Sunday, 17 April 2022



Prafulla Kumar Mohanty's 


Yaksha Yudhistira Smbad


Nonplussed Yudhistira felt faint

he entered the lake but when he

tried to drink the water a voice

as if from the zenith of the earth

commanded, Stop! The deep baritone

gave Yudhistira a shiver. Before

you drink, answer my questions, else

you too will die like your brothers.

Yudhistira stood erect, Is your water

the price of life? He asked looking

around for the source of the voice,

he saw a large white crane sitting

on a branch of a midlake tree.

Yes Yudhistira water is life, therefore

answer my questions before you drink:

If I have no choice ask your questions

but I must know who I am answering to

Yes Yudhistira I am Yaksha  I guard the lake

I guard life and its noble purity.


What is the measure of the sky?

   The sight and sweep of mind's eye.


How many steps the earth measures?

   One multiplied by the Air's treasures

   each speck of dust runs a foot

   each seed penetrates its root.


The Yaksha laughed and asked

now tell me who got the moon raked

Who made the sun rise and set?

   Moon lost his face in sin's blazes

   Dharma makes the sun ever rotate

   between the poles of east and west.

   Sun is duty bound to light all life

   to complete the journey from raw to ripe.


What is common in animals and man?

   Hunger and sleep, fear and death

   are the sad anthem of life forms.


In a thunderous voice the Yaksha asked

what is heavier than earth, he smirked

and what in this universe is higher than the sky?

   Sin is heavier than earth O dryad wise

   love soars beyond the limits of the sky.


What is faster than the wind?

   Nothing outstrips the racing mind.


The divine crane swelled in size

Tell me who is happy without guise?

   In this world of sorrow and death

   good digestion and bad memory is the best

   to forget the pain of debt, homelessness

   stateless existence tyranny and tax.

   Whenever a meal comes to eat with relish

   and sleep without dreams is the wish

   of a man seeking happiness and peace

   to be in his own home is a bonus bliss.


Now answer me you noble Pandava

What is the greatest Dharma in this world?

   Without hesitation in a firm voice

   Yudhistira intoned, Anukampa is my choice

   compassion to all forms of life

   non violence in anger or strife

   is the dharma I value amongst all

   it saves life and purifies the soul.


The tree deity in gladdened heart without guile

expressed his pleasure with a broad smile

I am pleased Yudhistira, by your truth

ask me anything I'll grant forsooth.

Yudhistira said, grant life to my brothers

Yaksha said choose one whose life matters,

Yudhistira in dilemma thought a while

if he chooses a Kunti son dharma will rile

his having done wrong to Madri's line -

hiding his tears he said, I pray for Nakula's life.


The Yaksha changed his form

Dharma appeared in full charm

I am proud of you my son,

by choosing Nakula you have won

my heart and I grant life to all

let all Pandavas rise to glory's call

to protect dharma and never let fall

any men to demonic wiles

and save truth from murderous lies.

I am your father O my noble son

I tested your dharma and wisdom

I go now with joy and satisfaction

my father's heart blesses you in elation.


The Yaksha disappeared leaving

the last glow of the sun flaming

the vast fading skyline mocking

the death - life drama returning

to familiar worlds of self seeking

men recounting their stories.


Draupadi watched from the mound

the brothers got up as if from sleep

all her five men came towards her

carrying water for her in leaf-cups.

But she was no more thirsty,

she admired Yudhistira  whom

she thought responsible for her plight -

But now she thought how wise, noble

large hearted he was, how virtuous!

A new love glimmered in her eyes

as they returned to their hut.












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