Sunday, 9 June 2019

As I See Things

Prafulla Kumar Mohanty

I grew up with certain ideals from books and also those imparted by teachers . I grew up with the belief that man is divine, mankind is one, humanity manifests itself in  different cultures of the world and artistic expression and aesthetic  appreciation of life's multifoliated  contours are the best attributes of life . I preached and practised most of these values and was delighted when the idea of globalization started with hope for assimilation of human diversity and celebration  of human efforts in literature, science, inventions and a borderless world picture. The world would be one market and all virtuous products of the human mind , be it in technological production or  imaginative expressions, would be appreciated as the hard work of Man and his creative mind. But disappointment  soon followed. Now that I have already crossed the twilight zones and slowly moving towards the receding horizon the disappointment is life- denying. Ideas of  cooperation , love, truthfulness, integrity are on the decline . Liberals and wallowing in the frenzied variety of human expressions in culture, art, science, economics and politics is now at crossroads.

What I see today is that Globalization is on its last throes, equality, human rights, the soul values are being replaced  by Feminism, Anti- Racism, Gay rights, Dalit rights etc. A rising nationalism is now the greatest challenge to globalisation. The electoral victory of  Donald Trump in America, the failure of the European Union to accommodate the aspirations of United Kingdom and the rise of Narendra Modi and the Bharatiya Janata Party  bear testimony to the fact that the World today is on the cusp of change. Cultural nationalism, glorification of the past and  continuity of a sense of national pride are the new order of the world post- globalization. The 2019 election in India is loud enough to make  the voice of change heard and pondered. Although Brexit has not yet succeeded the message is clear. The people in America thought promoting global culture in a borderless economy is none of the business of America. The English voter as the Indian or American voter  still believes in democracy, free  speech and competition  but none thinks of the world as one unit of mankind. The rise of China as an economic and military power also has impacted the balance of the world if there was any. Nationalistic expansionism has eroded to a large extent the elitist liberals of the world. Nationalism too is now under attack by regional culture and language pride. The Tamils led by a self glorifying band of politicians refuse to learn Hindi. West -Bengal under the leadership of a ruthless and hyper ambitious leader has now coined new slogans like Joy Bangla. Nationalism too has its internal dissensions all over the world.

But the most painful for me is the death of Romantic Love. Man's primal value, the sustaining sensibility  enriched by imagination is now only a pastime in the bed, that too is now snappy. the humans have no time to watch in languid contemplation the moods of a man or woman making him/ her a universe to live in for time's wisdom. Man is busy with living, naturally he has no time for love, for that is not a marketable proposition. Poetry and classical music too are now confined to a few lovers. The road show in politics is symptomatic of non participatory entertainment. The street corner play or the local area band or the gossip in the local papers are fine to relieve the tension of the working day in big cities. Commuting to the place of work is now hazardous and expensive. The working hours have no regularity. Sunrise to midnight one has to work for success. This success is determined by your market value. The population rise naturally invites competitive populism in all fields- Art, Politics economics. The entertainment Industry has its own logic.

Everything now is corporatised.  Simulation of an idea for public consumption must be supported by a corporation. Otherwise individual efforts will go unnoticed. Sand artists are now more acceptable to the public  only because of Television and corporate support. Even the Kumbha Mela was a grand corporate affair managed by Government support and event managers.

All these have changed my idea of happiness . Eat your fill for variety is displayed there to impact your choice. Go for the exotic and ephemeral for there is nothing permanent in nature or the world we live in. Follow the so called mainstream: Otherwise you will be left behind. Live for the moment  and forget it immediately for new excitement is ready for grabs. Earn but don't cry out for ethical purity. Speak out and ask for more of everything . Exhaust yourself so that you will have used up ypur body and mind without caring for guarantees.

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