the starless night swaddled in darkness
attacked me in anger, frustration
ignorant of night's follies
ignorant of night's follies
which men indulge in arrogance:
I wanted to swallow the dark night
for my scant food does not lessen
the burden of earth or crude hunger.
Don’t open the window for the dark
to descend on my heavy soul.
How strange no stars could guide
to the temple where Asifa
was tied
in malignant ropes of silly pride
ears too failed to hear the cries
the angel made, even temple bells
could not chime her
How long she could bear
the torture the brutes gave her
O’ you men what pleasure did you get
tearing the delicate frame
of a girl of just eight, darling
of her parents eyes: if flesh
you need, be a customer
in the Red zones where shops
are open for your itches,
for God’s sake spare these tiny souls
who have not seen life yet.
Asifa is now free from the body cage
defiled by predators
of lust
the grave now is her home
allow her to rest in peace.
I’ll now place sweet jasmines
to mock at the night on her grave
and bind the night in the hollow
of my eyes never to witness light.