Prafulla Kumar Mohanty's
The afternoon shadow
lingered at the fading light
the garden freshly watered
glistened in departing beauty
the rows of trees stood as if
reluctant soldiers performing
dutifully for the event to pass.
The band played welcome
half heard by the gathering crowd
of royals, citizens rural folk.
Duty officers servitors and maids
in pure excitement of anticipated
clamour and festivities.
Painted women with full pitchers
of exotic art balanced their heads
lest the early spring breeze
spill distracted water on carpets
Persian, French, Gandhar art.
The distant noise of horses
men and rising dust far off
raised the heart beats of all.
The gates of Indraprastha
throbbed to the lighting of lamps
familiar faces looked exclusive
the dying sun poured gold.
Confused sounds of words and emotions
flew from every lip widening eyes
scanned the horizon for sights
a buzz rose like incense to the skies.
Yudhistir my first husband
stood sober and staid in front
his sedate presence inspired
confidence, his demeanour exuded
pacific calm and innocent peace
I stood a step behind on his side
holding the aarati plate feigning
a smile inscrutable even to me.
If the roaring storm inside
shook my being I didn't make
a public exhibition for it was mine,
mine alone issuing forth from my
personal hurt - not jealousy but
betrayal of my love exclusive
for Arjun which I never thought
would be shared with another.
The pain of my divided self
I have suppressed by simulated
dignity of my place and position:
but how could I share my love
O' Krishna, O' Sakha you did this
to your Sakhi, never valued my
being's fulcrum - No stop Draupadi
don't raise the wanton to bespoil
your Queenly pride and bearing.
Face this fateful moment
with grace which is naturally yours
perform your functions without
a trace of unwholesome conflict.
My smile returned as I saw
the chariots and a roar grew
in songful exuberance to greet
my third husband and his bride:
Yudhistir asked me to move ahead
I walked in majesty a few steps
waited for the couple to alight
and come near the welcome arch.
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