Sunday, 9 January 2022


Prafulla Kumar Mohanty's 


Evil's First Step

Vidura entered the Kuru court

straight from his dusty chariot

King Dhritarastra, Yuvraj Duryodhana

Karna and the curious seniors

Bhisma, Drona were all eyes and ears

when Vidura said great king - What?

Why do you pause speak up,

Duryodhana expressed his impatience. -

Great king I was welcomed by Pandavas

with sincere cordiality, the Emperor

Yudhistira and his brothers read the missive -

O' cut the crap what was their answer

Duryodhana shouted: Be civil Prince

if you want only the answer well

Emperor  Yudhistira has accepted our

invitation to play dice in our palace:

Shakuni, Duryodhana and karna

said gleefully - Bravo! The best piece

of news in Hastinapur after long years!

Dhritarastra asked Vidura, Will he

come with my other sons! O' I am so

happy, come Vidura take your seat.

Vidura sat his face betraying misery

Bhisma too was thoughtful and glum.

This news doesn't portend well, Son,

the dice has ruined people. Dice is a

thin layer over deceptive pits, you

gain nothing win nothing save your ego:

Duryodhana stood up your duty was to

get the news not to wax eloquent on

hypothetical consequences and fear mongering.

Vidura said, your tongue has never

tasted the sweetness of truth, you excel

in  chest thumping arrogance - Quiet!

Shouted Dhritarastra, Yudhistira has

accepted our invitation, I thank him

I  am eager to meet with the Pandavas

the game will  be played here in our

presence and it must be all in good humour -

Your majesty, Vidura said, fun is fine

but when stakes are high all humours

dry up, fun possesses the mind to drive

funny indiscretions into all moral sanity.

What will history record? The royal court

was a gambling den, two kings - Stop!

Vidura it's a royal practice,  a ritual

the barbarism you insinuate is false;

I do not insinuate your Majesty, I urge

if it is your will I have nothing to say.

Vidura sat down in total despair, the king

Dhritarastra pronounced the final word

the game will be played to cement our

relationship with the Pandavas,

Duryodhana and Yudhistira are my sons,

I want them to prosper together.          

No Escape


I shot the rainbow

my arrow kissed it and returned

I asked why didn't you break it

you sent me with love to greet it

not to destroy it.


I set fire to my books

knowledge made me guilty

of non participation in criticality:

the fire refused to burn

when I asked the cold flame said

I have no strength to burn wisdom.

In disgust, I ate poison

waited for my neck to turn blue

my body to shake vigorously:

nothing happened; when I asked

are you poison or

your character is lost

in the moral confusion

revolting me to end everything -


It said you cannot escape

drink life's poison and breathe

sonorously your agony

life will turn sweet.

Sabita Sahu

Sunday, 2 January 2022

The Road Ends?

I don't know how long

I have been walking

in aimless freedom

reaching nowhere.

I always thought

I had a point to reach

and that is the midpoint

between hope and frustration

to choose my own course

without wandering and wavering

to achieve something to redeem

my birth's pledge, unwritten though.


But I didn't know how to achieve it

I tried an NGO

but was disappointed

I tried through my family

I was denied freedom

I am trying through my writing

I don't know

whether I could reach my goal.


The weight of time on my bones

on my frayed nerves is

now aching heavy

no one caresses my pain and hurt

and I wait for no one to call me

for a midwinter dream

away from paths and goals;

I did not respond to when the call came

I have none to blame.


Ladles I held, syringes I held

nursed patient in hospitals

visited destitute homes

trying to bring them to normal life

wrote volumes communicated

my feelings in magical words,

no no not magical but authentic:

But when the world is asleep

what could I do save

walking aimless in deserted streets?


Now I am everywhere

sitting in my study room

is there any road left for me.

Sabita Sahu


Prafulla Kumar Mohanty's 


The moment Vidura left

apparently worried which

Draupadi saw in his forced smile:

Draupadi asked, how could you agree

for a dice game in Hastinapur?

I admit it is a ritual in Rajasuya

but in your own palace as a formality

to establish noble vibes and moral power.

The Vedic belief has perpetuated this

in the Rajasuya but have you forgotten

what Krishna said when the proposal

came from the Kuru princes and

how he evaded it and dissuaded you

quoting what the crest jewel of sages

the wise Vyasa had predicted about you:

that you, Yes my husband, you Yudhistira

shall be the cause of the extinction

of the Khsatryas after thirteen years.


Bhima interjected, is there any

guarantee you will win, if you lose

you can imagine the consequences.

Arjuna said the fickle dice has never

faced up prosperity or peace

it leads to war and ruin: Enough

Yudhistira almost shouted, leave me

I cannot dishonour father Dhritarastra.

He has invited us with filial love

moreover I am a king I cannot

reject the invitation of a king

who is our father, a figure we grew up with

now go and prepare for the visit.


The brothers went severally, Yudhistira

fastwalked his conflict to his room

Draupadi stood hesitant for a while

then walked heavy footed to her chamber.


Draupadi was restless in the bed.

How could he agree, Vidura

himself was not pleased when

Yudhistira said yes he accepted

the invitation for the dice game.

Vidura's eyes paled in disappointment,

his smile was not organic,

his words, towards the end lacked vigour

he was pained inside, Draupadi

certainly saw the hurt in his eyes.

Draupadi changed sides, but

she must do something -  what

what can she do to convince

Yudhistira of the hell hole ahead?

Dice means Kali, the zero

the lowest in the scheme of things

Krita, Treta Dwapar and Kali

the dice board has traps

squared for  Kali's mischief.

Yudhistira is so wise and so foolish

to walk into the trap -

What invitation is this? For gambling?

That too in the court the royal

audience clapping the victor and

laughing away the loser? No

she must stop him even if

she incured his wrath. She got up

changed her dress and in  slow

but firm steps moved towards

Yudhistira's chamber wearing a smile.


I know why you are here, said Yudhistira.

I know you know why I am here

I am here to remind you of Jatugriha

Have you forgotten that, have you

forgotten the humiliation in the forests?

The dice invitation too is a trap

you are the Emperor of Aryabarta

your glory shines everywhere,

people adore you, pray for your long life: Why?

Because they have faith in your nobility

your sense of justice your equanimity

your love of truth and tireless service.

What will people think when they see you

gambling in another kingdom leaving

Indraprastha to indifferent officials?


Come nearer Draupadi sit by my side

think again, you know dice is always

played by the royals, it is form and ritual,

how could I not go when my elder father

invites me through his wise Minister,

my grandfather, how could I insult

them by rejecting such an invitation?


I agree the formal logic holds

but should Yudhistira the Dharmaraja

not rise above such ritualistic evil

which has ruined families and kingdoms?

You are so wise how do you not see

the intent behind this dice invitation?

Can you ever trust Duryodhana?

And his mentor director  Shakuni?

What my Sakha Krishna Vasudeva did

by killing Kamsa, Jarasandha and

setting you up as the Emperor would be

smashed by one call of dice.

 You now have the support and loyalty

a hundred  thousand kings respect you

Krishna made the kings free of tyranny

exploitation and fear

vesting all hope on your administration

impartial justice and magnanimity.

But this dice will paint you black

anyone can say the great Yudhistira

cannot make things happen by his judgement

meticulous work and confidence,

he depends on chance, the deceitful dice

to change his fortunes - Stop

cried Yudhistira, don't excite my patience

your words are poisoned, a vituperative

stream of skewed logic to divert

my course: I have given word I cannot

be a break promise moron.

I'll go. You too shall come

sealing your lips with prudence. 


Draupadi calmly walked out,  her eyes

darkening with gathering clouds.







Sunday, 26 December 2021

Another Dawn

When the dawn raises

the curtain of night

the scarlet sun shines

for another day's world

to reveal new dimensions of life.


The world moves with its motion

some questions remain unsolved

some are buried and some move on.

Yet memories of yesterday's

crane their necks and meet

their fate like the previous night.


I wish I had a chance to

relate my dreams, desires and ideas

of my soul and mind where each

dawn would usher a new life

erasing the dumbness.

But here I see the hearts are burning

minds are in fumes

protectors turn destroyers

days and nights are unconnected

where freedom is surrendered

love becomes a business deal

how can my free soul accept this?

I reject to own such a new day

a new world a new life.

Sabita Sahu



 Prafulla Kumar Mohanty's 


The dull afternoon sun was hazy

lifeless cloudlets in slow motion

made the skyface an ugly brown

Draupadi after supervising  a food camp

in the forest of Ranikhet

rode the chariot to return to the palace.

The guards in full bellied drowsiness

followed eager to reach home by sunset.

Suddenly a wind   arose hissing and swishing

like a gale as though the forest spirits

laughed challenging the empress to take

her chariot above the gushing winds:

stop said Draupadi her long hair

flowing like a wet jet black stream,

her voice almost blown away by the wind

stop, this fury of the wind is mocking us

testing our patience, poor thing doesn't know

it will dissipate in sheer exhaustion

of its own fury running its course.

Enjoy the wind's wrath blessing it

a longer life of purpose benign and

short lived to give more to inflame

our passion to create small joys

out of our infinite miseries.

The wind subsided Draupadi tied her hair

the chariots moved the sun was low

but golden in his farewell stance.


The Moya palace rose into the evening sky

as a resplendent tower of  beauty

The lamp design of a flying eagle

with wings of light flapping grace

was seen around kingdoms and villages

as a venerable shrine of majesty

order, justice, discipline and peace

where the high priest was Yudhistira

performing rites of human glory.


Draupadi lit the lamps

in her prayer room and sat

in silent contemplation to control

her thoughts to ratify her feelings

for men women in palaces and homes.

Krishna her Sakha appeared before

her shut eyes, she raised automatic

hands in bowed surrender to him

Man, God, Friend for shaping her destiny:

she arose in languid grace

when she heard joyous greetings

in voices of true delight.


She came out in a hurry

when Nakul the handsome

met halfway and said Vidura,

our venerable well wisher has come.

You must go and greet him -

Mahatma Vidura has come! O' this

twilight visit portents what

I do not know but the star symmetry

is definitely broken - Well let's see!

She almost ran to Vidura's presence

and bowed to him reverentially

much to the delight of the wise Minister.

Bless you my child may you bring

peace and joy to this intemperate land.


Yudhistira asked him about the  king

his father Dhritarastra, Kunti

enquired about Gandhari and Hastinapur

Vidura sighed, I wish I could tell you

heaven's blessings smile on Hastinapur.

The king, the Prince Duryodhana, Gandhari,

all take good care of the people and kingdom

but things are not what they should be:

Now Sir you please refresh yourself.

I will show you your room sir

the other guests, soldiers have

already been taken care of by Nakula

please come, speak to us at dinner.


Draupadi served him carefully

prepared items to the Mahamantri

Uncle Vidura, with love and respect.

Her husbands and mother Kunti too

showed their humble respect to please

the sage Vidura whose wisdom and

administrative acumen were famous

his judgment though was always correct

and he never minced words, called

a spade a spade to honour Truth.


The Karauvas naturally never liked

his moral uprightness and straight talk,

Vidura was pleased and full, he

almost requested the host to stop:

"Daughter Draupadi", don't overcharge

my age and ability, let there be

some space for water - everyone

laughed and they arose to wash

their hands and retired for the night.


Next morning when the Emperor's

court was in session Vidura entered

and was received by Yudhistira gracefully

Vidura sought the Emperor's permission

stood up to narrate the purpose of his visit:

Emperor Yudhistira, Empress Draupadi

the great Pandavas Bhima, Arjuna,

Nakula and Sahadeva, Ministers courtiers

and Kulgurus, Saints and others present here

I am here with the missive of king Dhritarastra

to invite the Emperor for a game of Dice

to further cement our familial friendship,

natural bond and bonhomie to strengthen

our relationship in brotherly bonds, trade

politics and military neutrality for peace.

The king wishes the Emperor, his family

the people of Indraprastha  prosperity

happiness and perpetuity of bloodline.

If Yudhistira accepts our invitation

and comes for a week with family and friends

Dhritarastra, Duryodhana and mother Gandhari

will be gratified playing host to Arayabarta's

greatest emperor and his heroic brothers:

Yudhistira stood up bowed to sage Vidura

and said, I most humbly thank you

and the king our father for this invitation.

What greater pleasure can there be then

visiting our home again for a pleasure trip

also to play dice which is symbolic of

amity strategic friendship and formal joy.

Tell the king our father I accept - May I

Bhima stood up, asked who will play against

Emperor Yudhistira since Dhritarastra has

no sight or vision and where will it be played

for form demands a public game -

Yuvraj Duryodhana will play, said Vidura.

The game shall be played in the Royal Hall

in the presence of Grandfather Bhisma

and all the dignitaries of Hastinapur,

nearby kingdoms, presided over by Dhritarastra.


Draupadi fidgeted in her throne

she knew Yudhistira will never say no

to a game of dice but is it prudent -

Arjuna asked, respected sir, Dice

is always played between equals

How can a Prince play with an Emperor?

Duryodhana will play for the king:

Yudhistira assured Uncle Vidura, he and

his family will be at Hastinapur

before the moon wanes next week.





Sunday, 19 December 2021

Unplanned Journey

We have no choice to make

we come at someone's will

go at someone's will 

no matter what we do 

or choose not to.


Those who submit themselves

surrender to the commands

seemingly heard at nightfall

sing dance and play cymbals

in a high on - Marijuana or

something which is pure white

like god's conscience, they betray

their own will and conscience

console themselves - well this is faith.


But those like me who ride waves

fly kites at windy skies and

whisper love to video beams

sipping fruit juice never know

what the other peace or joy is

nor do they know the road they take

leads to New York or Beijing:

why should they be conscious of actions

which the mind wills at moments

matching them out of turbulent times?


I live, I just am, I think

I do and turn away: Is it not enough

in this journey from the womb to the grave?

Sabita Sahu.


Forever New