Sunday, 29 March 2020


What the eyes see
are illusions,
the deceitful trickery
of reality
the sounds we hear
are not music
only chaos
all objects  men and women
are moving shadows
without depth or essence
cynicism is inevitable.

No words remain
no law  is respected
cacophony rebounds
even louder
noise and rumours,
confuse the primal truth
of my being.

My truth cracks
should I lie down
under sedative
who will decide
If I am frozen
in my stirless being.

I doubt whether
I am what I am
my gushing breath and
palpitating heart
my blurred vision
my resounding ears
are they real or
I am reality blind?

Sabita Sahu

Home Sweet Home

Prafulla Kumar Mohanty
Home is what you go away from as from a mother. The mother is home, the mother is the womb, a self sufficient prison where you are fed with love, care, attention and concern. The babe seeks freedom to see the world outside, to eke out  his own living to know to suffer, enjoy and fulfil the obligations of mortality. I know most of my readers will not agree. Mother is love, mother is the source of life and her upbringing prepares a man to face the challenges of life: They would say tirelessly. The home is heaven, the abode of peace and certitude! For a moment let me concede, let me say yes to the sentiment for I was taught in my childhood to worship mother and consider home to be the best place  in the world. Poets have sung panegyrics  for the home and mother. It's mother who brings you  to the world. Very true. Why then people who matter leave their homes?

Buddha left home and mother , the lure of the pleasure palace of beauty, youth and sex. Adi Shankar left his mother who was a helpless widow. Christ lived beyond his mother and Home -  even Gandhi. The Indian sages  thought of the larger world as their home. The ( Rig ) Vedic Civilization taught to consider the world as your home- Vasudhyeba Kutumbakam. The world is your family. Dosteovsky wished man to make the world his home. Bertrand Russell and others wanted the world to come under one unitary administration. In the seventies of the last century the idea  of Globalization began to catch the imagination of the countries, especially the richer ones But all those lofty ideas failed us. Our mythical gods too are homeless in heaven. All sages, poets, thinkers and politicians  never think of a cosy home somewhere elusively away from all lures of the real world. W. B. Yeats wanted to go to Innisfree and live there in the 'bee loud glade'? Our own Rdhanath wished to spend his westward life on the shores of the goose swimming blue waters of Chilika. Did he?

Home is a conceptual paradigm of an insufficient mind, of a person whose self belief is suspect, one who depends on others to fulfil the needs of his body, mind and soul if there is any. Home is not a four walled house with a roof to save one from the vagaries of nature. Home is where you do not feel like a prisoner, guarded, fed and guided, protected as in the mother's womb. Home is or should be a metaphor of a celestial world of bliss where the mind is free like nature, vast as multitudinous skies where clouds never come to wipe it off our sights, and where the petty needs of the body do not compel you to worrisome work for a few banknotes.

I am my home. My Being is home enough for everything that we see , hear  and read. My home is larger than the world of eye and ear. The sea, sky and earth with the rivers, mountains  and glades; the billions of creatures, including the wise and wily bipeds are my nerves and sinews like the  wired universe. But let me pause and ask myself why do you need a home then? Why do Governments all over the world have housing schemes? Why does Modi promise hundreds of millions of homes for the homeless Indians? Well these are houses for people to eat, sleep and die not homes where you contain universes. You do not feel responsible for another man, You have no qualms of conscience when houses burn in your neighbourhood by mindless mobs who gloat over the bellowing smoke; You have demands, needs wants of the body which others must fulfil. You are a lonely creature languishing under your incompetence; you protest, beg for mercy and even kill and shamelessly speak out, "we will snatch away what we need from the "other" before whom we crouch in fear. Such persons lack what the ancients called Purushokara, manliness, the pride of being.  In short, these creatures never feel at home anywhere in time and space.

Home is a hypocritical template for the unworthy for he does not find certitude anywhere. He has no quest for Oneness. He is a dismembered specimen who thinks of segregating his walled world from the larger multicoloured splendour of reality. Me, mine and a Cartesian I comprise his nonbeing. His mind never can conceive of a Pegasus flight to conquer the sunless reality beyond the solar system. He sits surrounded by his, what he calls,  loved ones and thinks of the routine of food, education, house, marriage, success and other associated things hiding his inner discord from his neighbours. He calls his house Home Sweet Home and gets nervous if he misses his own address. He thinks constantly of buying a bigger house, a larger lawn, a gothic gabion, Italian marbles and loses his sleep.  He is confined to a 1000 sq foot flat or a mansion, palace for he is never satisfied with what he has.  He feels cabined and boxed and dreams of the whole of space. Yet he calls it sweet home in a self consolatory surrender of his ego. He is never the Home of life, never the fulfilled soul above desire. Hence his mind always wanders outside his home counting his inadequacies.

Sunday, 22 March 2020

The Corona Way

Prafulla Kumar Mohanty

Disaster is a centennial visitor to our earth and this 2020 Visitor  bearing a bright , brilliant sunny ringing  name Corona is a globetrotter. The difference this time is that its reception is in isolation, social distancing, hiding from other creatures wearing masks, gloves and silent fear all over inert bodies. A shrinking sense of uncertainty paralyses man and his institutions. Industrial production is at almost a standstill. The flights, national, International and chartered, get cancelled moment by moment. Daily wagers wait for Roti to fall from heaven. And man is no more manly. Science, civilization and culture cower under a surrendering logic. Paradox- mongering is now the new Avatar of rationality.

Those who said that the world is one family, the earth is our greatest monument which holds us together now retract, if not in words, by action. Deglobalization, isolation and aloneness have now become our insurance against death. Togetherness, mankind dancing ceremonially holding  each other's hand, is now forbidden. Corona , this unseen microbe has challenged all Gods  of all faiths. The temples are shut, isolating gods to their lonely contemplation over creation. if anyone still believed that creation is purposeful, now thinks way differently. Man is born through a  natural biological process  to fend for himself and finally die if not by Covid 19, by some other thing: For man is born for death. Man's quest for immortality through spirituality or science is  a mere life-spending exercise. If this is pessimistic so be it. All our optimism has masked us, defaced us. We stay away masked and sanitized in our individual worlds of death contemplation. If the virus dies, leaves the body and a sense of life returns, it is temporary. Now we know, all our towers of excellence are  show pieces of bubble reputation. Our efforts to ward off  death are consolatory measures for a brief while. If the plague or cholera is mastered some H1n1 is waiting at the wings; after its fatal performance it goes . But the play is not over. Many characters , seen unseen, expected unexpected are still  there.

Man has always won battles but lost the war. Society , togetherness, humane behaviour, embracing others to conquer by love, poetry, fine arts and civilizational values have won battles of hate, enmity, jealousy and  such other negatives. But after winning battles we march with pride, show off  our triumphalism in many masquerades of festive cheer. But the moment the paint is washed and royal mask are  hung for future use some unseen arrow pierces our hearts  and we measure our length on the ground. We thought of family, society, festivals and community fellowship to stave off such invisible arrows.  We smeared colours of love on dear faces  making those unrecognizable; we launched wars on "others" calling them enemies and thought of saving culture, territory, country in the name of patriotism or the less charming, nationalism. But after victory we used patriotism  as abuse and after defeat resolved to shed our blood for the country as true patriots. But the enemy as well as the friend lost their identity and started mutual cooperation for business, partnership and also joined hands to fight a more powerful enemy. This process has gone on. Corona too will go as it is also like us. At the moment it is a proud victor but its days too are numbered. After a year when corona gets weakened  man will start his old games. The Sensex will rise again.

Some people arguing quoting those oft quoted lines from the Bhagabadgita-  Yada, Yada... sambhabami yuge yuge- that man has been punished by the new Avatar, a mini precursor of Kalki. But if god can make humans behave humanly- whatever it means- only by killing them as Krishna did in Kurukshetra war God is the most fickle minded creator. He does not know how to manage his creation. If someone argues, Yes they do, that non-vegetarianism is the cause of Corona they will soon realize that even lifetime vegetarians too have been attacked. The rationalist will argue that there are certain things beyond logic.

But corona has taught us one lesson which all great men, Gandhi and others, had tried to teach -Swacchata. This swacchata is not mere cleanliness of the home and office or your transport  system. This is the idea of what the ancient Hindu thinkers  called Dharma. This Dharma is not religion. This means doing your duties, in the context of the society, following ethical principles; taking responsibilities for others who are less fortunate. Doing things selflessly and keeping the earth, heaven, mind and body clear of all dirt- moral, physical or psycholigical. If Corona  can enforce this strict observance of Dharma on mankind it will have fulfilled its Avatar Dharma.


Who cares for unseen enemies
those who attack unawares
without warning,
The enemy is one who has a face
and bravely faces to challenge
the authentic bearing of certitude.

Man is a born fighter
as he grows up from
the zygote to the hero
celebrating life every moment
sorrow, pain, danger, death
notwithstanding but the
cowards like Corona
stealthily enter the body
to steal life to please their sadism.

But how long corona can last
when the shadow disappears
the sun and moon
flashback their brilliance
loveliness and sustaining solace
life goes on despite the
occasional shadow.

Corona too is mortal
our mortality will outstrip
the death of Corona
the only pain is separation
from our loved ones
however, temporary.
But love will conquer
life will rise again
treading on the dead Corona.

Sunday, 15 March 2020

Marriages Are Earthly

Marriages are made in heaven
may be divorce too is heaven ordained.
But only here on this earth of palaces
primrose gardens and tinsel glitter
hands are held tight to Vedic chants
by indifferent priests in bad Sanskrit.

Marriage is a license to play games
of body and mind in routine stance
home, children, cooking and accounts
make the couple sad, happy and mad
loud voices, mouth, I-Me, Yours- Mine
she sulks, he returns drunk,
children wail and turn bear and bull.

Home turns hell when mom overspends
or Pop is seen with another,
marriage vows are broken
roof collapses on the empty rooms.
What is marriage without love
and love without freedom?
True minds and pure hearts collide
they coalesce with dignity as one.

Marriages in heaven's register are
account books, love is not  the seal
It is man who loves woman as heaven
woman is splendour for man's soul.
Man and woman create heaven
when love seals them together.

Sabita Sahu

Everyday Is A Women's Day

Prafulla Kumar Mohanty

Everyday is Women's day, Yes International ,Universal, Cosmic, however you name it. Woman is the first manifestation of life in almost  all myths. Even in the Genesis, the woman is  in man, the thirteenth rib, came out by divine surgery. The earth is The Woman, gives birth to life, sustains it and becomes the stage for its Lila. Woman brings man on the earth, mankind is woman's creation despite man's shenanigans. Woman holds the family together, makes the home liveable. She gives the joy of beauty and love. She sends the man to the battlefield, she sends man to conquer the Everest, swim oceans and explore the space. In the Sankhya philosophy she is the Prakriti, man's  allhadini shakti , the regulatory energy as Radha was to Krishna.

I know you will raise your eyebrows, call me old fashioned. But who has defined woman? We men have defined her position. We thought beauty, delicacy and lithe grace cannot hack ferocious animals, cannot fell trees, cannot do business, cannot enter the entangled web of the market system, cannot fly a fighter jet, cannot kill enemies-she can only clean the floors and kitchen , give birth to children and take care of their upbringing. She is weak and hence should be protected. In the marriage vows man is to protect the woman, feed her and provide for her. Strangely she was never thought of as a celibate. Celibacy was man's monopoly and even for that man needed her companionship. If her shadow falls on a celibate saint the saint will be desiccated. All rules of behaviour, social etiquette were made by men and she was not allowed to sing, dance or read. Many saw her as distraction for she is a temptress.

But all those ideas and rules are now changed. The woman is now everywhere on earth and sky. She mothers the ailing men in hospitals as nurse, she puts the steatho on man's chest as doctor, she wields the scalpel as surgeon, she drives auto and heavy vehicles, she parajumps and works behind enemy lines, she spies in enemy territory, she invents, creates new designs, fashion's the men's world, writes poetry and fiction, anchors  debates and programmes, commands parades, reigns as the head of a state, judges, advocates, performs diplomatic functions and over and above all male functions she bears children which man can never do.

The woman was denied her rightful place in the human order. Now she has claimed her rights by her intelligence and fighting spirit. Woman was always a womb and her rights, if any, were given by men. Mothers taught their  daughters to eat after everyone late, to serve the elders  and take care of the younger ones. Today the parenting has changed. The girl child is no more an unwanted economic curse. Mothers now speak a different language. They are now trained, taught and counselled to be free, brave and pursue their aspirations.

But now the woman has disappeared! That is she is not at 'home' under a veil. She is everywhere participating in all human activities. Those who say the woman has disappeared, are not men only. In the lower middle class families the mother in law always had a role to play that is to order around the daughter in law. These households have missed a free servant. The working women today are self confident. They supplement the family income and at the same time serve the society. Of course the home- workplace situation exists but when a women opts for work she would definitely solve the  accompanying problems. Her will power and  self- belief however get shocks when she gets waylaid  and some drunken men rape her. This problem exists in India and elsewhere in the world despite laws and social alertness. This clearly means that the male order has not changed the mindset. The woman is meant for pleasure and it does not matter  if it is by force. Despite  advance of civilization respect for women is not in the value code of men. In the Muslim countries the woman now is beginning to find her voice.

Women's Day is an official recognition of women's rights as human beings. But the male population should shake off the earlier prejudicial ideas. Women today are well educated in all disciplines of knowledge. In any Board or University examination they are the toppers. They are everywhere but under the protective care of the States. per their due. They are half of mankind yet they are shown 'mercy' by the male world by giving grudging concession  in several areas of life. They are not free to operate in society as per their wishes. They suppress very often their ambitions because of family pressure.  They sacrifice their careers for the family which is sad and unacceptable. In America since 1776 no woman has ever become President. Men never allow their free minds to flourish. But the women are now penetrating and breaking the glass ceiling by their own hard work and intelligence. In the sports field,  Defence territory they are making their presence felt. But now that kind of 'exclusively for women' attitude should change. General inequality has now been  mostly a thing of the past. Why then men's cricket and  women's cricket? If we think the woman Minister is as capable as any man a footballer too should be equally capable to serve her country. If such things do not happen women will always remain as the other sex protected by the Original. No Almighty God of any religious faith is a woman. Hence although she is now free , her fetters have not been removed.

But women should be women not wear men's pants

Sunday, 8 March 2020

The Mid Point

Pain  comes in perspective
pleasure in measured dose
I have seen floods and drought
I have no regrets in mixing them
like sweet and sour  dishes
at the high table of life.

Was it pain that made me
insane to hold on to the
memories and bleed
like an unstitched wound
I could neither realize then
nor get an answer
the echoes of pain are
now chocked and there
is no way out.

Pleasure is now a beautiful
and compact boon  that
makes me sing laugh and dance
rejoicing the thirst of sweetness
from earth to heaven.

Whose tale shall I say
pleasure or pain
yesterday they were mine
and today  they are
and interminable 
debate of life.

Sabita Sahu

Forever New