Sunday, 19 May 2019

Why Nature Why??

The media blared mayhem

villages were wiped off

cities returned to the stone age

my diasporic heart bled

shedding silent tears I sat

glued to the TV I don't know

for how long, waiting for what.

All cities are mine, all villages

my roving fields in my births

paleolithic to the technotronic

I have come and gone countless times

man has survived Adam's curse

suffered on the cross and stakes;

I know all that and have outlived

the tragedies of Troy and Kargil.

But why nature , her air and sea

wreck  havoc by raping the earth

the earth is nature's alter ego

why then this self destruction?

I don't worry about my love

I have missed him in all my births

he will survive, his face roasted

body darkened in the heat of May

he will breathe his love and send

woeful songs through the still air!

But why kill birds and dumb ones

they are  mortals all born to die:

why kill man when he moves

hurtles towards death everywhere!

Nature is beautiful when serene

this ugly face is not for you

Oceans, skies , winds and fire

make the earth man's paradise

not his hellhole, for God's sake!

Sabita Sahu

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