to decorate your room or
lay me down on the table or
hang me from the ceiling or
fix me on your coloured wall.
I don't mind as it's my nature
to smile and spread fragrance
till my last petals shrink and fall.
Some pin me on their lapels,
some offer me to deities,
lovers present me with pride,
some tie me with the tricolour.
some put me on the coffins of martyr,
I don't mind as it's my nature
to smile and spread cheers
some put me on the coffins of martyr,
I don't mind as it's my nature
to smile and spread cheers
never to cloud my face with tears.
They say I am love, a symbol
of the heart's softer nuances
yes, I know and I am proud
being the queen of flowers
I bow down to my Maker who lavished
the vigour of red in love colour
the vigour of red in love colour
I am born to spread love
as Rose and Rose forever.
Sabita Sahu
Sabita Sahu