Sunday, 30 June 2019

Everything Is Fine

Everything is fine
I guess, we all love to listen.
Parents get solace 
when far away children say
'everything is fine'.

Cuts, wounds or chronic
disease is half cured
when the doctor says
'everything is fine'.

Heartbroken lovers overcome
their reckless scars, when
a mellifluous voice whispers
'everything is fine'.

When you feel like giving up
the inside drowning defeat
suddenly ignites the
positive frame of mind
'everything is fine'.

When my  love says he spent
nights in wakefulness
celebrating with shadows
and voluptuous imagination
away somewhere in ecstasy
'everything is fine'.

When my own people
turn their face away
and none calls me for dinner
leaving  me alone in my study
and go away to see a
night show- for me
'everything is fine'.



Prafulla Kumar Mohanty

Death is an inevitable component of life for  without it life is incomplete. But is birth inevitable? This question is a pastime of a polemicist. He will argue till he goes blue in the face that this earth is meant for life meant for all forms of birth. The amoeba to the Homo Sapien, the grass blade to the beautiful rose, the thorn bush to the snake all are born on this earth inevitably. The earth's ecology balances the sweet and bitter, the calm and the violent, the meek and the wild, the ambrosiac and the poisonous in her display of the creative system. 

Like the full moon and the new moon, light and dark birth and death are inevitable. if this balancing of life and death is an inevitable process of nature we can well understand why we have joy and sorrow, youth and old age , love and separation, laughter and tear etc, binaries of contrastive irresolution, which perpetually engage us with our reality. Man has busied himself right from the first flush of life to fight the contrarian dialectics without finding an acceptable solution. For this reason only arguments never cease, debates are never resolved, sorrow never ends. He fights hunger, disease and death: And how? He launches a never ending war  against all these life denying elements which are inevitably present in the human condition. The fight against death too seems to be an inevitable component of life . Is this also an inevitable built in factor of the entire process of inevitability?

This is the original sin of all our problems : We have to fight this inevitability. who created this inevitability of infructuous fight? Man thought it was God who for his own sadistic pleasure has made nature the vast and beautiful stage for our inevitable acrobatics of all varieties. Restlessly we fight to win our battles against the elements which every moment change the dynamic of our logic. If I love a woman and cannot have her I must elope with her only to cause a Trozan War. If  I cannot muster courage to forcibly take away what I love most for my soul's solace I may have to spend the rest of my life on a hilltop in meditation on futility thereby wasting a  life inevitably. If I desire another's territory I attack, unsure of victory, but attack I must to conquer my inevitable and unseen enemies. If I die people will call me  hero , if I return in one piece garlands will weigh me down while my jealous internal enemies will plot for my fall. Caesar would die saying 'et tu Brute'.  Destiny of man is determined by this inevitability of man's dream to conquer his 'enemies'. The dream is also inevitably born with man for he who does not dream is no man. This dream gives him the energy to fight, at times his own instincts.

Inevitability is recognised by the human intellect as divine determinism. Man is born, some people argue and rightly so, with a pre-determined destiny. This leads often to fatalism and consequent inaction and surrender to forces above. Man's mythic imagination structuralizes a post-mortem world which regulates man's dream and his fighting instinct. He simply atones for his unremembered sins of a previous birth, a life lived somewhere of which he has no memory. He runs to astrologers to know in advance the morrow. Astronomy stems from fatalism and it studies the luminosities  above and their effect on man on earth. Those who believe in fate   believe in a pre scripted life. And this belief reduces the strength of mind to fight against the 'enemies' and dismisses dreams. Man becomes an instrument on which  unseen fingers play a tune. He does not become an agent in the earth which is a theatre of becoming. But the world today has dispelled all kinds of determinism ( except in the world of physics where theories of the Super String are now raising doubts) although the religions still maintain their strange hold on man's free will, the will that denies inevitability.

Nothing in the world is inevitable, except death which completes life. We make things, ask questions dream of absurd things and pursue them with all our energies. If we fail our efforts are to blame. If we succeed our efforts, intellect, tenacity of purpose should be lauded. Man is the cause of all happenings in the life on earth. His fight to defeat death is on, death in all its manifestations. One day the Homosapien will be Homodeus. Man should fight inevitability by his will to make things happen for He is the Maker of Everything.

Sunday, 23 June 2019


Between the Internet and Net
I stand , move around worlds
one real loaded with factitude
the other entangled with truths
but the real is unreal,
the truth is deceptive:
life nets me more I try
to extricate myself, I bind unwinded.

Between the image and the event
I stand confused transfixed
unsettled by my desire although
I know not what I need :
when he speaks of love
I stare at him without response
what is love, a mango to eat
or an Eve moment of self deception?

He says I am everything to him
the globe with the canopy of stars
events, truths, words and silence,
I go to the internet to understand
but fall back into the net ,
the key ring gets stuck when
I try to take in his message

I'll break the internet
and make an 'O' of the WWW
I'll cut the net, bite it off :
but will love give me food
and a shelter or the open sky
the green earth to deck myself
with words that bloom like flowers?

What Ails Our Universities !

Prafulla Kumar Mohanty

Has anyone heard of a new invention or discovery coming out of an Indian University recently or anytime during the last 50 years? But we have heard and seen campus disturbances, teacher's unrest strikes and sine die closures. Jawaharlal Nehru University, Hyderabad University and Aligarh Muslim University were in the news for all wrong reasons. In JNU, a University established by Nehru, one of the greatest Indian minds, for excellence in research and new ideas was  mired in politics of a divisive kind. Certain student leaders  like Kanhaiya Kumar and others discussed with uncanny passion how to bring about the disintegration of India. Other student groups representing opposing political views clashed with the Tukde Tukde gang ( a sobriquet coined by other interested parties) and the great JNU came almost to a stand still. Dalit uprising and leftwing combative politics over the death of Rohit Vemula held the University hostage to activities which are least academic. Similarly the Aligarh Muslim University had its share of contribution to academic confusion over a Jinna portrait. No heartening news about a new book or even a tool or a medicine ever came from our Universities during the post-Independence years. We are proud of our Universities, the  IITS and IIMS and legitimately so. The students coming out of these hallowed institutions have been recognized all over the world. But how are they different from other professionals without contributing to the society's ease of living? Cheap and effective medicines for diabetes,  superior aeroengines or automobile engines or new methods in heart surgery are still imported from the so-called advanced world. I do not want to deprecate the indigenous things available here but our entire defence system is 64 percent Russian and the rest American or French. Even Israel with a population of a few lakhs produces things and ideas with their less number of Universities whereas we have so many technological institutes which merely dispense degrees and certificates.

When prospective employers are asked about our University products, most of them say that  our engineers are unemployable, our graduates are not fit to be even clerks and our doctors are not properly skilled. There was a time when Ravenshaw college ( now university) alone produced good number administrators, poets, scholars. Today all the Universities of Odisha put together do not produce even a quarter of that number. A University embraces all the knowledge of the world as its province and tries  to expand that province by its own contribution. The present brand of politicians ruling the country are proud of the Vedic culture and the ancient knowledge of the epic times. Some say that the Puspak Biman was something like a modern  aeroplane . Well prove it and bring the theoretical content before the world? If Ganesha illustrates plastic surgery of the Vedic past well theorize it properly for the acceptance of the world community. We have to come out of our past fixations for the world  and its values and properties change moment by moment.

The University is the place where ideas are born. A historian or economist should not only discuss what Marx or Keynes have said but think of the present situation of India and the world and frame new questions for further pursuit. How to solve the water crisis in India? - This is not a political question. This question should be asked in the Science laboratories of the Universities. Knowledge is no more mere power in the hands of a few people . Knowledge should be used by the scientists and specialists in the Universities to serve the needs of man in the here and now and in the hereafter.

I admit that the population pressure is felt in all Universities. We have fewer teachers, inadequate laboratories but we must remember that Pencillin was invented not in Cavendis Laboratory but in a small room. Darwin did not work in any great lab nor did the Indian thinkers invent Zero and Infinity in Harvard or in any Ivy League Institution.

The University does not mean an imposing building and well equipped labs and research facilities. It is like an Ashram where the Guru matters for he holds the universe in his palm to show it to the future of mankind. Campus politics is the bane of our Universities, The Universities must now purge themselves of this malaise and start new ways of thinking and looking at things.  The University must take over the authority of power by knowledge, invention and discovery.

Sunday, 16 June 2019


Be it sunny or rainy day
chilly or dusty noon
he forces his feet against
mud stone or rubbish
pushes the peddle to drive
all our weights to our places.

When sits blank waiting
for a customer, lights a bidi
with five rupees in hand
rushes  to the aahar point.

Life revolves like the wheels
he pushes  panting for breath,
takes men and women
the sick and the vain
to homes, hospitals and graves
till his bone gives up
in time's cruel mischief.

He too lives, survives
raises a family loves kids
runs for them from dawn
to midnight without rest
he too is a man like us
only a bit more human
more or less...

Sabita Sahu

There Is No Finality

Those who think, always  try to counter the available thoughts. Contemplation is not a mental activity for its own sake. When a person thinks of politics, he tries to find out ways and means of challenging the available political situation. When the seeker of Truth gets his enlightenment, his truth is always an alternative to the given or  accepted truths. When someone says surrender to God, all your pain, misery and worldly problems will be over, we don't stop there. We ask is there a God, a divine dispenser of Justice for the living beings? And we analyse, weigh the pros and cons, meditate only to find  a different answer. Why surrender, killing or suppressing your instinctual desires, aspiration and feelings  before an entity about whom or which we are not certain. Man does not believe  in any ultimate principle or certainty for the moment he accepts something as the finality of everything he denies his personally perceived reality; he denies his own essential being. Man cannot accept his reality as a caged  parrot repeating the words, hymns, mantras or other life -elevating truths. If he does he loses his manliness.

A poet is always dissatisfied with what he has, that is his worldly engagement  which are most often other-directed. He tries to follow his own inner direction and comes into conflict with the world. As Matthew Arnold has said, he criticizes life, that is he criticizes the norms, precepts and practices as does the philosopher, politician and even the marketing manager, the husband, wife and even the non attached singleton. All brain storming sessions in every field of life  are meant to promote a product, be it an idea or perception or so called truth. For this reason only words are coined, slogans are raised to promote an idea or truth to its maximum marketability. Languages grow, vocabulary expands limitlessly and symbols and signs proliferate.

Man grows in numbers biologically hence more words and new logic come to clash of confusions. If a man says,he is happy with his family life, we ask what happiness is that? Food, Sex and sleep? Is that the meaning of happiness? And the happy man becomes miserable. Starts questioning his own happiness and may define his own happiness as a routine repetition of certain pleasurable moments. Any repetition of a thing comes under the law of diminishing returns and the happy man one day runs into the forest to find new happiness. Now that the forest cover of  the world is depleting he may change his residence or at least change the furniture for novelty. Man is a restless creature and like Ulysses he will never rest at any point.

But shouldn't there be a finality? Shouldn't there be a final acceptance of some value which eases  living? if a man lives for a few thousand or more days should he not accept life as it has come and settle down to a routine practice like the "happy" family man. But man cannot settle for half, that is to indulge in routines without chasing his dreams. This is what man is. And that is why he thinks, contemplates, argues, invents, fights, kills and dies. If he chooses the tool of language to fight his dream battles he discovers certain new metaphors, he propogates them, argues with the challenges, thereby falling into the trap of misery.

There is no finality. After Fani or Armageddon the leaves appear on the stumps, people again fall in love, the quest for zeroing  in on the final truth starts all over again. We must at least accept this truth that there is no finality. Life is not meant to be a 'happy' station. The journey is limitless to find out new misery of excitement.

Sunday, 9 June 2019


Dawn breaks the seal of night
sky's spotlight brightens,
incremental light showers joy,
the morning cup cheers the air
breakfast sounds resound
the kitchen like an echo chamber.

At noon the sun hits the meridian
youthful lunch spreads gusto
phone calls, balance sheets, sign
signatures, flying kisses, embraces
school bags, bye-bye, see you
gushing  streams roar in triumph.

Afternoon brings autumnal fruits
ripe and sweet, meaty success greets
cream crackers and steaming tea,
one spoonful milk, half spoon tears
son's failure, daughter's elopement
the dentist's chair revolves pain.

Evening lingers in hospital beds
tension fills the air with warm soup
which stains the lips with rancid taste
medicine bills raise the pressure
waiting eyes look sideways
for distant blood to flow in veins.

The eerie night slaps stupor
dinner gets stale, hardly eaten
the dog howls tread on nerves
eyes don't focus, the dear ones
wait for the  final whistle
to blow the trumpet, beating retreat.

Sabita Sahu

Forever New