Sunday, 19 July 2020

Shadow Distancing

How far am I from my
close knit family
and the help - reluctant
to do things when asked -
Yes, all are away
more than six feet.
I am not the epicentre
nor the periphery of life ,
I am some where
I should not be
but I don't mind where I am.

Everything is distant
like the stars
everything is invisible
as I am myself.
What is visible
is beyond my sight
I want to call everything mine
to hold everything as my own
but today they  are different.

Am I a load on myself
too weak to rise
even when he calls me
does he really call me
or I imagine things
and hear sounds
because silence ruins
life's architecture.

If you are there somewhere
whispering just sounds
for my comfort 
ring my heart
strum my strings
let me be at least
music for your ears
to wake up and move again.

Sabita Sah

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