Sunday, 1 March 2020

Spectacle And Shadow (Trump's India Visit)

PrafullaKumar Mohanty

Modi -Trump bonhomie  was in display at the largest stadium in the world  Motera in Ahmadabad, as the grandest spectacle of friendship between the oldest and most powerful democracy in the world and the most populous democracy, India for the world to see. Donald Trump the temperamental and transactional President of America was not short of vocabulary to praise his  friend Narendra Modi and Modi in turn was not short of adjectives  to elevate Trump to a divinity. The 22 kms road from the Airport to the stadium was lined up thickly by Indian admirers with flags and festoons chanting Namaste to the variety of Indian rhythms of song and dance. The 125 thousand audience in the stadium and the billions of  T.V viewers were enchanted by inspiring words by the two world leaders. Trump spoke all that India wanted to hear  and Modi struck the right notes of reciprocation. America, said Trump, is the most loyal and faithful friend of India which was music to Indian ears, poison to Pakistani's and astounding to the ears of the rest of the world. The politics ,business and strategic partnership apart the six hugs of the two world leaders fused several batteries in the world especially those of Pakistan and China. The message was clear: India and America will change the destiny of the world and move towards universal peace , harmony and prosperity with open arms. Both will fight Islamic terror. Both will build time defying bridges of human good will. Milania Trump was dressed in all white and a red sash symbolising as it were the purity of human vitality. The maddening cheers of the crowd sent waves of joy in the air to echo in heaven.

Yes, it was a spectacle. But the sincerity and love behind the effort to make the spectacle unique were also genuine.Trump, therefore, flew to Agra, another  tribute to love, grace, beauty and harmony from Motera to wallow in man's eternal celebration of love. Trump was so charmed that the next day at hotel Maurya , he refused to fall into the trap of hostile journalists when they raised India's protest against the Citizenship Amendment  Act and the Kashmir  imbroglio. Trump proved a trusted friend, a mature politician  and also a true human being.

But behind the spectacle, the story, the five agreements  and the win win  deal and festivities the fire of hate was simmering in India. The Saheen bag protest against CAA, NRC ( as yet not finalised) and the hundred odd mini Saheen bags elsewhere in India, a strategic experiment to create disharmony seized upon this great opportunity to cast an evil shadow on the grand spectacle.  All the districts of North -East Delhi erupted in  hate for India's basic principle of unity in diversity. For the past 70 odd days the Rastaroko protests holding the Constitution and the Indian Tricolour were a stage for hate speeches communally charged and hostile to all Indian values.  Apparently Saheen bag is a spontaneous protest, leaderless and peaceful. But to get highlighted by International Press while Trump was in India, the protesters became religious fanatics and indulged in pelting stones, firing bullets and also in arson and looting, thereby making Delhi's glory gory. The pro CAA protesters of other communities added to the gore and fire of shame. Delhi and India lost 43 citizens. The police force couldn't anticipate the sinister designs of the Anti and Pro CAA groups  and lost their credibility. For 48 hours the smoke of fire of mutual hate which was more religious than legal or constitutional, cast its malign shadow on India's triumphant moment of glory.

Trumps and company flew back on the Air Force One, the special Presidential plane: Delhi burned in hellish sulphur of religious hate. No one in India savours the spectacle of the trump visit everyone in worrisome glance looks at the future. The hiatus that has been created may take decades to fill up. The wounds will fester and the healing process will take a long time. But who gained what? The conspiracy to defame Modi and Shah may have succeeded but poor fellows do not perhaps understand the citizenship for which these people were feuding is now totally worthless. What is the meaning of citizenship where the citizens themselves blacken the country of their 'birth' with clouds of bellowing smoke? The spectacle has no  meaning for these people for they prefer the Shadow to draw their knives against one another. It now needs a Gandhi to heal the wounds in the country that Gandhi freed with Love, truth and non-violence.
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