Prafulla Kumar Mohanty
Democratic liberalism without
nationalistic xenophobia, Enlightenment without totalitarianism, free will
without an imposed moral order (or erratic chaos); globalisation without self-
enclosed national pride; a borderless world without fortified borders,
secularism without communal feelings, a wordless prayer in peace without
voluble violence and all such binaries like life and death are inconceivable in
the world: For that is the inscrutable mystery of life. Nature, society,
civilization also consist of internal contradictions seldom resolved. Nature's
plenitude and the deprivation of social
beings too cannot and have not been reconciled. In fact nothing in life and
world can ever be solved, resolved or reconciled as long as the individual mind
thinks not in conformity with the cosmic mind or social psyche but in terms of
a personal - private cosmos. The
individual always thinks as though he is pitted against the world. All
relationships are his/her own and he is
or tries to be the master. He has no time for 'peace' for peace is a
negative state, dull and uninspiring. He wants his energies to be on a white
hot pitch to create, invent, build and call everything his own. And here we
come face to face with the primordial debate between reason and its twin
unreason. If rationality is the holding principle of the world, irrationality
is its romantic countermeasure to disturb the equilibrium of the holding principle.
If reason creates order, irrationality creates chaos as a contrapuntal
balancing rhythm. The universal human is always poised against the individual
who makes the world his own playfield of imaginative aspirations, thereby
creating his own rationality which may be construed as irrational but it has
its own logic and self justifying myth. Thus the obvious binaries are
reinforcements of the perceived idea or phenomenon by the other dimension of
the same perception. Order and chaos do not cancel each other out rather they
project the complex balancing of perceptions or things.
Good and evil are not mutual exclusives
like Spirit and Matter (we presume they are different); Good is meaningful in
the context of evil for these two are always in mutual engagement. If good is
the spirit of the universe it contains evil and always tries to dominate to
give the process of history a forward movement for its own self-fulfillment. If
the spirit or Good is blocked history becomes directionless. Therefore the
spirit discards, by whatever means, the 'matter' or the impediment for its
course correction. The Hegelians view it as the Freedom of the historical
process of the self- defining order of
the universe. In the Bhagbad Gita the
Idea of Spirit is Dharma (not
religion by any stretch of imagination) and this Dharma is the principle which
holds the universe together. If the balance is tilted by Adharma the result is chaos. Dharma is moral reason which controls
the irrational projection of the self on the World Soul, that is , the Spirit
of the life force. But how does this happen? In the Gita there is a clear
suggestion of an external authority, call it God or a Supernal Spirit which
intervenes when the moral balance of the universe is tilted. This authority is
either God or the Prime Mover and it is outside the world. Therefore Krishna
says " Yada Yada hi Dharmasya Glanir Bhabati Bharata ...Sambhabami Yuge
Yuge." Whenever , in whatever age
the moral reason is flouted to deeply hurt the orderly progression of the world
of life and matter, (I) the controlling spirit takes form and shape on the
world to save Dharma, to protect the
good and honest and to destroy the evil transgressors to finally restore
balance so as to reinvigorate the free movement of life.
But here comes the question: If
Dharma is the responsibility and duty of human beings to follow truth, order,
social good and non interference in the freedom of beings in the world why does
it have the brittleness to crack when
the self projects another "Dharma"
of heroic temper to privatize the world by deceit, brute force and manipulative
logic? Is Dharma not capable of self protection that an external Authority must
take Avatar to rescue it from the clutches of the transgressor? Without going
into the details of the Dharma - Adharma
combatants of the great epic Mahabharat I may say that Dharma and Adharma are
both almost indefinable terms. If Dharma
fails when the self displays ambitions to dominate the order by chaotic forces
how is dharma a superior moral design of
life and world management? And this leads me to ask further, why are the good
and life friendly elements in this natural (manifested) world come and go?
Spring comes and goes. The sun sets every evening , the hopes always end (almost)
in despair. Nothing is permanent. The sick get cured and the healthy get sick. If this is the
Dharma of life and nature, Dharma - Adharma are too impermanent to register a
moral norm.
History's only lesson is change.
If Trumpism is bad for the triumph of reason so was Ashoka's (Buddha's and Gandhi's) inadequate for the triumph of
reason. We may take consolation from the fact that both tyranny and benevolent
kingship are shortlived. If one thing is adored and admired as good the
contrarian idea raises its head in no time. If the rational is liberal
democracy, the irrationality of Ji Jinping's expansionism and attempts at world domination is
irrational. The pity is they exist simultaneously. Ji is doomed to fail not because he is irrational, he will fail because
no idea, system or 'dharma' is permanent. The world is such that binaries will
always dissolve into unity to again lapse into internal conflict. The problems
of the now world after two decades will appear in different forms and the
future intellectuals will again launch tirades against unreason. This world
will be in perpetual conflict for that is our fate. Order and chaos are the
human conditions, we may reject to
display our incomprehension of reality.
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