Prafulla Kumar Mohanty's
Draupadi In The Village
Despite warning displeasure cajolement
Drupad's daughter convinced all
collected a thousand gold coins
cartloads of rice and clothes
and set forth early morning with Alpana
fifty guards of the palace escorted her,
her denials were ignored for protocol.
All her entreaties to go alone
not as Princess Draupadi but
as woman, Draupadi fell
on Drupad and the other royals:
dignity and security concerns
prevailed over her normal desires.
She rode in a chariot dressed in plain clothes
her bright sunrise face radiating charm
Draupadi was eager to see the new world
beyond the palace of protected pride.
Alpana alerted her what to expect
but the Princess visualized her own scenario.
Anuradhapur was a narrow two
of poor dwellings dirty and shabby
this was her first encounter with poverty.
She saw smiths at work dropping tools,
fear smeared faces of women came out
old men and children tried to guess
who the visitor with royal entourage was.
Draupadi alighted at mid street
greeted everyone men, women and all,
meantime the clamour
of salutations
'Victory be to the Princess' grew around
people rushed forward to touch her feet,
embarrassed Draupadi with folded hands
prayed for calm and sat down
on the veranda of a weaver family.
Don't be afraid my countrymen
you are my family, friend and relations
I came to see you, talk to you
and I wish to eat with you
if you feed me as your daughter.
Their lips widened in happy smiles
they took her to the Hanuman temple
and she enquired passionately
their living, life, livelihood.
She was endeared to every family
She met the women while they all admired
her glowing beauty and simple ways.
Before she returned after eating
in a farmer's house she gave
the village elders the gold and the provisions
tasking them to start a school for children
she asked the women to read and write
'Be Yourself' she said 'Don't compromise
your dignity, work hard at home
and in fields to change your fate'.
Most villagers saw her off walking,
running almost to the palace gate
shouts of 'Long Live Princess'
'Victory be to Draupadi' delighted the king
and everyone received her all smiles.
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