on routine events

shopping malls, cinema halls

closing or opening

don't betray my fancy

for I know them all.


I want real change

which will make my

reality unreal alluring

inviting my spirit to participate

in a new creation unique,

the envy of God.


A new climate of love

should vaccinate the hate

and all familiar allergies

to make this universe

a new Elysium

radically different

emotionally friendly

and intellectually inspiring.


Where Love is God

all temples raise their

sacrificial fire purity

in the human heart.


I want this change

to contain everything

of eye and ear in Me.

Sabita  Sahu



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