Sunday, 31 May 2020


The waves of my mind are still
my roaring passions are indrawn
I am now sinking into my depths
in hopeless surrender to silence.

I recede from earth sun moon
the sea nymphs are gone far inland
my limbs have denied to hold my fancies
my mind has lost all romantic agony.

May be I have wasted my time
waiting, praying in futile loneliness
now I am calm patient ,
no pain no joy stirs my mind
I  need only a silent end
no wish for rebirth or redemption
let the ashes be buried or
vanished in air I don't care.

Sabita Sahu

Life is For Ever

Prafulla Kumar Mohanty

Does anything end in this world? Man visualizes the last scene of everything because man is mortal. Anyone born on this earth dies. Anything that begins ends. Dreams end in nightmares, a smile ends in tears, the most beautiful rose fades away into black morbidity. A man celebrates birthdays and his children, if at all, remember his death anniversaries. A song, a play, a book, a building begins only to end at a point. All these are scenes of a reality which records many a repetition of a process - Beginning, Middle and End. If there is no end it becomes a drag on our time. If a man lingers painfully the children lose patience. They pray 'O' God don't give him more pain. Let him go peacefully. We wish everything to end in an orderly fashion. We glorify life and often glorify death too.  If somebody dies serving the country we call him a martyr. A brave soldier who measures his bloody length on the ground is crowned by his death. The end is natural but we wish to make the end grand.  The stoic philosopher's generalizations are not very welcome. If the beginning was grand the end too should be fantastic. But how many people accept the end of things in their own life? When youth ends a  strange cynicism begins although we say age brings wisdom to man. The end is never accepted gracefully.

A love begins, grows, deepens, matures but does not endure. All great lovers glorify separation and pain. Except in the poetry of Upendra Bhanja, the most respected Kabi Samrat in Odia literature, love has not been shown by any other world poet as the most sustaining value of life. This love begins in courtship of a classical kind, fructifies in passionate union, matures in separation and attains wisdom in old age. When the lovers sit in languor wearing silver crowns on their heads, love's timeless kingdom rules and reigns with love. But this poetic stance and worship of love cannot transcend death. Love may outlast the lovers but the lovers must die as is the law of life. Fame, glory, poetry, virtue may be immortal but they cannot conquer mortality. The end must come to everyone, everything even our planet and solar system. If the Earth started with the Big Bang it may end with a bigger Bang. But should we write the scenario, the screenplay of the end?

When the Two World Wars in close succession raged the civilization of half of the world the end of the world was grimly predicted. The doomsayers and negativists thought the end had come. But No. The green shoots of life reappeared under the debris of civilization. The prophets of doom are always overeager to visualize gloomy scenes where murky death overpowers life. When the last scene of a Greek or Shakespearean tragedy is viewed by a sobbing audience the next sunrise seems to be beyond the human sky. When Gandhi died many thought India's soul was permanently lost. But no such thing happened. The great Ashokan massacre of Kalinga could not decimate the Odia; he arose within a few hundred years to build the Konark and other architectural masterpieces. River Saraswati died or rather dried up into a sandy bed. But that did not declare the end of Indian civilization. Civilizations change external contours for the inner soul never dies. The Greeks today are no more what they were in the Homeric times but they will have the revival of the Ulysses spirit one day,   maybe in centuries ahead. India was almost written off during the Mogul- British Rule. But see where she is today in the 21st century. The end is not a finality; it is at best a pause into a new melodious thunder.

Man never accepts an end, especially the Hindus never take death as final. A tree falls but the tree is never dead. As clouds all on a sudden darken the bright blue sky, some calamity, death or defeat motheats the human grain but in a brief while the sky returns to a brighter, clearer glow and life resumes its flow. But most human beings particularly the 'educated' ones see death everywhere. The opposition parties in democracies see the ruling class as harbingers of death. In India, many politicians of such mindset think of Primeminister Modi as the  Covid virus, as if covid will take India back to the stone age. Nothing outlasts the process of change; no death disease disaster can ever seal the fate of man. Man is the only creature who fights all calamities, withdraws from the burning fields to fight another day and fights. After the Kurukshetra India was not destroyed. After the 1929 Depression America was not impoverished. The Spanish Flu, Sars have not struck infertility to the human womb. This Covid too will be defeated. But man by habit will write, predict and talk about Doomsday.

No one has seen the last scene of anything. If Hamlet's last scene is littered with dead bodies Elsinor will not die under Fortinbras. Life will spring piercing iron surfaces and new roses will always bloom. Time has no end only stops or pauses. Therefore my friends never write The Last Scene of anything. The last perhaps is the First of the new Resurrection.

Sunday, 24 May 2020

Fight Corona

Why stay home  like cowards
how can police and nurses
save weak men and women in masks
why should governments  do everything
for weak lazy morons like us.

Come out let us go to our fields
let factory chimneys exit smoke
labs, offices, schools and shops
run with  the fury of life
meet humans, dance and sing
blow the conch, beat drums
resound the skies.

Defy this tiny killer,
yes- a few have died
and will die, but if human
sacrifice is the ultimate,
so be it: let's join hands with
the covid fighters,
let's die to live  again and grow
let's not cow down and howl
like trapped animals in a cage.

Sabita Sahu

Learn Humility

Prafulla Kumar Mohanty 
Life is a journey from crisis to crisis. Man is the only creature who has demonstrated time and again that no crisis or great calamity, no Cloud burst, no Tsunami, no Covid or Sars can  ever wipe him off the surface of earth. We say with enthusiastic  optimism, every crisis is an opportunity. What is the nature of the opportunity  is however another question which will be asked after  the opportunity faces another crisis. India in particular, has survived many a crisis. Invasions,  famines, captivity, loss of freedom, floods, droughts and  manmade communal carnage and many such natural , unnatural supernatural disasters  have not yet destroyed the will to live and conquer. What we have conquered or achieved should not be asked at this point.  Human history has recorded the onslaughts of nature and fellow men but man has survived to record his plight. This endless process is what we call life. We turned to God, religions ,ideologies and cultural practices to save ourselves. But the connotations of safety, joy , peace and well being have changed over time. Man's resilience and adaptation have braved all life threatening disasters in course of  our history.

But have we ever learnt any lessons from all these? When the Amphan struck in the midst of Covid pandemic India did not cower under the wrath of the unseen powers. We lost our well nourished trees, harvests,  lives, property and above all our faith in the Saviour. But when the cyclone blew over we sighed in relief and returned to our old games of blame politics and hate. We saw the same things after the two Great Wars. During this Corona crisis also we try to blame China. Nepal comes out with a new map claiming rights over parts of India's territory. We have never learnt to be satisfied with what we have. We covet territories to satisfy our expansionist desires. The kings of yore went on expedition  to conquer territories of other kingdoms. We stole cows from other kingdoms; forests for wood and agriculture; we looted temples and destroyed them in the name of religious pride; we fought wars ruining human habitation, Kurukshetras were created for ego and exclusivity and also killed for revenge without caring for consequences.

What right do we have to kill another human being when we cannot create life? The elemental world is for everyone, be he a man, animal or insect. Life is not our monopoly, infact man has no right even to use this word monopoly: But this word too is a part of human vocabulary. Corporates too claim monopoly as do irate lovers and possessive men and women over their lovers, children, property and almost everything. Even God is monopolized by certain religious ideologues.

But when rights, monopolies are fiercely attacked by virus, what do we do? In our competitive survival instinct enters the old diseases of jealousy, hatred and oneupmanship. And all these old traits of man are under attack. We may survive  this and find  something a pill or vaccine to contain Corona? But what then? What lessons have we learnt from this crisis? We spoke of enlightenment. We have shored some wisdom from turbulent seas, we have gained insights into life and nature: Where are those when the language of hate, power, rivalry, domination and opportunistic exploitation of man is freely used- not  by the meek but by the so called powerful?  How long can man play these games making his own rules?

Man must remember, if his memory has not failed him altogether that no man can rule the world. Man comes to the world for a brief while not to seek bubble reputation but to make this earth the greatest monument of life. All his powers stop at the elements. If the air ceases to flow he will die. If light fails life will never generate.  He should learn to be grateful to the merciful plenitude of nature. Show your powers not to conquer  for your victories are temporary. No victor in the world, Alexander, Napoleon left his mark on earth as one who has heightened human virtues. Victories have only created fear, death and devastation. Man cannot conquer earthquakes or cyclones. All his victories are over men and animals. And the dust of time settles on it burying it to posterity. Man should learn the only lesson after having lived for millions of turbulent years: Humility.  He should display his art of living in all spheres, produce his poetry, music , sculpture and even the art of war to please man, to entertain man, for, life is not always a bed of roses. His spark of life should illumine not burn. He must understand and empathise the pain of man. Feed the hungry, wipe off the tearing eye, stand by the weak and meek. Love the human being for he is hungry for love. Make life on earth a choric panegyric for the Maker. Never try to substitute Him.  This world does not pay heed to man's pompous arrogance. This world loves, love, beauty, compassion, heroism to save the victim. Humbleness is the greatest virtue in man.

Now the world is in the grip of fear, the fear of death, the fear of recession. The fear of hunger and poverty. Fear as all scriptures say, is the beginning of wisdom. Humility is the only  wisdom, man ought  to learn to make  life liveable. 'Take Physic pomp', man at best is a forked animal. Humility will make him a legitimate spark of the Life Force.

Sunday, 17 May 2020

Hold Me If You Can

I know death stalks every moment
life cheats me, but I have
my ways to live on
without blackening my heart.

To please others I cried alone
wiped others' tears despite my own
smiled at everyone knowing well
how they mock my smiles 
so what if they are stuck in time
with paralyzed nerves.

I give light like the Sun
give breath like the air
do I wait for permission to give,
I give because I have to keep
my senses on line
I don't wait or need recompense
my being and sense of existence
all that I have for myself
and for you.
I own the earth, air and light
I have the  lease till death.
I am proud as I own you
and will leave this earth
to the other world , you in me.

Sabita Sahu

No Cooperation : Only Competition

Prafulla Kumar Mohanty
Yuval Noah Harari the best selling historian of the world, in an interview to India Today, passionately advocated  cooperation between nations as the only panacea to fight the Corona menace. But he has been proved wrong.  All efforts by global thinkers and leaders to organise the human order into a cooperative system of humanity have failed in the past. The Country, Bharat that is India which always believed in Basudhaiba Kutumbhakam ( The World is one Family) never could demonstrate  its efficacy in any crisis. The Mahabharat War is a typical case in point. Man by his very nature seems to be a dominating animal allergic to cooperation or fellow feeling. For this failing in man all scriptures, literatures and humanitarian philosophies advise cooperation. Man seeks cooperation, if at all, to tide over a crisis but there too the aim is always individual not universal. In today's Covid 19 dominated world too man does not want to share the suffering of others nor does he cooperate with the fearful to alleviate his suffering. This pandemic is used as  an opportunity by scheming men to control the purse strings of the world to control the political and economic powers of the impoverished  countries. China which gave this Corona to the  world is now overbusy to coronate itself over the world with a world power coronet. China is now trying to browbeat the neighbours and small countries by military might and also fancifully tests the patience of great countries like India.

Globalization today is dying if not already dead. The reason is the obvious rise of rationalistic temper even in the democracies. This has happened primarily to save democracies from the MNC's- Multinational  corporations. People vote for governments not the corporates whose  main aim is      to spread their business and make money. With this in view corporates even influence  voters in small (even big) democracies. Take the case of India. She sends Mangalyana and Chandrayana. But she has not yet produced an Aircraft, not to talk about fighter jets. The country which has produced ICBM's, Agni- Brahmos- Akash, the same country has  come out only in 2019 with Tejas  which holds no  candle to F16's or Raphael. India has not yet produced an assault  rifle like what it imports, AK 47. Even a howitzer is at present  beyond its ken. Even Ganesh, Saraswati icons swarm our markets from China. Our food habits have changed, sartorial  habits have become outlandish. Yet we say India once in history was the golden bird...

In the Corona Age changes in attitudinal dynamics have become fast and furious. Donald Trump won the American Presidential Elections giving the slogan 'America First'. It was however not original. Roosevelt had  given the first cry of America First. The American Dream of the thirties of the last century with the Acres of diamond pride made the post war America rich and prosperous. How could it come? It came not by cooperation with the world powers but by competition in the world market with their local products. The Kentucky Fried chicken, Coca Cola are not Jesus Fish or Manna Dew. Indian Chicken Tikka is more delicious. But a Liberal temper to cooperate  and accept universal variety made the world globalised in many ways. Yet Globalization was a mere economic exploitation of the MNC's of the rich and crafty nations .

We have not yet  entered the post Covid world. If at all we ever attain that stage, we cannot accept  cooperation between nations. The symptoms are now loud and clear. America, whether Trump gets his second term or not will try to avenge China for Corona spread.  Germany, Italy, Japan, Australia and also India, in a more  reticent manner, will endeavour to see the fall of China.  A new kind of strategic partnership will emerge isolating each country from the general good of mankind. A new identitarian  politics will be played by all nations. Trump has already done it  by withdrawing from WTO and now from World Health Organisation. Modi in India has already given  a call, for 'Jan' (individual )to 'jug' (world)', that is from the Indian to the  Universal. For this he has given the call 'be vocal about the local'. Produce here; from toothpaste to fighter jets,  from the halwa to howitzer, from new inventions to space craft. All this mean only fierce  competitions and not cooperation. All industrially rich countries will now try to surround China and checkmate its territorial and super power ambition. It is true that china very cynically tried to exploit the Covid -panic world. Much before China  let the WHO know about the outbreak of  Covid pandemic it was ready with masks, Personal Protection Equipment and some drugs. All Chinese Kits have been rejected by the countries of the world as ineffective and faulty. India too has rejected the Chinese kits. As a consequence China is now trying to use her military powers to subjugate  smaller countries and browbeat countries like India.

In this scenario most oil importing countries will find energy substitutes. India farsightedly has already made advances in the sphere of solar energy. Now today's call for local manufacture. All this will change the topography of the world. If countries which are not self sufficient in oil go in for alternatives the gulf countries will fall. A new Islamic backlash similar to the IS may create mayhem. But the victim will be cooperation . In India the states too will compete with each other. Cooperative federalism will get a shock. The approach by corporates will change. The world may not be a happy place to live in.

Sunday, 10 May 2020

We Have Shamed The Maker

You created the Universe
Sun, Moon, Stars, Trees, Animals
men of diverse  dreams rose and sword,
but you never visited to see your handiwork.

We have grown multiplied spread
cut jungles, buried rivers broke hills
our cities have more glitz and glamour
surpassing your imagination and fancy.

You created us equal, we divided
we created rich and poor
hated each other, fought on land
air and sea we have invaded,
we killed for faith by stonewalling
ourselves with stubborn logic
we destroyed temples, mosques
gurudwaras and built anew in its place,
our islands of pride.

Will you ever come, at least once
if ever you come you will seal yourself
with self hatred and disappear
leaving us orphans
for the way we nail you
every moment, unredeemed.

Sabita Sahu


Prafulla Kumar Mohanty

Watching B.R. Chopra's Tele Mahabharat serial compulsorily during the pathless lockdown I was struck by one shot : Bhisma lying on a bed of arrows in a forlorn corner of the Kurukshetra battle field with countless bleeding zones in his white clad body.  A man whose bow's thunder sank the hearts of the high and mighty and melted all stubborn heroes to fearful cowardice before the murmur stopped, the same hero lay half awake on a bed of arrows! The man fortified with a boon from his father Shantanu to die as per his wish was still thinking of his motherland, Hastinapur, wishing to see its secure future before wishing his breath to cease! It was an imaginative shot bringing the irony home that life is not a biological process, what matters in life is the will to counter the unseen vicissitudes by wisdom and fortitude which ultimately betray man's sole purpose of life. This stately scene  in the sunless battlefield of life stands out as the ultimate worth of man. Even after a full life of dedication and service man fails and falls on the arrows shot by the very things he loved to protect.

 Arguably Bhishma was the tallest figure  in Aryabarta. He was invincible in archery. His own Guru Parshuram had to acknowledge defeat. He was godlike in his resolve  to rise above the worldly ties of family, power, royalty and other luxuries of life which accompany them. He took a vow not to marry and raise a family when  the father of Satyabati apprehended that his children may rival her daughter's  children to the throne of Hastinapur. But here one is tempted to ask the question: Should he have taken such a vow? Only to pave the way for his old father Shantanu to marry Satyabati which in any case was lustful to say the least why, should the Prince, the most suitable and rightful inheritor to the throne make  a sacrifice of his own future? A future which was made uncertain by the unholy and  unequal marriage between Shantanu and the daughter of the fisher king, Satyabati. Bhishma's personal sacrifice was not for any noble cause. It was a vain sacrifice for a weak willed man, the king of Hastinapur who could not make his divine wife Ganga a queen or a woman. Sacrifices are made to save lives, to speak out Truth, to reveal wisdom; but Bhishma's sacrifice was for his father's lust.  Was it not a deviation from the course of nature and also politics? In return, however, he was given a boon of Death by Self will. But what is the utility of wishful death for a  man who has alienated himself to a metaphysical level by his own volition only to watch life flow without his effective controlling hands and even mind?

He had given his word of honour to his father to protect the throne of Hastinapur and accept the person who sat on the throne as his king. But we may ask legitimately whether his understanding of his own commitment was clear. Throne is a symbol of royal authority and kingship is another symbol of power wielded by a person to protect and serve the people. If Bhishma  accepted the person sitting on the throne as his master, he has reduced himself to the state of a subject if not a slave. How then could he control and guide the Person on the Throne and by what powers?  The king was responsible for Hastinapur and Bhishma's vow to protect Hastinapur was lost in his obedience to the throne.

His vow is in a way  responsible for the moral corruption which the Rajmata Satyabati had to submit to in the name of saving the clan. Shantanu's two sons were physically weak ; perhaps that was the way of destiny's revenge on Shantanu's indiscretion. Satyabati invited her own rape- son  Vyasa, the great scholar and sage to mate with the widows of Bichitravirya which definitely flouted the moral codes of society. Bhishma became  a mere witness to the gradual decline and fall of all values. Blindness to reality and loss of natural virility set on the Hastinapur throne to which Bhishma's oath bound loyalty had to acquiesce in. Bhishma definitely had a throne - loyalty that was skewed. He never questioned the Barunabrata crime and conspiracy. He never could hold the integrity of the Hastinapur throne. The kingdom was divided between the cousins.  He was responsible  by his assent to the division of territory. Like Shakespeare's King Lear Bhishma too treated the 'earth' as family property. He allowed the dice game  in the Royal  Court of Hastinapur and unprotestingly sat through the inhuman sight of  the denuding Of Draupadi by Dussasana at Duryodhan's orders.  Had he raised his voice or calmly walked away from the court the Hastinapur Royal Court would have been  spared  the moral  accusations of history. And finally the Mahabharat war could have been avoided had Bhishma stayed neutral like Vidur . Bhishma's vows to protect the  throne have no significance as Bhishma failed to protect the values of the famed kuru clan. The throne is a lifeless material frame of authority but the symbol is more important than the substance. Bhishma tried to protect the substance at the expense of the symbolic majesty.

But history will pay its due tributes to this great helpless Hero. He had the right perceptions and also the right commitments. But never imposed his sense of order  on the chaotic minds around him. In short he did not walk away. He stayed in the rut and till the final moment was true to his convictions.

The final scene of his life is a loud statement of his true position in history. Bhishma's glory did not have a verticality: He lay horizontally oh a bed of arrows . But the angels and humans threw petals on the dying, bleeding body while his great soul was adored and admired by Time and its unending manifestations.

Sunday, 3 May 2020

A New Future

If the present  is full of chaos
disturbs your sleep
don't worry -
dream of  a new beginning
make the present  the bricks
and mortar of your new home
plaster it with exotic distemper
draw pictures of man's future
that will guide and direct you.

But the question is what is new-
Is it the same chores of life?
Then what else could it be-
Yes- create a world without
the hunger of body, don't
confine it to your past again.

Stars planets they will be there
think of man -  that man who
can design life with a starry vision
of Humane togetherness:
How will you do it???
You will do it
by making the world
the home of mankind
where Men, Women and Nature
will sing  anew birth of  life.

Sabita Sahu

Dharma Is Reason Not Religion

Praeulla Kumar Mohanty
All systems are based on law and all laws are based on reason. Some laws are written and others are unwritten. Those unwritten too are based on reason where the authority is not specified but  surmised or experienced. The written law is  backed by authority, the authority of king or council or the People. Any breach is punishable after  a trial where  men and women of reason discuss, listen and proclaim a judgement to punish or pardon or release. But no system works or operates without law. The earth too is bound by law, she cannot deviate from the orbit, cannot stop moving wilfully. The cosmic laws too are based on reason. One may ask, what is this reason? The Greeks claim to have invented reason. But the Indians had practised Reason much before the Greek Enlightenment. Reason for the Greeks was mostly logical. For the Indians it was moral. Rationality for Indians was Dharma not religion. The rational faculty however is not a given constant. The cosmic constants are never changing but the human constants change  when the living conditions change. In other words laws made by men change when society changes. For instance when war is accepted as a human institution the peace time laws change. When food and shelter and peace are available  a liberal temper modulates human logic. But when there is scarcity the changes come in terms of a new logic where survival determines  the new law.

Man in the beginning thought of a divine origin of everything. God has created the world of man and nature. Very easily people thought that he who has created man must provide for him. But the same man later challenged the anthropomorphic origin of man. Darwin  changed the entire system of life and life management with his book Origin of Species. But the two systems exist simultaneously. Rationality  and irrationality exist as twins. Today the world is conflict ridden. The desire to dominate the human order by the rich and powerful comes into conflict with the idea of universal brotherhood. The Indian thinkers believe that the world is one  Family. But this belief was challenged  by several marauders and aggressors. India never learnt to defend herself as its logic was that there is moral reason everywhere and members of the same human family should not attack or defend each other. But  this logic was changed when the country and its people were ruled by the aggressors. Chanakya changed the obtaining logic  and gave a new system of  moral reason. It is obvious that in the evolutionary process of life reason too evolves. New efforts are made to change  the behaviour of man to suit one system of logic.

The Indians today are stay at homes because of the nature of the Corona Virus. To keep them entertained  and enlightened the masterly epics of India., Ramayana and the Mahabharat are serialized after a gap of about 30 years. Every day people hear one word- Dharma- in the epics, especially  in the Mahabharat. There is a confusion in the minds of the modern generations over the word Dharma. Almost all people, particularly the bigots and the politicians use the word Dharma to mean religion. But Dharma is not religion. Dharma fundamentally is moral reason which should help life management. Duties, responsibilities, loyalties, political systems, family systems are all modulated by Dharma, that is, responsible behaviour, respect of the  worthy and dignified behaviour. The attitude to life is primarily sober, culturally courteous and intellectually  refined. But in the Mahabharat particularly we notice a blind king behaves and functions more as a father foolishly overfond of his son than a king  who should treat all the subjects as his own children. This blind king, Dhritarastra who could never have become  the king if his brother had not died, never accepted the Reason that a blind man cannot be a king. He also thought, that his son although younger to Yudhistira ought to succeed him. This is politically and morally Adharma that is unreasonable. It is unreasonable because it does not  have any moral base. In the context of the then Arayavarta.

On the other hand in the Ramayana we see another kind of  unreason. If a noble and virtuous king treats his subjects as his children and tries to please them we should think that Reason's reign has begun and all systems - society administration and family  will grow  and  attain moral perfection . But if a king sacrifices a noble, chaste and loyal wife- the Queen- to pacify or appease the people, his reason is flawed. Injustice, cruelty and irrational action cannot justify Rajdharma.. Sita was sacrificed for political expediency. This is not Dharma. If Dhritarastra was politically and literally blind to moral logic, Rama was blind to innocent virtue. If Dharma is used for personal aggrandizement it butchers logic and rationality. These ancient epics of India should teach the present generation that Dharma is not religion. There is no Hindu or Muslim in the world. There is only man and  his moral logic should be sound enough to lead him in life.

Forever New