Sunday, 2 August 2020

Arise My Pen

My Covid struck pen lay supine
dust settled my desk held its weight
This pen has recorded the Hero's exploits,
measured the hooves of the charging stallions
and also the tears of the victims
described the gold dust flying
from the flails of invaders
Golden temples and silvery moons
have fallen, lay covered
under the debris of time.

Today my pen coughs, sneezes
the ink flows in droplets of pain,
the masked men heaped like rotten
fruits are thrown into ditches
for feasting magpies to damnation
wherever I look I'm beaten by
the whimper of helpless men ghostlike
covered from top to toe
as if shrouded mankind
hides its history in shame.

Where do I find my Love
the promising saviour
the vaccine for torn lungs!
Is he headed towards inferno
searching for Beatrice in hellfire!

O' my pen, my long night's dawn
rise up, call him to kill this Corona
and sing of man's new history.

Sabita Sahu

What's Our Legacy For Gen Next

Prafulla Kumar mohanty 

Man today has left Darwin behind, he can and does plan out the evolutionary pace of the species. The hateful Nazi  eugenics is remodelled in our genetic engineering. Transhumanists believe our species can attain enhanced stamina and intelligence. Google is funding research to make man 'immortal' - aiming at a 200 year longevity. To maintain enhance sexual power in 80+ generations, laboratories are doling out magic pills. Garcia Marquez's  cyclist hero in 'To my Melancholy Whores' rings up the 'Madam' for a virgin on his 90th birthday. Wow! stop aging and aspire for immortality, is the new call by the scientific community. Hospitals everywhere  try to save octogenarians knowing well the futility of the task. Governments pump in resources to prolong life. More than half the population of the world lives on pension or public - private charity - without contributing anything to the society. These oldies desire revitalized youth and like Shantanu enforce, by sheer bond of filial affection, a vow of celibacy and perpetual bachelorhood in his most heroic and ethically conscious son, Bhisma. So was the case with Yajati who enjoyed the sacrificed youth of his son. All these are  the achievements of human civilization and we are proud of it. But who enjoys the fruits of these achievements? The answer is plain and simple: The rich and the powerful. A poor man choicelessly sinks into fatalistic stupor. And the young - the demographic dividend - have no share of the socio - economic pie. Young and innovative men and women do not enjoy individual authenticity and wait for opportunities. In India, Pilots and Scindia's are sidelined while the aged in the organizations control the purse strings and grab the steering wheel. Frustration like simmering fire engulfs the youth to despair.

We have made the earth - the greatest monument - a dilapidated structure, almost a ghost of her pristine state. The environment is barren, almost infertile. She cannot anymore hold and nourish our growing population. We are about 8 billion and going. We don't pause to think whether the coming generation can get air to breathe, water to drink, earth to stand on. Pollution is our most unenviable contribution to our progeny. The air they breathe is poison. The ozone layer is depleted, the forest cover is disappearing. The big cities we have  built - New York, Delhi, Beijing, Paris, Mumbai, Chennai - all are dens of pollution, Dante's torture spirals where life groans. Youth is gone at thirty. The newborns soon gain lung infections. Venice and such cities are now sinking. The leaning Towers may soon measure their  length on the ground. And the earth shakes. In north India, particularly the Himalayan region earthquakes of low and medium magnitude are daily nightmares. The cities are packed like sardines. The poor and the houseless are  not safe even on the pavements. Land Rovers mow them in their tired sleep. All governments promise homes to the unsheltered but roofless youth languishes in the coaxing pretence of the power groups. Almost all cities are thirsty - be  it Mumbai, Chennai or Brahmapur or Argentina. When the rains come floods take their toll. China, America, England and our own India float groaning during the flood seasons- and when the floods leave behind a desolate  scene the young and the old and the poor cry for water. All our efforts to save water, our rain harvesting  programmes go awry. We have drunk the milk of Paradise in our dreams and imaginative literature but we cry hoarse in our parched throats for water. The future we have given our children is a dry, depleted, bland and bald earth without clean air, without water - sans everywhere.

We have  willed a corrupt, ill-organised and ungovernable social structure to gen next. My words are harsh but the reality is harsher still. The mobile phone and the internet was supposed to be a great blessing  for a communicative society coming close together. But the Internet is used for fakery deceit and violence. Every day the Face Book, Twitter and other such 'beautiful' Apps  (Tik Tok and Hip Hop) blare expletives at the best creation of God. Lies, damned lies and fake statistics are thrown at unsuspecting people. Hacking is another menace - and all these are done not by preternatural  creatures but by the modern men and women of our world. Character is not destiny, the assassination of character is our destiny. The younger generation is now very much  the victim of our fond gifts. But the worst legacy we may leave behind are caste, colour, sex, race and religious discriminations.  Those who said black is beautiful are now forced to fight for existential relevance. In  America the Blacks are now up in arms against the whites. The liberal accommodation  of all colours, creeds, ideologies, freakishness is now disturbed by other identities and ideologies which were once thought banal. A young man does not  know what to hold on to. What values are growth friendly and life friendly the young cannot choose as the efficacy of all ideals are made debatable without any possible resolution. In sheer frustration and anger he picks up the AK47 as a symbol of macho authenticity and kills without any disturbance of his own value equilibrium. Rape and murder are of no consequence. Terrorism too is now an accepted fact of life. If someone is a victim, he becomes a victimizer to have heroic revenge or at least to get even.

The young today are bewildered. The latest pandemic trounced his freedom and identity. He has no future to look  forward to nor does he have any love for his past. His present is now chocked by time's uncertain pace. Will the lovers of this earth, the Human Race, the great cultures and the dreamers of cosmic dreams now pause and introspect for a moment? - To make  a future for their own? If they too are in a mental  stasis, the future will not happen. Hurry up  please - It's Time.

Sunday, 26 July 2020

Time Unframed

I have sculpted my yesterdays into
a beautiful history that is unwritten.
Like window shopping 
I often visit them and look
at every moment -
the tears of solitude
the moments of loneliness
the unspoken words
the incomplete dreams
all appear as a distant image
far from sight like a shadow.

The past can never return
like an unfulfilled dream
it pricks and spills time.
Hiding the expressions
my mind rebounds 
the thoughts in flashback
and swallows me whole
I fight to breathe  fresh air
to associate my being with reality.

If past is the golden treasure,
today is  radiant pleasure
seize the moment and live it
nothing happens twice
today is offered once
you will not see tommorow.

Sabita Sahu

Land Grabbing

Prafulla Kumar Mohanty

Man is a grabber; a greedy predator pouncing on every opportunity, often manipulated, to grab things. When there was no  culture or civilization he thought the landmass on which he stands and moves is all his. When he realized that only land  can feed him, shelter him and  sustain his quest for ownership, he enclosed as much of land as he could. He surveyed his possessions which pampered his ego. Yes he is the owner, the master of all he surveys. Gradually he faced competition; others with the same land grabbing propensity encroached into his land. He fought. He fought for his exclusive ownership of the earth. He wanted more land, more of God's little acre, more trees, lakes, rivers, mountains and more of everything. He became king of a large landmass but he was never satisfied, wanted more. He attacked other land grabbers, killed them. If he became the Chakraborty, the emperor of  vast territory he wanted to invade other countries. He called it heroic adventure. He wanted to beat Alexander, Napoleon in their own games. He knew he might die but he didn't care. He had his logic: If you win you enjoy the earth, if you lose you attain heaven. He swore not to give an inch of land - a pinpoint speck of earth - without causing a river of blood. He searched for Xanadu, he searched for the Golden Bird, he moved directionless for the New World. When Cain became the first (Bible) agriculturist he drove away the animals of Abel, wanted absolute possession of land. He had no qualms of conscience to kill his brother Abel. He argued Am I My Brother's Keeper?

Yes, man is not anyone's keeper. He is for himself. He wants to possess the whole earth and play God. Man is God, that is, the absolute authority, the unchallenged master of whatever he senses. He vows to protect the earth, his possession, which he calls  his motherland. He will shed his blood, the last drop, only to save his pride of being the master. This instinct was given a facelift by the word patriotism, but the psychological truth was the ego of power. Land made him powerful. In all cultures of the world we see this basic tendency of man, this landgrabbing image of man. Man's fights, wars and irrational  conflicts  always centre around the power of possession. Land, Kingdom, Country always gave man  the power push on  which he founded his own metaphysical essence. Jamindar, landlord, king, Primeminister are designations of power, stemming from possession of land - the larger the area, the greater is the power.

In Odia literature Fakirmohan Senapati's Chha Mana Atha Guntha, arguably the greatest Odia novel depicts this land- grabbing of Ramchandra Mangaraj who enters the society from the outside without any roots. But he, by his evil, manipulating mind tricks  the hedonist self - servers and the superstitious fools out of their wits and grabs their land. His end is naturally tragic as nature does not allow herself to be chained by human will. The same land grabbing is seen in Gopinath Mohanty's Paraja and the end is almost similar: The change here, however, is that man's sense of right cannot be trodden over by human boots. What Bhagia - Saria ought to have done in Senapati's novel is done by Sukru and Mandia in Mohanty's work. But the question is why man invests all his mental energy in land grabbing is not explained. Maybe to grab land comes naturally to man as he is power crazy to construct what Byron called, "The Immortality of Independence" (1818). In many a novel we have landgrabbing as the driving force. Pearl Buck's The Good Earth is a bright example. Kalindi Panigrahi's Matira Manisha ( The Earth Man) is also a glowing example where land breaks a family. The brothers part and movement towards the city starts. It may be a legal - moral crime but man cannot but be a victim of his own power hunt. The greatest illustration of landgrab and powerpush is however our own The Mahabharat. This epic states the theme for all time in indelible grandeur. But man refuses to outgrow this built psychic hubris.

Leo Tolstoy in his story "How Much Land Does A Man Need" has dramatically shown that greed for land, is insatiable and ultimately leads man to his untimely end. All ethics - philosophy - law and ideologies have exposed this landgrabbing  as a sin, a crime, an insane obsession but it goes on. Highly educated and otherwise powerful men do this landgrabbing, this transgression of nature's soul territory. Encroachment of govt land is a petty weakness even in the docile humans. There is no cure. But if one is rich and powerful, his grabbing instinct is in free flow. Aggressive communities push their boundaries, expand their power by force. The decline of Globalization was caused by this grabbing of others' "land", the business liberal temper and the Freedom native to a culture of a landmass which we now call cartographic territories of national pride. China today is pursuing the Salami technique of landgrabbing by claiming the history and culture of most neighbouring countries as unclaimed Chinese heritage. This geopolitical muscle flexing is now being resisted by India, USA, Japan and other countries. But no country except India is free of this guilt or crime of land grabbing. The world was never free of such  powerpush nor will ever be. But as men and countries develop more and more ingenious ways of grabbing power the Armageddon will be proportionally self- stultifying.

Sunday, 19 July 2020


Prafula KumarMohanty

Which human being is a born idiot? We are wholesome and talented, each in his/ her way uses talent to leave behind some memories for posterity. But the most talented, the greatest in literature, William Shakespeare in Macbeth wrote that life is a "tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing," : Perhaps his long nights and the English weather at times made him see nothing in the vast human drama endlessly being enacted everywhere. But Sir Shakespeare had no chance to read The Sound and The Fury of Faulkner where an Idiot's imagistic world envisions man's reality. Even idiocy is charming otherwise the twitterings  of so many would not have engaged our attention. We may therefore arrive at a tentative conclusion that any one born of a woman is  'talented' to carve out his life and eke out his living. Some wags however ask; Do you need talent to live a life? Once you are born, you will grow and do things - good, bad, indifferent - and die; so why do you complain that your talents are not recognised?

The OED  defines talent as 'natural ability or skill' and its  origin is Greek and also it flows from the gospel - Mathew etc. But it does not speak of its variety. Normally people associate talent with the art world. The world of science and technology too extols talent and skill. People do not give any importance to the talent of lying, cheating, browbeating and other soft skills which the corporate world expects in the  professionals as an academic proficiency. The go to man in any organization is always suave, tongue charmer, one who makes you forget the question you had in your mind. In politics talent is the most valued; the talent of strategizing diffusion of a crisis, short circuiting the rat race, to be the conscience keeper of the most powerful, and above all to hammer a sweet lie into the minds of your voters (in a democracy) or slavish people by rhetoric. All  dictators including the religious Gurus both the Originals and their duplicates like Asharam Bapu and Ram Rahim (and many mini, midi ones in all rural areas) play God, The most Talented. The talent which the ISIS leaders displayed is in no way expendable. Osama Bin Laden and his poor cousins like Masood Ajhar, Hafiz Sayed and others are as talented as army generals and police chiefs. The terrorists may fail several times but when they succeed they become the talk of the world and the victim country puts its talented men on a white hot pitch. Talent is not confined to any specific area of human activity. 

But at times the son or wife of a politician like the Queen or Prince of a kingdom after the king's death, stakes claim to the throne. In India the fourth generation of the Nehru - Gandhi family is still relevant as some people have accepted the family's hereditary talent as divinely ordained. Political talent and royalty come as a monopoly while many "talented" men and women waste away a lifetime  in wild goose chase. And such people always complain that their talents were not recognised. The irony is, the people who taste success in any which way always think that they deserve more accolades and wish History will give them their due place. The failures always launch clamorous campaigns against God, society and the men who succeed. So, is the quality of talent different in individuals or talent needs something else to succeed, a booster dose perhaps or luck! 

How about Adolf Hitler! A mere corporal in the First World War, blinded by mustard gas but cured by a quack, how could he rise to the citadel of political power by 1934 and shake human civilization to its very bones?  Hitler could have been a great  painter and architect had the Vienna Art school given him admission. But spurned by society and ill treated by the mindless connoisseurs  he was driven  to rise as an antagonist of human fate.  So was Ravana if you go by the facts  beyond the epical imagination of Valmiki (if the  facts are historically valid). But it definitely needs talent to be a Hitler or Ravana. Talent is not a package which comes to a person readymade as a cosmic deal. The resilience of a race to survive a devastating war (eg The Kalinga war) also needs talent in the individuals to say - what though the war is lost everything is not lost - but talent should not be exhausted in rhetoric. A race tries to rise on the heap of  bones to build Konark after about a millennium not by words but by a defiant energy nursed and nourished over centuries. Man does not fight  calamity physically. The fights in life are always mental. The mind utilizes the native talent with single mindedness to overcome adversity of all kinds. But those who fail often cry foul and blame others, they defend their heroism  by cowardly logic.

Often the failures blame the stars at their nativity as if some Saturn or Rahu blackened their sights and made them self indulgent fools. The gilted lovers hit the bottle in Devadas fashion and blame, deny everything from the blue sky to full moon. Similarly the men who could not get what they desired often turn to unreason and justify their action like terrorists. If courage fails cunning is used  to cause harm to the unsuspecting innocents. Such persons can never introspect for their entrails are juiceless.

All humans are born with some talent but that does not mean the 'talent' itself will place you at the top. To reach the top you have to persevere and perspire. If you fail, try again. One victory does not make you the Emperor of the cosmos  and no victory is final. The failure likewise is not the end of any life. If a man is talented he will certainly find out alternatives and pursue them with all his nerves.  Blaming fate or metaphysical judgement is unmanly. Man is born to carve out his own universe big or small and if he fails something is very wrong with his efforts.

Shadow Distancing

How far am I from my
close knit family
and the help - reluctant
to do things when asked -
Yes, all are away
more than six feet.
I am not the epicentre
nor the periphery of life ,
I am some where
I should not be
but I don't mind where I am.

Everything is distant
like the stars
everything is invisible
as I am myself.
What is visible
is beyond my sight
I want to call everything mine
to hold everything as my own
but today they  are different.

Am I a load on myself
too weak to rise
even when he calls me
does he really call me
or I imagine things
and hear sounds
because silence ruins
life's architecture.

If you are there somewhere
whispering just sounds
for my comfort 
ring my heart
strum my strings
let me be at least
music for your ears
to wake up and move again.

Sabita Sah

Sunday, 12 July 2020

What I Fear

I fear
to lose your voice
the lilting musical notes
flowing in honey waves.

I fear
losing  my memory
of love's long silent years
without your participation
but which sustained me and
my meditating love all these years.

I fear
losing your shapely shadow
your well turned beauty
which goads me to work hard.

I fear
to do something which may
cause you sulk and dismay
or make you turn your face away.

I fear
to annoy you asking too much
of favours, graces and gifts
of ghost embrace in the void.

If I  fear you
I know I love you
I do not whisper
if it is not for you
nor do I write or laugh
if not for you.

Sabita Sahu 

Forever New