Praeulla Kumar Mohanty
All systems are based on law and
all laws are based on reason. Some laws are written and others are unwritten.
Those unwritten too are based on reason where the authority is not specified
but surmised or experienced. The written
law is backed by authority, the
authority of king or council or the People. Any breach is punishable after a trial where
men and women of reason discuss, listen and proclaim a judgement to
punish or pardon or release. But no system works or operates without law. The
earth too is bound by law, she cannot deviate from the orbit, cannot stop
moving wilfully. The cosmic laws too are based on reason. One may ask, what is
this reason? The Greeks claim to have invented reason. But the Indians had
practised Reason much before the Greek Enlightenment. Reason for the Greeks was
mostly logical. For the Indians it was moral. Rationality for Indians was Dharma not religion. The rational faculty however is not
a given constant. The cosmic constants are never changing but the human
constants change when the living
conditions change. In other words laws made by men change when society changes.
For instance when war is accepted as a human institution the peace time laws
change. When food and shelter and peace are available a liberal temper modulates human logic. But
when there is scarcity the changes come in terms of a new logic where survival
determines the new law.
Man in the beginning thought of a
divine origin of everything. God has created the world of man and nature. Very
easily people thought that he who has created man must provide for him. But the
same man later challenged the anthropomorphic origin of man. Darwin changed the entire system of life and life
management with his book Origin of
Species. But the two systems exist simultaneously. Rationality and irrationality exist as twins. Today the
world is conflict ridden. The desire to dominate the human order by the rich
and powerful comes into conflict with the idea of universal brotherhood. The
Indian thinkers believe that the world is one Family. But this belief was challenged by several marauders and aggressors. India
never learnt to defend herself as its logic was that there is moral reason
everywhere and members of the same human family should not attack or defend
each other. But this logic was changed
when the country and its people were ruled by the aggressors. Chanakya changed
the obtaining logic and gave a new
system of moral reason. It is obvious that
in the evolutionary process of life reason too evolves. New efforts are made to
change the behaviour of man to suit one
system of logic.
The Indians today are stay at
homes because of the nature of the Corona Virus. To keep them entertained and enlightened the masterly epics of India.,
Ramayana and the Mahabharat are serialized after a gap of about 30 years. Every
day people hear one word- Dharma- in the epics, especially in the Mahabharat. There is a confusion in
the minds of the modern generations over the word Dharma. Almost all people,
particularly the bigots and the politicians use the word Dharma to mean
religion. But Dharma is not religion. Dharma fundamentally is moral reason which
should help life management. Duties, responsibilities, loyalties, political
systems, family systems are all modulated by Dharma, that is, responsible
behaviour, respect of the worthy and
dignified behaviour. The attitude to life is primarily sober, culturally
courteous and intellectually refined.
But in the Mahabharat particularly we notice a blind king behaves and functions
more as a father foolishly overfond of his son than a king who should treat all the subjects as his own
children. This blind king, Dhritarastra who could never have become the king if his brother had not died, never
accepted the Reason that a blind man cannot be a king. He also thought, that
his son although younger to Yudhistira ought to succeed him. This is politically and
morally Adharma that is unreasonable. It is unreasonable because it does
not have any moral base. In the context
of the then Arayavarta.
On the other hand in the Ramayana
we see another kind of unreason. If a
noble and virtuous king treats his subjects as his children and tries to please
them we should think that Reason's reign has begun and all systems - society
administration and family will grow and
attain moral perfection . But if a king sacrifices a noble, chaste and
loyal wife- the Queen- to pacify or appease the people, his reason is flawed.
Injustice, cruelty and irrational action cannot justify Rajdharma.. Sita was
sacrificed for political expediency. This is not Dharma. If Dhritarastra was
politically and literally blind to moral logic, Rama was blind to innocent
virtue. If Dharma is used for personal aggrandizement it butchers logic and
rationality. These ancient epics of India should teach the present generation
that Dharma is not religion. There is no Hindu or Muslim in the world. There is
only man and his moral logic should be
sound enough to lead him in life.
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