Prafulla Kumar Mohanty's
The birds looked in wonder
the little ones, the sparrows
took courage and flew in circles
and perched themselves in a row
on the thatch in chirpy humour.
Draupadi paused listening
the little ones then sang together
chewn chewn chwing
and sprang up into the
air soaring
the sky in a grand formation.
Draupadi smiled to herself
Yes, that is the way to go.
I wish I had wings to soar
whatever I had now I am crippled.
A heavy weight of wingless time
has crushed over my world
I don't know when my time
will grow its wings to fly again.
But thank you for cheering
my drooping spirits to find myself
again to wait and hope - Draupadi!
called Bhima, there was a hint of
mischief in his mirthful voice,
Princess I am hungry serve me first,
I have brought a feast!
The Madrisons appeared with baskets
the sages far away had a yajna
we have brought prasad
Elder brother is bringing fruits
let's eat for the next week:
Draupadi laughed, eat for the year
come after bath I will serve
on banana leaves.
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