Prafulla Kumar Mohanty
The incorrigible optimist in me had hoped for a neoliberal temper in the post covid world. The old dictum, sweet are the uses of adversity, was I thought still had moral currency. All scriptures, philosophies, literatures and moral realizations have taught men how pain and suffering refine the human sensibility. Suffering is purgatorial fire which burns away the dross, the inhuman, hateful elements. Dante, Goethe, Shakespeare and all great men of letters have warned man against the self- indulgent sins: the wages of sin is the fire that burns the vile – evil elements. A man who passes through tragic experiences grows in moral stature. He becomes more charitable, loving and pardons the petty criminals to elevate them to the moral mainstream of life, “Pardon is the word to all“ is the final message: he who has passed through the baptism of fire never again nurses revenge or hate. He develops an insight into life which is simple: live and let live. Settle for half. Love all life as your own. But history has repeatedly demonstrated that man carries burn wounds to remind him of revenge, hate, greed, exploitation and what not! Suffering destroys the finer elements and when he gains back physical and economic health, often by unwholesome means, he takes it out on the guilty as well as the innocent. The current pandemic baffles me: is the wisdom of the past centuries effete, or has man of the 21st century outgrows all wisdom?
The same matsyanyaya, big fish eating the small fish goes on unabated. China in six years, 2013-19, psychologically enslaved almost two thirds of the human population by laying money trap. Poorer nations of the world choicelessly surrendered to China for survival. The United Nations is gradually becoming a captive organization. People and nations support the stronger, richer and powerful. China has almost blocked India’s entry into the United Nations Security Council. Although America, Russia and France support India’s entry as a permanent member China’s Veto has become an impenetrable shield for the powerful nations of the world despite their sympathy and support for India. China has created a permanent enemy for India in Pakistan which is under China’s thumb rule. There was a time when China was a Communist country which it officially continues to be, but in reality China today is a capitalist country which it officially continues to be, but in reality China today is a Capitalist country with global power ambitions. Although everyone knows that Corona Virus was tested and leaked out of Wuhan Lab no one, including America, has the guts to raise an accusing forefinger at China. Trump called it as the Chinese Virus but never could take an official position. He did not raise the issue in the Congress nor at the UN. It was a personal jibe, half serious, half comical as everything of Trump was. Trump is a perfect illustration of human unwisdom in the post Covid times. The man has not yet acknowledged defeat at the hustings and gives statements which are unbecoming of an American President.
We expected that the world will be sober, nations would cooperate with each other in trying to find out a remedy, a vaccine to help mankind tide over this crisis. But no, there is an undeclared vaccine nationalism going on. Nations who would come up with the first vaccine would definitely mint money. And here is the painful question: should you exploit the helplessness of the people? Is not gratitude of a grateful world enough? Honours and accolades would pour on the person or institution from all over the world. But people think in terms of making a fast buck. This is what I call inhuman. It negates all human values of civilization.
The WHO has warned that the vaccine will not be enough. Covid will continue to plague us unless we do not slacken the precautions. But the most horrible warning is world famine! United Nation has warned of extreme food shortage in some poor countries. The UN has already confessed that it may not rise up to the occasion. China will not have any problem in feeding her millions. However, if there would be hungry people in China the world may not know. If China can jail journalists for having reported Covid 19 cases who would dare report hunger and starvation? But if there is famine in half of the world, as the UN predicts will the rich countries America and China come forward to feed the hungry and save mankind? And that too without strings attached? That remains to be seen. India has enough stocks for her own population. The world knows in 2020 about 80 crore Indians have been given free rations for eight months. But if the humans in other countries face famine like situations India should extend the hands of charity without bothering about Rupee or Dollar. And I am confident India will do her utmost to save men and women from hunger without demanding loyalty or gratitude.
But my real worry is the clash between religious fanatics. We saw in France and see almost daily in Jammu and Kashmir, how religion is abused for political games played by power hungry fanatics. The Gupkar gang will definitely try some mischief supported by our western neighbour. The European situation may suddenly flare up if joblessness and food shortage become more punishing. We are in a crisis which refuses to die down. But instead of learning from the crisis we try to blackmail countries and browbeat the weak. It is time all nations met under one roof without anyone enjoying a Veto; all nations must resolve to rescue man whenever and wherever required from the quagmire of the oldest problems: hunger, disease and war. Globalization in its true spirit must be revived without the Multi National Companies poking their noses in the governance of a host country. If any country proposes aggressively to annex, occupy or capture another country all nations will unite to crush such designs. But will this happen? If not who cares!