Sunday, 19 September 2021

Stop Your Homilies Please

One has to lift up life

with soft dignity,

but how when at every

step I fall stumbling on

your unwritten laws

when every minute I have

to obey your commands,

your imposing restraints curbs

How can I lift myself up?


The oceans are rising high

the clouds have gone mad

fed by our poison they move

and burst at will

can I heat myself up to the lava

stream to singe your shenanigans?

If I am good you enslave me

If I am bad you imprison me

How can I lift myself up?


In the temples I bow

at home too,

in the streets I lower my head

cover my face

my spirit seems to be doomed:

If I lift myself on the stage

on the public platforms

dismissing the classical tag

"Woman is the angel of the house

she is now free to create

an angelic world of her own:

you all cry hoarse - See

she sings, dances, speaks

flies fights treats feeds!

Who will  cook and  feed

the old at home?

How can I lift myself up?


Yes, my spirit will lift up

even if I am at home

a small space is enough

if I wish to make

my spirit fly in freedom.

Give me freedom I'll make

the dingy space an arbour

I'll listen and speak,

you all allow me this freedom

don't dole out homilies

to lift me up

and if you don't

I'll defy all womanly norms

and lift myself up

not like a dry leaf in the wind

but as an awakened spirit

on the wings of my own freedom.




 Prafulla Kumar Mohanty's 


Draupadi ate her raging passion

lying on the gold bed, the afternoon

wore off she could not muster courage

to ask his Sakha how could he do it,

betray his Sakhi's trust for politics?

How could my Sakha allow his sister

Subhadra to elope and marry her Arjun

breaking her heart to bloodless stubs!

No point asking him, he will be ready

with explanations

justifications to prove

the justness of his action.

He may even plead innocence.


He will not lie to me - But

can things change if he speaks

the Truth and nothing but the Truth

Draupadi had  a wry smile.

Time cannot move back

to undo what has been done,

time moves ahead, we merely

look back in helpless regret.


Arjun is already married

Subhadra is his wedded wife

whether Krishna plotted this

to defeat Balram's intent

and deny Duryodhan his sister

it matters little now:

My Arjun is now shared 

as I am but not with my agony.


The scene flashed before her

when the news raised a flutter

the palace was numbed by

dual emotions of joy and sadness.

Krishna's sister is Arjun's bride!

How will Draupadi take it -

yet for Yudhistir it was a strategic

alliance, a Pandav triumph

to show Duryodhan his place.


Few tears were shed for Panchali

this is the royal practice, kings

heroes and tyrants can have wives

to swell their pride, the angel of the house

must accept her fate of lonely tears

in closed rooms or count her blessings

joining celebrations in simulated glee.


Brave Draupadi was normal

her mask never slipped nor tongue

betrayed jealousy nor tear welled eyes

invited sympathetic queries:

 She called the officers of the court

instructed them to prepare a

grand reception for the newly weds

asked her closest Alpana to decorate

the best room for the couple as a

bridal boat soft sailing on Yamuna

the best dancers must play Rati-Madan

in an exotic forest by riverside

and a flute should play all night

Rag Basant in soft mellifluousness

wines of the best variety must flow

drowning the moon to flounder.


Draupadi asked Alpana

to make her up to shame

Menaka in lust and lustre,

as the chariot of Arjun- Subhadra

and the proud entourage neared.

Draupadi steadied herself

with glasses of soma

hereby prepared the Arati

with hundred maids she joined

the welcome party at the gate.

Sunday, 12 September 2021



 Prafulla Kumar Mohanty's 


The cause was Krishna

his mind was the source

the designer executor

the Rajasuya was his plot

to destroy monarchs cruel like

Jarasandh and others

who put the  chair above heads.

Krishna had asked Narada

to lie about Pandu, the king's

Father- what father? All

Kunti's children were born

outside Pandu's affective area -

Draupadi knew everything

when her sakha arrived

to send off the horse

of the yajna and to wish

Arjun all success in his

noble expedition.


So you are the Mastermind

the beginning and end of things

O' Sakha how delighted I am

to see you, my mind was

jammed by transitory clouds.

Krishna smiled, I came for you

my Sakhi to open the doors

for your tomorrow, for your

destiny which brought you here:

The Rajasuya will blow the conch

for the beginning of black white

inter mix of your future.

What do you say Sakha

your words play ball in mind

 there is no goalpost anywhere.


As you play along goalposts

appear in new forms, you may

kick the ball with all your might

the target will be missed

for you can only kick the ball.


The scorebook is kept unseen

therefore you kick, play think

persevere, that is your goal

what happens, who wins are illusions

the real thing is to play a lively game.


If I can't score why should I

play at all; is life a brawl

in the dark where the heroes

fall on their own knives?


No Sakhi, you are so wise

you should know your tomorrow

is always unborn, it is always

today, the silken threads get soiled

when you dream of a tapestry.

By your own deeds today.

Your vision clashes with another's

you cannot have unrivalled vision

but try to be yourself in the

Me'lee of imposed dreams:

I do nothing I too have  dreams

which my next today swallows

unseen jaws bite my efforts

to my bitter  failure and frustration.

Live in your today with yesterday's

dream of tomorrow to come as today.


You are forever an enigma

please tell me Sakha why this

Rajasuya is so important:


First the internecine fights

between the kings for land, water

wealth and other petty things

must end by a central power.

The Rrajchakraborty will control

the irrational temper of satraps

while guaranting their freedom

to rule without interference.

And the second reason for me

Is the death of Jarasandh the tyrant

he has imprisoned  ninety six

thousand kings to sacrifice them

to  enjoy immortal authority over

our fair domain Aryabarta. 


Krishna left, his unfading smile

lingered in Draupadi's heart

as she sauntered out.

O' Mother

Returning from the crematorium

everyone sat down heads down:

I sat in my lonely room and prayed

my mother's face flashed before me

as if beckoning me for breakfast.

I stood up in a start

Yes Mom, I am coming

I am hungry of your love

kiss me with your beautiful face

hold me in your arms 

till I breathe your aroma 

to freshen me to face life again.


You know how I was

always naughty, 

always demanding

everything exclusive.

I felt I am only One, one human

and you my mother universe.


Now I see shadows around me

energies dissipating into hate:

You gave me love and strength

to face the stabs of life

now I am alone.

Don't be my memory

be my living strength

enter me vibrate my energies

to brighten the world.


Sabita Sahu


Sunday, 5 September 2021



Prafulla Kumar Mohanty's 



Kingdom is not the Royal Palace

the people are the gods to serve

the palace is for the real servitors

king Yudhistir knew the truth

of service to his people, worked

day and night with his brothers

to expand trade and commerce

bowing to nature's earthly gifts;

Draupadi in all these royal efforts

joined with gyana, karma,

the bhakti  of the men and women

in Indraprastha's virgin expanse.

The Khandav forest was burnt,

no animal, serpent,  bird or beast

escaped the fire supervised by Arjun,

only Taksak the snake king managed

to save itself vowing revenge,

a large forest tract destroyed by fire

became arable, men and women

made it the golden bowl of harvest

from what was a snake kingdom for long.


One day came Narada the yogi

the universal traveller who

always loved intrigue often with

soft lies to engage mortals

in immortal affairs, Narada

told Yudhistir in feigned sorrow

while the Court was in session

he saw the king's father Pandu

at a dusty level near Yama's foot:

Yudhistir and the Pandavs sobbed

the courtiers in formal shock

awaited the sage's further account.

Narada in apologetic tone said

I hesitated to tell you this but

I thought  you must expiate for

your father's Brahminicide to

appease gods and sages and earn

enough merit to elevate Pandu

to a deserving seat in heaven.

Yudhistir stood up hands folded

bowing before Narada's feet

said in tearful voice, O' sage

kindly tell me what to do to free,

father of the curse and ignominy

of sitting at a sinner's place.


Narada in a sober voice consoled

Yudhistir, Draupadi and the brothers

the Expiation is -  Perform Rajasuya Yajna

which is your Royal duty and that will

appease the gods and cleanse Pandu

to gain his rightful place in heaven.


Draupadi bowed  as did the Pandavs

and went out alone to her chamber

refusing the maids in a sombre mood.

Half reclining on the bed she thought

is it true what the sages said,

Is there anything beyond nature

the elements comprising our earth

are these the components of heaven

does man go to heaven or hell

as per his deeds in life here

if everything is automatic why

must man make efforts to achieve

why should desires petrify living?


She closed her eyes for a while

the room grew dark despite

Maya's masterly work, snakes

dogs and crocodiles filled the space,

Draupadi opened her eyes with a start

she paced the room  her head

full of snakes and misgivings,

Rajasuya Yajna is a royal duty

for expansion of power and glory

it has Vedic sanctions enriched

by the tradition in monarchies:

But Draupadi was not convinced

if the king is the protector, saviour

moral arbiter of the subjects

he is a servitor not a master.


Her eldest husband is morally good

perfect in humility, he should know

his limits and limitations, why should he

follow this tradition of increasing

power prestige influence to become

the emperor when full prosperity

is far off in his own Indraprasth?


But here he is doing this for atonement

of his father's sins not for personal

ambition to become the Raj Chakrabarti.

Should a king sacrifice peoples well being

prompted by family salvation

whose nature is unclear territory!

What sin what redemption

can the son atone for the father?


Draupadi slowly came out

the maids were dancing singing

victory be to our king - The angels

will shower blessing on our land

we will serve the Emperor of Bharat

they surrounded Draupadi when

their eyes lighted on her - Empress!


But Draupadi's mind was elsewhere

although she too laughed and danced

the would be Empress was cold

O' what fate, how many roles to play!

Well what's wrong to be in the moment

cavorting away time's untimely strings.


E = mc2

One day he asked me

what is E equals mc2

I said abraca dabra

he laughed and insisted

no no I mean it,

you write poetry

you attend functions and

you say you have read things

so what is this E equals mc2

you ought to know.


Oh I know more than

what Einstein meant

E is earth

M is man

C is creation.

This earth holds me and you

and everything that you

see and hear.

The earth is man's playground

the large canvas for creativity.

It's man who creates nature's copies

in sound, sense, touch and taste,

which we all see till we die.

It's changing panorama

on the earth is the life Pool.

We participate like bubbles

and disappear but the

E equals mc2  remains,

till God creates a new formula.


Sabita Sahu

Sunday, 29 August 2021



Prafulla Kumar Mohanty's 


The evening melted

in earthen lamps

Draupadi had made up

her body and mind

with beads of long nursed

Love, breath of  heaven

waves of virgin desires.

She smelled of beauty

her breasts were domes

of lusty sapphires topped

with rubies of fantasy

her deep naval wore

a ring of lotus petals

creating the illusions

of a mystic wheel

whirling to conquer.

Her strong thighs firm

yet supple stood warm

on her dainty feet

the fire in her eyes

was a still flame

lighting up her bridal chamber:

and then came Arjun.


His eyes were red

with tumblers of wine

to still his nerves, his

steps steady, his gait

measured to form:

Good evening Princess

he said coming near

welcome Prince, Draupadi's

was a polite greeting.


Seating Sabyasachi

on her bridal bed Panchali

tried to calm her pulsation

when Arjun presented her

A Gandiv replica of Astadhatu.

'A token for my braveheart'

Draupadi thanked him

turned the gift in her hands:

Is your Gandiv a table piece,

only for show and decor?

Or the ornament of a hero

to be worn without parting

for it protects and defends

you and others you call your own?


Priyatame! You are the one

I loved not as the winner

but as  Arjun  who admired

your eyes more than the fish eye -

What did you say, Priyatame

O'  gods in heaven!

And the choicest splendour

of this world of nature and men!

My heart swells in womanly pride

to hear this word! But when your

Priyatame  was forced

to be shared by five

was your Gandiv unstrung

or you surrendered it

to your family discipline

wordlessly dismembering my soul?


No brave Princess don't kill

a man who died

the very moment that happened:

I had to bite my tongue

when that happened: come

my angel burn me to new life

with your love O' Fireborn

I cannot change that moment

nor can you, I'll accept

the part as whole -

But I am no more a virgin

my love is fly blown -


Arjun placed his palm on

Draupadi's lips, pulled her

to a tight embrace saying

never say such things

your fire purges and restores

your virgin heart which

I am sure is untouched

for me you are -


A duty assigned, said Draupadi

swiftly separating herself

from Arjun's grasp.

The lamps flickered

on her cheeks, the chamber

became hot with her breath

and Arjun's long sighs-


I am not an item scheduled

I wanted my vast universe

with you expanding it beyond heavens -


We will make it so,

your wishes shall be my orders

of my Guru the empress

of my soul and I shall

fill all the voids you create

by your royal shenanigans.


The great Partha then

will be a willing slave

to a shared woman

whose universe has shrunk

under the weight of inanities:


No, my love together we shall

recreate our world

new continents rising above

royal thrones and gemlit zones

expanding our love to cover

god's unconscious follies

which cause tear floods.

We shall give the balm of love

to all human wounds -


How Aryaputra how

will you not see me tomorrow

in your brothers arms

playing another role

to save my wifely trade...


Stop Draupadi, let the done

be done, no point when

we cannot undo, lets now

do what our love can do

in mortal terms and

changeful nature to remain

love awake for each other

to make life around

lovelier than it is now:

come join my heart

enrich it before the lamps

die out in sunken despair.


Draupadi sank to her knees

in prayer stance said she,

I had a dream my Dhananjaya:

to see you as my world

my life's vibration soft and wide

to ride in pomp in a vast limitless

space to set up a harmonious whole

of love, amity moral purity, free

from the arrogance of power and

to bring radiance in all faces

dull mind sickly hungry

to make life a celebration of light

the light of human glory

in benevolent measures but

see what compromises I make

just to hide the woman in me

in artful hypocrisy betraying

a skin deep relational front!

Arjun lifted her up

with a strange inspiration

his voice cracking  he held her

I have given you the man in me

to you Princess, the woman

which is not lost in your roles,

as I am the third Pandav

Dronasisya, Indrason

learner of war strategies

collector of arms of mythic divinity

you too are the queen wife

to five men of diverse temper,

manager of the royal household

feeder of birds animals, men

creator of beauty in dull life

the woman in you is not sundered

by the multiple roles you play

rather the woman reigns supreme

in ever growing forms

embracing all that is perceived

by mortals in nature's variety

I love the woman in you, the woman

who moves shadow like all

sun moon hours but remains aglow

in solitary non attachment:

I love you my soul, come

we will give a nuptial feast

to all those who perceive

the surface glamour in this light

of thousand lamps while

the soul of darkness is bright

in its untouched grace.



Forever New