Sunday, 6 August 2017

Epitome Of Love

Had it been so easy to express
The ecstatic feelings of love
Time and space would have done it
But truth chooses the silence of serenity
To whisper magic to the virgin soul.

When the moon blooms, stars glitter
Night becomes the messenger
Of soothing breath from one heart to another
And sings ballads of true hearts.

They say love is blind
But I say it is blazing bright
That lights up the mind and soul
A boon bestowed by the Almighty
On man’s universe as a whole.

If things come to a dead end
Love will burn with pristine flame
The sun will wake up the lotus
The moon his fragrant lily.

My prayer for you my love
Will grow and expand ever
Not of charity but of purity
As you are the epitome of love.

sabita sahu

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