Sunday, 27 March 2022



Prafulla Kumar Mohanty's 



The birds looked in wonder

the little ones, the sparrows

took courage and flew in circles

and perched themselves in a row

on the thatch in chirpy humour.

Draupadi paused listening

the little ones then sang together

chewn chewn chwing chwing

and  sprang up into the air soaring

the sky in a grand formation.

Draupadi smiled to herself

Yes, that is the way to go.

I wish I had wings to soar

whatever I had now I am crippled.

A heavy weight of wingless time

has crushed over my world

I don't know when my time

will grow its wings to fly again.

But thank you for cheering

my drooping spirits to find myself

again to wait and hope - Draupadi!

called Bhima, there was a hint of

mischief in his mirthful voice,

Princess I am hungry serve me first,

I have brought a feast!              

The Madrisons appeared with baskets

the sages far away had a yajna

we have brought prasad

Elder brother is bringing fruits

let's eat for the next week:

Draupadi laughed, eat for the year

come after bath I will serve

on banana leaves.











Non - Event

In a world of happenings

not happening too is an event

blank as space between seconds

dumb as the moon behind clouds

like silence where nothing happens.

But the world moves, the earth

moves without betraying motion

as water flows in a stream

without identity or presence

I too move up and down

with swollen ankle, but reach nowhere.

When flowers bloom stars fade

when stars dazzle the nightqueen

awakens my dead stasis

this is my state and

I merely watch my non event.

Sabita Sahu

Sunday, 20 March 2022



Prafulla Kumar Mohanty's 


Miles inside Kamyak forest

the new Pandava hut was big

Draupadi found the Saraswati banks

more enchanting, the water

more caressing to the body

tasting sweet, her guava smell

made her happy, her birds and beasts

of the Dwaita got the scent

and joined the Kamyak flock,

raised the pitch at dawn.

The trees were lovely

dark and tall they stood

pillars of protective strength

sober and staid less talkative

than Draupadi approved

yet she was nostalgic:

Memory is the tormentor

it makes the past present

makes you smile or cry,

never leaves you alone,

often ruins your appetite

for adjustment with your new reality,

yet often also it lifts you up

bringing  back stored treasures

in torrential measures.

But the nagging memories of Dussasana's

rough hands on her often

imbalanced her moods.


Life moved on breath inviting

breath in pauseless succession

prolonged the days in hope's corridors.

Arjuna went out to appease Shiva

Bhima went to Dwarika to polish

his club art with Balram's tips.

The Madri sons helped Draupadi

in housekeeping and providing

household needs moving in the forest

for nature's sustaining bounties.

Yudhistira spent his time with saints

attended yajnas and conversed

with sages on dharma, philosophy

in desperate compensation for his

self invited disaster unredeemed.


One morning Draupadi saw him

asleep on the ground half clad in bark

his hair on the dawn wet grass

Draupadi felt her feet heavy as the

load in her mind suddenly grew.

O what a fall, the eldest Pandava

wise erudite principled upright

is a helpless sod left to the mercy

of elements unaccommodated orphan.

The King of Indraprastha, the Emperor

of the sacred Arayabarta  at whose feet

the kings, scholars and wisemen

bowed like paid courtiers at dawn

on whose crown the sun sat polishing

Dharma to purge the world of sins,

at whose command the might of Bhima

and Arjuna clammed up in reverence:

That Yudhistira is lying abandoned

as virtue denied pearl in a hole!


Draupadi went running caressed

his head, dusted off his body

when Yudhistira waking up met her

sparkling eyes bursting out of her

mornglow face he got up with a start -

What happened, Is anything wrong Princess?


Draupadi gulped all concerns

holding his hand she said, No no

nothing has happened to me, nor will

ever happen when Dharmaraja is there.

I saw you on the floor asleep

the sun is up, the birds have gone

for their daily destiny - So I came

to wake you up; Yudhistira stood up

smiling like a child and went for

morning ablutions without a word.


What is important, thought Panchali

crown, sceptre, throne or self respect?

When fakery throttles your truth

the straight is trampled by the crooked

why should the straight hide his shame

in fatalistic forests in total silence?


After Yudhistira had his body needs

duly served by Panchali and drank

Saraswati waters, Draupadi asked:

Why should one be good? Why should

one obey hate imposed rules, trapping

the good in the illusion of its own goodness.

Yudhistira frowned, good is not illusion

good is truth in action, Karma reflects

the goodness of your being. But does

it protect you against the evil of others?

You agreed to play dice in good faith

but Shakuni wielded the crooked dice

for Duryodhana's vile purpose; you

could not prevent that, you could not

know you were a toy manipulated

by the dynamic hands of evil.

Your good was mute, dharma silent.

You descended at every turn

to the depths of ignominy, their

boisterous laugh did not arouse

the wrath of Dharma, Justice

blindfolded left her balance:

Who repelled the penetration of evil?

Yudhistira in grim silence glared.

Draupadi continued - If Dharma,

justice good left you when your

soul was torn apart by evil,

you bowed  your crownless head, lowered

your eyes and walked into the trap.

And now you are rolling on

dry forest leaves in dry throated groan:

O Dharmaraja awaken your Dharma

your own native inborn, justice

and punish the abusers of vile powers

by your innate good, snatch out

what is rightfully yours by your

own  strength of justice,

defy the exile, a monocratic rule

without scriptural sanctions - stop,

Panchali  stop hurling your logic

it irritates more than it hurts;

Why should I stop? Time has come

to abandon pardon and show your

heroic power, time has come to

destroy them and claim what

you have lost to deceit and bluster.

People hate the weak and the helpless

but before the mighty they shrink,

he who knows both the things

is the right person to be the king .

Yudhistira stood up and mustering

a calm voice said Panchali! You

speak in anger and frustration

the logic of the common folk

who do not understand good or evil

they are passion-stung mortals

unaware of life's time and space.

In the history of civilization, they

count their triumphs in hours, years

in measurable limit constants:

I am not that king I know I should

not have played dice, but I did

I trusted them and failed but

I never work to enjoy the fruits

of Dharma, I do whatever I feel

is attuned to my  conscience.

If you observe Dharma and truth

you never think of fruits of desires

and accordingly I have lived and worked.

If I have paid the price for my convictions

if my Dharma has landed me here

I have no regrets, I never pretend

goodness to acquire or achieve things

I diced, I lost and I am here yet

my only misery is I have given misery

to you and my brothers, you people

became victims of my will and action.


Draupadi fell silent, Yudhistira looked away

both went severally to nurse their

agony in silent introspection   




My half seen world reveals

the unseen like the lighted tunnel

inside my heart opening nowhere,

yet I run for life every moment.


My needs are simple: Food shelter

and matte lipstick on flashy wear,

this is not simple you may taunt

but I like to flaunt what is given

as the night queen in starry nights.


Now I need a clear blue sky

a world free from all preparations

for war's horrible fire celebration

I now need freedom from all needs.

Impossible you say? Yes impossible:

I excel in impossibilities.


Life means needs for body and mind

when the body is free the mind sinks

in the ocean of imagined needs

inviting the Black Sea to


her shores swallowing all human needs.

Now tell me is there anything else

than body and mind to need in life

may be salvation which I don't need.

Between birth and death 

I need my life 

Yes my life.

Sabita Sahu

Sunday, 13 March 2022



Prafulla Kumar Mohanty's 



The wintry sun was dull and dim

perhaps tired after relentless duty

for long days in youthful energy

he was like a ball of misty glow

heralding the night before time darkening

the forest in the cold afternoon, the trees

almost in stupor merely nodded welcome

to the twilight, the silence was a crowd

of the irretrievable past invading the

dull present whose future is still born.

Draupadi and all her husbands sat inside

each floating in the dark sea of their

own worlds seeing without meeting eyes.

Their worlds were disjoint decentred

yet real, painfully real - Suddenly

Arjuna stood up - I hear horses -

Yudhistira too heard, all Pandavas went out:

Draupadi calmly listened and could know

the friendly sounds of an advancing group -

 Who could this be ? Sakha!

No, his presence in the forest

would have been a spring breeze

lotus scented enthralling the dead nerves

to dream of an amiable future

but whoever is out there is a friend

maybe this dull evening would lift

the unnerved minds to some hope.


The hooves fell silent, a smiling Vidura

alighted from the chariot  his affable

followers guards holding gifts, provisions

moved with joyous steps asserted by

the happy Pandavas, Yudhistira asked Vidura

about mother Kunti and Dhritarastra.

Vidura answered in filial tone,

Kunti is morose but mobile,

the king uncertain of his unsteady steps

has almost dwarfed himself

before Duryodhana and his mentor.


Vidura paused at the doorstep

surveying the Pandava abode when

Draupadi came out to touch his feet,

I have no soothing words to bless you my child,

said Vidura, may the Gods protect you all

from seen and unseen dangers -

Draupadi washed his feet

dried them with her anchal

despite Vidura's protestations.

Draupadi ushered him in, saying -

Not a place this where your age and authority

could get your rightful comforts but -  

don't speak. This hut is a palace for the braves

who defy defeat to defend honour.

The breeze here is fragrant with love

the wooden seats are more welcoming

than the throne cushions, your welcome

is heart warming, you have made

the place majestic with your humble grace.

Sit down sons - No, uncle, you first relax

get back your journey lost energy.

I will look after the others said Yudhistira

Draupadi took him inside for a wash.


Draupadi cooked with zeal and love

hosting uncle in their forest shelter

with humility and simplicity,

earned his appreciation, the Pandavas

poured all their respect which for Vidura was

a delicious dessert sweet and fulfilling.

After dinner they sat around him:

I came just to see you my children

to know how life's freakish designs have

treated you and how you are coping

with the nets and knives in your combats

I have come as your uncle, not as Minister.


Didn't mother wish to come with you?

Asked Bhima, Yes she did my prudence

forbade me not to raise speculations.

But I assure you she is well, yet morose

for the health of the kingdom is

on the decline, we are all restless but

we suffer in cowardly withdrawal waiting

for reviving energy to rejuvenate

and rekindle our hope in political sanity.


Uncle! Said Yudhistira you are the wisest sanest

Primeminister of Hastinapur, erudite

and articulate, your scholastic achievements

are unparalleled, why do you cower under

irrational temper and submit to monocracy?


Vidura paused looked at the Pandavas

what could the minister do when

the King is allergic to sane advice?

King is not a person

King is a symbol an icon

of public faith, the Crown

on the head of the king represents

responsibility for the people

It's heavy and it cannot be

stolen from the storehouse

of some divine dispenser of power

nor can it be given to one's son

who always uses the crown

as footrest: But Dhritarastra

thinks the crown is an ornament.

He is my elder brother

but I am a mere employee

at his mercy - Only when

he is in conflict, he calls me brother:

he hears me but does not listen.

For if  he listened he would

be conscious of his own illegitimacy,

He wore the crown by default

legitimised it after Pandu,

your father's untimely death.

But law, justice, tradition

do not ratify his Kingship.

An eyeless man has no right

to the throne of a kingdom.


A king is not a husband

a king is not a father

he is the husband of the kingdom

father of the entire population.

He keeps them safe healthy

educates them and engages them

for the prosperity of his kingdom:

But Dhritarastra has no eyes,

no vision for Hastinapur

he has only one ambition -

to make his son the king.

This Son love will cost him

and his kingdom a catastrophy,

inevitable and irreraperable.


We have warned him but he is

impervious to all sanity

Pitamaha has withdrawn from reality,

I am waiting for I don't know what.

In my love for Hastinapur

I too have lost my sight and serve

the king trying to wake him up.

I know the future is war

so be it, let time run its course,

but my dear children don't make

history hold you guilty for the Death of Man:

And one more thing, leave this place

move to the borders of Kamyak

or a place on the east of Dwaita:

No don't ask, I have information

but I cannot reveal just obey me and go.

Move tonight if you can my men will

place you right at a safer place.

And keep this Vidura gave some coins

and arose to pierce the ghostly night.

The Pandavas and Draupadi broke the hut

the horses and carts were loaded

with what Vidura had brought and they left

not in fear like spineless cowards

but honouring sane advice

to tempt fate for another round.





Waves Then and Now

I threw a stone to the pond

to see how the concentric circles

break at the banks.

that made me thoughtful!

Whether that's the way

to create waves.


Gone are  the stone throwing age

my responsibilities drown me in

the waves created by others

without acknowledging my freedom

again now I am thoughtful

should I not jump over

to assert my self in the present

circumscribing ways.


The waves encircling me now

are not self created but imposed

life threatening and  are no more fun

yet I am at the centre.

What should I do then?

Swim out to oblivion or

make these waves mine

sacrifice self for nothing?

Sabita Sahu

Sunday, 6 March 2022

Celebrating Wakefulness


I never understood why people

pray all night fasting and reciting

shlokas and hymns whose meaning

probably many of them don't know,

when I was a child it was fun for me

to go with the family assured of food,

watching song dance filled plays

half enjoying in half drowsiness.


I too have spent night over night

wakefully writing job applications,

solved tricky problems working

from dusk to dawn

at the command of the boss:

If I pray lord Shiva

who drank poison to save us

what's the meaning

why did he drink

if he was not confident?


He was confident, he was sure

nothing will happen to him  Save

his throat turning blue

adding to his rugged manly beauty.

If we pray for Shiva

who will answer our prayers

someone higher in spiritual powers

or more godly than Gods?


Shiva is the most powerful

there is none above him

he is death and immortality.

If you stay awake for him

celebrate the night in

your own life's astral beauty.

Sabita Sahu 




Prafulla Kumar Mohanty's 


Draupadi - Arjuna In The Dark


Draupadi wondered how sleep

envelopes in her dark folds at night -

She always missed the balm of sleep

after the dice game, its catastrophic

consequences, her sleep is gone, her

slumber breaks by horrible figures

setting fire to the lac palace, demonic

hands clutching at her hair, she wakes up

in a shudder, calms and consoles herself,

changes sides on the mat waiting for the dawn.

The Pandavas too roll guiltily on the floor

like murderers of sleep in self inflicted

remorse often in the open under

the mind blocked sky dark and cruel.


The night was somewhat testy

the dew shedding sky half dim

half grim had an eerie silence

to blow out in thoughtless withdrawal

messages of imponderable gloom.

Draupadi in drowsy wakefulness heard

whistling swishing sounds of arrows

hitting stubborn targets afar.

She sat on the mat trying to listen.

Is someone poaching animals

or preparing to attack, she stood up

saw the brothers in deep sleep except

Arjuna: Is he outside for target practice

she came out in slow steps her hair

long uncared for scattered all over

her back and shoulders in mischievous

disarray, she stood for a moment

guessing the direction and distance

she walked northeast on familiar

grounds braving the dark midnight

when an arrow fell at her feet.

And a bunch of ashoka opened up

to greet her, the Princess she was.

Draupadi knew it was Arjuna,

none else could see her from miles away.

She felt relieved and also delighted

although sad, for a moment of bliss:

My Arjuna is here nearer to my heart

yet farther from my eyes - she walked on

suddenly Arjuna stood before her.

Draupadi leaned on his broad chest

controlling the rising sobs to a sigh,

Arjuna clasped her tight: the stars will

rise again, the full moon will dispel

the vile night's dark designs Princess!

How? Draupadi asked in broken voice,

it's more than a year in the forest

I never saw any lines of worry

on Pandava foreheads as though

they are now rehabilitated where they belong.

No Draupadi certain wounds

do not show but fester within

how could I forget your humiliation

our shame and our natural rights

trampled under trickery and deceit?

Draupadi pressed Arjuna's palms - Dearest!

If a wound rots within it entropies

the system incapacitates the will,

do you think hitting targets in New Moon

nights would sky top the moon? No!

The tremor of the Gandiv must shake

the sun, your enemies must perish

only then the wholesomeness of body,

the liberal expanse of the mind

would balance the earth's binaries.


Arjuna kissed her teary eyes to comfort

a mind distracted by vile animism:

Go Partha for potent weapons - go

to your father, get from Indra

the unanswerable shafts and defy

unprincipled rules of the dice game and

attack Hastinapur, You alone can

and you should; Thirteen years exile

is not Nature's law nor God's decree.

The man made irrationality must be

countered by man's defiant logic

to set the wrong in the right order -


But Princess Elder brother will never permit -

I know he always chooses to get roasted

in the fire of his own dharma, but

what Dharma is this tame surrender

to barbaric rules? Arjuna lifted her

moved towards the tall trees already

shocked into helplessness

by Draupadi's protestations, Arjuna

placed her quietly on the bushy grass

and whispered, Princess

let me collect the powerful weapons

we will then proceed further, for now

patience should be the divine need,

shortly I would go to worship Shiva

and ask for the Pashupat* .

You do whatever relieves your heart

and wait for the fateful moment.



*Pasupath: Shiva's most potent weapon to destroy the world.



Forever New