Sunday, 15 May 2022

My Love Is Dumb

If you feel love is a statement

a declaration of intent, a wordy

musical round in showy glamour

I don’t know what to say

I love you is a cliché a hackneyed

slogan reassuring the weak.


I have nothing to declare

except my silent prayer before God

make my love outlive your Time.


Dinner parties picnics orgies

like Krishna’s Rasa I hate,

I am Radha in my small kunj

always hungry of your presence

come if you love me, I have

all the stars in party drunk mood.


Foreign trips, cruises in luxury yacht

are all here in my small hut

the sea invites, the sky offers space,

the planets in the solar system

are ready to be gopis in our Rasa.


Love happens like the tides

swelling when the moon is full

love is not a turkey breast to be

chewed and swallowed with champaign

my love is God’s elixir

let’s drink together to immortality.

Sabita Sahu.






Prafulla Kumar Mohanty's 


Draupadi's days were a load on her eyelids

each night of futile hope ended in despair

the forced smiles simulated loyalty

to earn shelter and safety.

Her comfort lay in her daily contact

with her husbands but her lips were sealed,

eyes forbidden to light up in recognition.

King Virat was kind,

Sudeshna, Uttara  were loving,

the other maids were civil

yet Draupadi's feet were never firm.

Her mind was whirling by inner storms

of uncertain fear and betrayal: Only

a stolen word with Arjuna and a pat by Bhima

reassured her playacting self to move on.

Often she sat with Sudeshna to watch Uttara's

dance practice sessions having stealthy eyefuls

of Brihannala whose pakhauj beats went

faster making Uttara miss steps

much to the pleasant taunts of unmanly Arjuna

and he demonstrated the steps waving his

long plaits causing a glint of mischievous

joy in Draupadi's eyes unnoticed by others.

Except such moments of sorrowing pleasure,

she was mindful of avoiding attention.


One day during the Navratri at Sunrise

Draupadi was in the palace garden plucking

flowers sunkissed and pearl washed for puja.

Her dainty feet wet on the slippery grass

the light on her morning face crimsoned

the oleanders, her long tapering fingers

soft plucking malati, champak,  jui

made the garden hum like ecstatic bees.

At that moment Kichaka appeared

on the balcony of his mansion,

his eyes got stuck on Draupadi's radiance,

impassioned, he almost ran to the garden

much to the shock of Draupadi  who ran  away

when chased by the hungry eyes of Kichaka

but slipped and fell.

Before Kichaka reached her she sprang up

and smartly ran  into the Queen's chambers,

breathing heavy in profane fear.

Sudeshna heard in mute helplessness

and imagined the rest as she knew her brother

and anticipated a moral crisis.

However she comforted Sairindri and went her way.


Kichaka entered his sister's place

where is she he demanded; Sudeshna

pretending innocence asked, who? For whom

my great brother has come to me so early

the sun is yet to touch your shining gear,

who has disturbed your day before it began?

Don't try to divert my mind sister, she

that nymph who has just waved into

your chambers, when my eyes fell on her

I lost my day, she ran away from

my bewitched eyes and pounding heart

a golden deer chased by Madan's shafts -

O brother your wine fumed eyes

are not awake yet,

you are still in your moony lassitude - Stop Sis,

I saw her enter your chambers,

I am mad sister, I must have her,

I was never love stung by a  woman,

save me sis, save me from death:

send her to my place at nightfall, if not

you know what I can do to Matsya  -   Brother!

Don't be rash, she is not ordinary, she is

regal, her modesty should not be mistaken

as weakness, she is a graceful person -

Leave her, I will send you others

more voluptuous and artful

for your sensual Night -  

No sister send her to me she alone

can regale my life tonight - Don't forget

my disappointment is a mad fire, if I -

Sudeshna held Kichaka's hand, look

my brother, never berate a woman's virtues

it will burn you on the pyre of pride:

Kichaka pushed her - don't madden me,

what virtue, no virtue can save her,

Is she not a woman ! A Woman's virtue

gets redeemed in giving pleasure,

nothing more nothing less- I'll wait for her -

kichaka rushed out leaving Sudeshna dazed.

Sunday, 8 May 2022

His Wish

I jumped from the table,

See I am fine: His wish

said mother but don't do it.


I jumped from my school balcony

only a few scratches : His wish

said mother but never again.


Today I topped in the class

Good: His wish said mother

a broad smile lighting her face.


Today father died, who will

support my studies: His wish

said mother, her eyes belching tears.


Mother is now gone, was it also

His wish to make me fight alone?


I am now a pilot - not of a ship

I fly a fighter plane deep into

enemy territory, blasting bridges

making orphans at will,

my love was ruined by his

disapproval of my career,

I am homeless: I live

in a barrack, greying

I sleep fitfully, search for

certainties  I don't know of what kind.


Is it all His Wish?

To send me to orphanages

from town to town facing faces

all strange grim and stern

training to fly in the dark

to rain fire on homes

to return nowhere?


My body is steel

mind is blank

I move by my strong willpower

determined  not to defy the life

given to me in time and space.


Is it all His Wish??

Sabita Sahu.




Prafulla Kumar Mohanty's 


Virat's Palace


King Virat was weak willed and sickly

his authority in administration was usurped

by Kichaka, Sudeshna's brother, strong and wild.

Virat wore the crown Kichaka wielded the sceptre

his word was law, his decree was final, the Palace

ran to his whims, his lust, his orgies were

tolerated rather provided for by the King and Queen.

Without Kichaka  Virat was a cipher, his kingdom

was Kichaka's gift, hence the king was quiet,

took to the dice board as kingdom substitute.

And now happy to have Kanka as advisor

in his dice wars with the world to overcome

his inner conflicts over debased selfhood.


Draupadi in the simulated comfort of the palace

missed her five sons, they must have grown

handsome boys in the care of Sakha Krishna

must be learning all arts and skills fit for Princes

but poor me, I couldn't see their growth,

couldn't teach them mother's alphabet

and the thousand nuances of princely

temper admonished by my stern care to

blossom in integrated civility. 

They couldn't feel  their father's affection

never knew what parental home was

which people need in the human world.

And my Abhimanyu, Arjuna and Subhadra's son

how lucky he is to get mother's love

he too missed his father's heroic affection.

Draupadi's motherly heart sank in sorrow

tears flew in silent sobs, her legs failed,

she sat down and wept long -

Sairindri! called Madhulekha, Princess

Uttara and  Queen Sudeshna have sent

for you, go to the queen's chamber fast.

Draupadi wiped her face, rose smile painted:

life doesn't stop in tear floods.


When you are so comely, your mistress

the Empress of Aryabarta must be angelic

in beauty, majestic in bearing, confident

in authority and lavish in royal charity.

Tell me Sairindri, said eager Sudeshna

how was she as your mistress what did she

serve her five husbands and how could she

keep five heroes together without discord -

Madam, I was a mere maid, I have no mind

to penetrate the inner chambers of the Queen.

All I know is what I saw

she was a blue lotus in the morning

a lily at nightfall,  purple and pulsating at night.

Yet she was free in spirit like the air

carrying the flowers and trees and musk

to awaken sunken souls to lively bloom,

she spoke music she walked like a Royal Swan,

she gave unasked without discrimination -

Ah! You speak poetry Sairindri, you -

No Madam, I speak her language after

so many years of closeness you turn

phrases like my mistress who befriended

and poured herself out to me in all

seasons of her mind's drought and flood.


Draupadi's routine was to pluck flowers

at sunrise, string garlands for deities

attend puja rituals with the Queen

and other errands of the royals whenever

commanded, she moved like lightning

brightening all faces, her make up for

Sudeshna and Uttara were eyefilling

yet tasteful new, not new fangled.

Draupadi kept everyone happy, cheerful

at her efficient promptitude, the busy bee

humming tunes to make the inner chambers

resonate with novelty and charm

as though life's balance is calm redolent.


One day the Queen asked, Sairindri  you have

long hair reaching beyond your thighs

why don't you never oil them, why not

tie them with flowers - Madam

I'll do that when the Pandavas get back

their legitimate dues and I become myself

that is when I rejoin Queen Draupadi

as her other self in shadeless glamour.

Madam when the mind is humourless

the body is a lingering shadow, the glow

glamour of the world evade laden eyes.

Draupadi ran away to her chamber

Sudeshna looked pitifully in silence.


Sunday, 1 May 2022

Release Me

I have served my time

I must be released

to my freedom

to know who I am.


The memory of my slavery

my yes sir, no sir, ok sir

I must overlap by

asking others

don’t count your salary

the rental from your houses

or describe  your humiliations

to enslave m y sympathy.


I was measured by your yardstick

now I have outgrown that

let me measure my life

with my own yardstick

let me coin words to

manifest them in action

charity, love, public penetration

of irrelevant issues

and make life relevant

meaningful free and fruitfull.

Sabita Sahu



Prafulla Kumar Mohanty's 

DRAUPADI - 70         


Is man a mere doll in the village fair,

just mouthing words, swaying

hands and legs to preset beats?

No, how could that be when motivated by

self preservation and future dreams

we choose what to play and how to save

life by untangling the self from the net

of our own making in deviant routes,

to jump ahead to the victory stand?


Draupadi shook her head in disgust

why do I wander in imponderables

when life is mine my role whoever

devised, is mine and I have to play it

as if I am only an actor - No that's untrue,

my dialogue stems from my needs

desires, modulated by my native wit,

all the consequences of my words and deeds

are mine and none will partake of it.

I now know life is role playing

whether you write or made to write the lines.

All emotions are yours, the claps are yours

the flowers and thorns are yours:

I came as Princess, became wife to

five Pandavas, then Queen and Empress

from Empress to a forest dweller.

I have played so many roles

I have suffered my dark moments

of dishonour and abject humiliation.

Now I have to play a real life maid.


Sairindri I would be to Sudeshna.

From Draupadi to Draupadi's maid,

hairdresser to Virat Queen - Well!

Let me play Draupadi's hairdresser

to the hilt and collect my accolades

from fate's minions in ample measures

to throw them as ill fitting masks of time.


The Pandavas entered the Virat Palace

Yudhistira as Kanka, the king's dicemate

an ironical tribute to Yudhistira's

passion to gamble away his own worth.

But now it has come handy to escape

the secret eyes of the enemy.

Bhima joined the Virat kitchen as Cook

his culinary art and his great appetite

were matched in fortunate proportions.


Arjuna's transformation into a woman

hurt Draupadi's pride, but there was no choice.

Urvashi's curse had come to his relief,

his impotent year matched his form,

he was Brihannala, the dance music teacher

to the Virat Princess Uttara, simple and

beautiful, eager to learn classical arts.

Arjuna was intuitively well versed in dance

he had learnt all arts at Indra's place.

He knew instruments and was master of

the Pakhauj and Veena which he had learnt

to discipline his mind for the practice

of archery without tremors in his body.


The Aswins looked after the vast resources

of cows, horses for which Virat was known.

Their jobs would never invite attention,

their disguise was too insignificant

to alert roving eyes in the Virat land.


Draupadi stood facing the mirror

the room was small yet cosy

it wiped off twelve years of memory

of floor, of sleeplessness for fear,

of hunger, of privations, nightmares.

Only the sweet company of empathic

birds, protective rumbles of the wild

the soft shade of cooling trees.

The Ganga, Saraswati waters sustaining

Life's parched hopes for tomorrow -

Only these memories revived her drooping

spirits to face this new mirror and

clothes which Alpana would have rejected.

Yet how royal these Sudeshna wears

feel on my body; No, Sairindri's body

Draupadi's hairdresser now Sudeshna's.

I am Sairindri I make hair clouds

rain love, beauty and fragrance:

O cursed life! When shall I be myself?



Sunday, 24 April 2022

The Mind Is The Brush

He drew  four lines

on ]a piece of paper

with a charcoal which

he had picked up dementedly

while walking  along the road.

But Lo! He drew a Cross.


He then thought he will use

his son’s colour box

brought a fine drawing board

and worked all night

to draw the cross.


Next morning he was in the bed

his son looked at the cross and laughed

what cross is this without

Christ’s body nailed into it.

He took out paint and brush

and drew a bleeding Christ

and went to his school.

Father woke up and with

bleary eye looked at the board

he was surprised,

Who drew this?


The picture was sold

for two lakhs.

Sabita Sahu


Forever New