Sunday 7 May 2023

My Secret

 My Secrets


The night eavesdrops at my window

the stars with greedy eyes 

wink there in the firmament

spying for my secrets!

My life is open like the wind

I touch every pore

my story is bright and blind:

I hum in silence

shout at nothing

I romance with the fallen flowers

every morning at sweaty dawn.


Yes, I have a secret

I have locked it

in the heart of darkness

and thrown the key at the sun

don't ask what letters

words and sentences are under seal

my life is my secret

as the lily hides in the moonlight

as the new moon night

hides the moon to savour it.


My secret is my history

historians can never record,

for the truth of my life

is simple mortality

with a beginning, middle and end

sealed for ever to be unsealed

at every new birth.


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