Ages and eons like your countless sands
pass by weightless sightless in silence.
Tempests’, tsunamis churn you changing
your mapless shape border and boundary
hurricanes spend their dying gasps
moaning on your lap. Emperors, kings,
sailors, pirates and the common
stamp on your chest their authority
in vain leaving no footprint.
Do you remember the hurried feet
that touched you like Columbus, Alexander
to embark for new lands in exotic triumph?
Do you remember the passionate lovers
the loafers and the stealthy ones
who have rolled over on your altar soul!!
Do you remember the cracking pain
under the merciless sun blinding you
lay in unprotesting helplessness.
It’s the sky that shed tears to ease
your pain in stormy showers.
O’ beach you are a constant lover
always wooed by the furious waves
foaming,roaring to embrace you but
never achieve union beyond touch
yet the script of life changes
every moment to new themes
you wait for a
new path of new morn.
Sabita Sahu
Sabita Sahu