Sunday, 1 November 2020
Earth Mother's Resolve
Where Is Bharat Akhand!
Prafulla Kumar Mohanty
My heart gets a chill when I hear the term ‘Akhand Bharat’ from political and cultural platforms. Celebrating the birth anniversary of Sardar Vallabh Bhai Patel, many admirers, political – apolitical, praised him and rightly so, for his unifying effort to make India whole and undented. While I join all admirers of Sardar Patel in lauding him as the unifier of India post- partition; I bleed internally for the historic dismemberment of a great subcontinent by the shamheaded Britishers to prioritize religion over human togetherness, thereby ruining the future of a great country which they looted to their treasury’s content. The communal violence and hate that followed partition continues to ring ghostlore in the generations which are not allowed to move ahead with a guilt free conscience: hate, violence, and fear crack their dreams. No country ever was divided into two in the history of the world yet we celebrate Akhand Bharat! Is it a self-patting palliative to our sagged ego or an acceptance of our dismembered ‘whole’ as the new normal. I know this question disturbs the equilibrium of India’s chequered history but it is time we asked to find out the answer for our complacency.
India was Akhand culturally since the Harappan civilization although language, dialects, idiolects were always in a flux because of internecine wars and demographic diversities. But the Epics Mahabharat and Ramayan give us a fair idea of the wholeness of a civilization despite local variations in cultural practices. But the whole(ness) of India was never under any stable political dispensation. Only during the reign of the Mauryas from Chandragupta to Ashoka there was political stability in North India. Alexander was gone (later he died) India despite Ambi’s mischievous ambitions came under a single political administration thanks to Chanakya’s wily strategies. But Chanakya was not necessarily a champion of freedom or patriotism. His primary goal was to decimate the Nandas for reasons purely personal. He trained Chandragupta as a revenge hero and drew vicarious joy utilizing his energies. Alexander was not invincible, he was made invincible by the lack of awareness of freedom and love of one’s own country. The epics never teach freedom or patriotism although Valmiki had written in no uncertain terms, “Janani Janmabhumischa Swargadapi Gariyasi”: The kingdom –king centric values included freedom limited to the kingdom and throne. India was always culturally one but politically many as small chieftains ruled over territories by force and to retain it they fought wars with neighbours or invaders. The freedom of these small kingdoms never stretched beyond their unmarked boundaries. The idea of a hero too was of narrow connotations. Our “ Veerbhogya Vasundhara’ is a very silly vision of a hero who enjoys the earth by military prowess. This phrase is often wrongly quoted to celebrate a man of physical and mental energy. The implications however are primitive and mostly barbaric. If the Vasundhara, the earth is enjoyed by military victory of a hero, the earth has no sanctity. The Geeta too suggests, the same idea. When Krishna says: if you win you enjoy the earth (Jitwa ba vokhsase mahim), that is the earth is all yours. Love and reverence for the earth came much later. Mother earth was not for worship but for enjoyment. And the hero who enjoys Hastinapur, Ayodhya or Chittore thinks of protecting the territorial integrity of his kingdom only. The people knew nothing of freedom or love of the earth. The mother was king’s mother and the paid soldiers fought to protect the king’s (hero) freedom and patriotism. In Brindabanlal Burma’s Hindi novel Mriganayani, this has been illustrated lucidly. India was under the Muslim rule since Delhi Sultanate (712) and after about 800 years of Muslim rule the British could conquer our wholeness through commercial deceit.
I would like to ask how did every foreigner who came to India to loot and conquer succeed? When the marauders came where was our love for mother India? Where was our sense of freedom? Was patriotism asleep after a Soma orgy? I know I am deeply hurt when such questions come to mind. But when I see and hear the very Indians plotting like villains and asking questions of the present elected Government why is Indian territory allowed to be forcibly occupied by China I cannot supress my cold rage. I would like to answer my way: what’s wrong with that? The hero conquers by physical powers. Other heroes protect the Indian territory by the same heroic energy. If China wins will Veerabhogya Vasundhara be falsified? I hope my readers do empathize with my agony.
Pakistan is still in occupation of Gilgit- Baltistan: Siachin is being defended. Twitter has the cheek to show Ladakh as Chinese territory. Yet we use Akhand Bharat for ego massaging on birth anniversaries of great sons of India. Now Akhand Bharat should mean the post-partition Bharat. But what about the emotional, cultural wholeness? We have been speaking in forked tongues all these 73 years. Religion, caste, so called ideology and poor understanding of the values have kept us ‘solitary, poor, nasty, brutish and short’. We have no real education for everyone; no jobs for the qualified. Freedom for most Indians simply means freedom to abuse the patriots, the good and the rich and wise. We are holes apart in our whole. Let us first of all teach ourselves what is freedom and how to protect it, and how to establish our wholeness by our rich tapestry of institutions. And behave as true sons of India that is Bharat.
Sunday, 25 October 2020
Silence is (Not) Golden
Prafulla Kumar Mohanty
who taught us this maxim, perhaps, imagined life and world as moral order,
where human rationality directed all human doables. Silence is for
contemplation. The yogis, philosophers and thinkers thought of silence as the
endpoint of all irrational volubility that makes man a nervy, distracted person
who loses the fulcrum of his authentic self. Silence restores the balance to
weigh events, actions, words to get the proper measure of reality. But silence
does not mean the universe would be still, motionless and almost soporific.
Nature is never silent. The rivers, oceans continue their roar,liquid, limpid flow in varying rhythms. The moon and the stars speak in soundless lean whispers
the romance of life. Even dreams speak a language to make man laugh or cry or
to get up with a start at the dead of night. Man at times, however rare cries eureka as though he has found out the
absolute truth of all mysteries. The sensor of the mind never sleeps. A guilty
mind as Lady Macbeth in her somnambulistic awakening speaks of blood in her
hands which the multitudinous seas cannot wash off. All creative minds whisper
to no one in particular words and ideas while in total abstraction from time
and space. The grass blades murmur when the spring breeze soft - fans them to
playfulness. The man who feels lonely in a noisy crowd mutters disbelief at the
range of vocabulary of the gushing multitudes. Waiting for a phone call too is
not a silent surrender to the whims of the expected caller: he groans in
disgust, sighs his impatience and often breaks the phone if the wait is longer.
Man, nature, society are not meant to be silent. Silence belongs to the realm
of death.
what is purported by this ‘wisdom’ is noninterference in complex, complicated
things or affairs. If elders are discussing a problem better not to speak
something silly. In the present border situation of India at Ladakh if someone
says “… I would have chased away the Chinese soldiers in 15 minutes” that would
illustrate the maxim’s efficacy. The speaker here is a mindless person. It
smacks of puerility. Silence in such situations is golden if you have any psychic
problems against the people responsible for the peace and security of the
country. When you hear wrong
facts from people who matter automatically you keep quite. And if the audience
is silent when the speaker thought they would burst out in laughter, he would
rewind the tape in his mind and know where he was wrong. He would rectify. A
true scholar listens to the wrong suggestions of peers in silence. Often the
women in the family listen to the irrational tirades of the parents out of respect.
But silence should never mean acquiescence or acceptance of imposed lies and
false accusations. Silence is golden as
long as your inner being is not hurt; your rights are not infringed upon, and
your character is not compromised. Silence can also be defiance. It is the most
subtle kind of protest provided the authority or people against whom protest is
made are not dumb nincompoops. Gandhi’s fast against the British administration
and his silence as a response to torture were the most potent weapons: and the
perpetrators understood Gandhi’s strength. Silence in certain situations is
“trumpet tongued” to borrow a phrase from Macbeth’s soliloquy. Silence however,
should not be allowed to be misconstrued as admission of guilt. If you listen
to false accusations in silence you are more guilty than the accuser, however
respectable and powerful he might be. One should remember that the Accuser is
not always Caesar’s wife. Mindless silence before Royalty, Nobility or Justice
and the Tyrant is suicidal – if one is not guilty of anything. A secret agent
may keep silent to protect his country and that is honourable silence. If by
opening your lips you jeopardize peace, security well being or integrity of a
country or a great man, one should be silent. Sealing your lips to protect
someone from the wrong side of justice you may save a reputation. But if your
silence makes a guilty man escape your silence is homicidal.
in India and some other countries we see a new trend of so called civilization:
and that is synecdochic of the new values of prudence. If you see a crime
committed on the road you go blind. If you are called to testify you
will be silent on truth and vocal on irrelevance. If your friend or a neighbor
harbours terrorists you should keep quiet for dear life. A modern, educated
person is a self-whole, he is the total life system. Nothing exists beyond his
own safety, security and well being. He is not responsible for anything. His
charmed circle of life has a radius of half a centimeter, and that too is large
enough to maintain. The justice system
in the world is awry because testimony is truth- blind. If you saw a rape you
will try to prove you were not in the country; you were abroad holidaying with
nymphs from another galaxy. Of course, truth in the modern society is hard to
digest. A whistle blower is done and
dusted if he breaks his silence on personal or institutional corruption. Yes in
such cases one has to choose between heroism and self centered cowardice. But
if you remember your lessons of childhood and say Silence is Golden, you are
unworthy of living a life.
love and faith silence is never golden. If you love someone confess everything
and if your sweetie is guilty of anything make a sacrifice of her: for your
silence ruins someone else and also your love. Couples who are silent in love
live not like saints but like animals. Sex too is animalish if there is no
poetry and music in your union. Faith too deserves the respect of your being.
Hypocrisy of silence is not a culpable crime, it is a moral failing which
reduces man to the quintessence of dust. A man should be open, free and use
silence either as a weapon to save people or as a shield to protect innocence.
Silence is unnatural and evil if it is a fig leaf to cover your unmanliness.
He Is Good I'm Good
He is good I’m not bad
I’m good he is not bad at all
We are good both are good
Yet nothing good happens to us.
He is sober I have a temper
He is not ill tempered I’m quiet
He too is quiet when I clam up
Yet we shout for the other joy.
He is healthy I’m a bit sickly
He too gets sick when I run wild
He runs too when I sit tired
But we never move like statues.
He is the sky I’m the earth
No no he is the earth he holds me
All my skiey delights are on him
Yet we are morn - even shadows.
He is with me I am with him
I am in him he is in me
We are in each other forever
Yet we are apart like wind and rain.
Sabita Sahu
Sunday, 18 October 2020
What is there to be happy,
unhappy and gloat about it
some shed tears and
some try to suppress,
I watch the scene and smile
and try to count the stars
without losing focus
and forget the total
as numbers don’t define
laughter and tears.
All are born here on earth
to carve out destinies but
they just grow and produce
and die unceremoniously
perhaps to be born again
like the returning spring year by year.
Children you leave behind
may never sing your story
if they remember your day of death
consider yourself fortunate.
You are alone in marriage
parenting serving and dying
leave your mark behind
your creative sparks undying
your emblematic work and love
should be read like poetry
by posterity like history
and the history maker shall
guide them to create a new history.
Sabita Sahu
I Am Free to Speak My Mind!
Prafulla Kumar Mohanty
Freedom I have always maintained is a defiant energy. The human species always tries to break barriers, cross hurdles and demolish opposition of all kinds. Bridge the rivers, break the mountains, kill the enemy-these come very naturally to man for he is a growing animal (physically, mentally, spiritually), a doing animal and above all a speaking animal. Speech is the master weapon of the human race. Man will speak his mind in all circumstances as he is a free being. His limitless freedom, he thinks, permits him to speak on and about everything. No secret no, mystery shall remain undiscovered. This mindset is not reflective of his quest for truth, rather his freedom is to unearth everything- real, unreal, imaginary and impalpable or unreachable. This is how he has grown from the amoeba to the present form and has multiplied himself to live and explore every nook and corner of this multilayered universe. The atom of knowledge must be further exploded to discover its components. And this process is endless: within the country, society, family and even within his own mind explosions go on – the Big Bang still reverberates and the universe still manifests changes. Man’s freedom to ‘ask’ questions about everything is self- guaranteed. He now asks why doesn’t Nature speak my language? Some claim to have understood what the sky- earth- fire etc speak; what the birds speak? His last question is why should man die? He has already asked why does man grow old, and has found some solutions to prolong youth and age.
But man’s nastiest use of freedom is to interfere in almost everything and not to accept anything as final. The social media – FaceBook, Whatsapp, Twitter have given a platform to the free- biased, subjective and partisan expressions to reach the known and unknown multitudes; even the half lettered village folk too have confident gossip propagations untaxed and uncurbed. The law is bound to remain silent, for any legal action shall be deemed to be an authoritarian interference in human free speech. The constitutions of all democracies have given guarantee to free speech. Views opposing any institutional policy or public proclamation of governments can be criticized by any idiot (I too have the right to use the mild hurting words empowered by the same constitution).
If right to speak freely on any subject, person, decision is man’s democratic prerogative a cacophonous society deafened by noise will be the only end point achieved by democracy. Freedom is not an unbridled licence, nor is it a birth right as claimed by all political groups. In one of my recent pieces I had commented on the fakery and abuse of language and decency, which makes democracy somewhat farcical. The right to speech is definitely welcome but the speaker must talk sense. But often we notice that speeches are made according to party line ethics- if there is any. What the free speech advocates forget is that speech is bound by rational articulation on an issue of social and national importance. All speeches free or commandeered are fundamentally founded on Reason. A sentence is constructed to mean something rational. But some people spread lies not out of malice but due to ignorance. For instance those who say that global warming is caused by holes in the ozone layer are ignorant. But such false statements or ideas are followed by others who get easily panicked by any kind of rumour – scientific or political. This happens because people do not know the difference between Idea and Opinion: opinion and rumour. And this ignorance stems from a weak sense of Reason. Often the cultural allegiances to certain Belief Commons or Superstitions are expressed with gay abandon. The herd instinct enjoins them with the rudimentary voices of the culturally – religiously motivated people. The vicarious satisfaction of having joined a so called worthy betrays their below average minds.
There are in the world today, including in India, people who have a form of motivated reasoning which was not noticed hithertofore. Biased logic, fault finding mindset, sheer instinct to hate, these days have gained more voluble space thanks to the Internet, we do not have public debates except in Assemblies and Parliament. There the debates are party-focused but are substantiated by statistics. But the common man and women use words and phrases in a cavalier fashion. At times personal frustration and suppressed feelings find Freudian outlets, especially in the non - artistic, non - scientific people. The social media users are mostly intellectual imposters with inflated egos. They do some point scoring by using swear words against celebrities.
It has been noticed all over the world that the genius never uses the social media. The genius as Kant put it is “the innate mental disposition (Ingenium) through which nature gives the rule to art.” People who have no eye for beauty, form, symmetry; no ear for rhythm, no mind for nature’s integrated variety and vast amalgam of contrarian matrices can never ever comprehend the scope and sweep of reason of human affairs. And such people claim free speech as their birthright, the constitution is only an added prop to their claim. In India the political ideologies are sacrificed to manipulative power politics, hence the higher the decibel the stronger is their ‘right’. The Supreme Court of late is critical of the PILs which are filed merely to distract judicial attention. And the vocal lies, fakeries and deceitful narratives shut Reason and good sense to desperate wordlessness. If some politician abuses the country and praises the enemy the mindless blokes are happy:- This definitely opens up the empty space in our socio-political reality. But who will inject reason into these dead veins? Hope they will utilize their minds and become reasonably human.
Sunday, 11 October 2020
What Is That?
Before falling on the bed I leave
My world and my specks with which I see it
On the bedside table and lo
The waves invite me the twinkling stars wink at me
My receding world bids goodbye
And I move between the starry waves
And twinkle which my own eyes rise up to.
The fantasy is so calm
The words I hear are so soft
My senses strain in expectant joy
The lies are so sweet
The visions are so beautiful
I fail to decide how to respond
Yet in the company of fairies
I float and swim
In the fantabulous symmetry.
In the morning when I wake up
And put on my specks
My world lost in fantasy
Returns with roaring distractions
My senses alerted
I rush to this and that
All the time asking
What is that, what is that?
Sabita Sahu
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