Sunday, 22 March 2020


Who cares for unseen enemies
those who attack unawares
without warning,
The enemy is one who has a face
and bravely faces to challenge
the authentic bearing of certitude.

Man is a born fighter
as he grows up from
the zygote to the hero
celebrating life every moment
sorrow, pain, danger, death
notwithstanding but the
cowards like Corona
stealthily enter the body
to steal life to please their sadism.

But how long corona can last
when the shadow disappears
the sun and moon
flashback their brilliance
loveliness and sustaining solace
life goes on despite the
occasional shadow.

Corona too is mortal
our mortality will outstrip
the death of Corona
the only pain is separation
from our loved ones
however, temporary.
But love will conquer
life will rise again
treading on the dead Corona.

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