Sunday 18 February 2018

My Valentine


It won’t be wrong to say
I have my valentine, yes I have
he stands apart from the rest
like a jewel on my crest
who created and reserved for me
the choicest and the best!

When I make promises to him
his eyes light up, he burns
in thousand volts expectation
brightening my fused youth,
but when I plan a long drive,
the  road is closed for repairs
the hotel  for candle light dinner
gets raided for rave parties
gifts and return gifts embroiled
in verbal duels make him look
a long neglected patient, he lights
the last cigarette on earth in sulk.

We have no time to celebrate
yet every moment is a celebration
of love which swells the winds
to blast off a few Taj Mahals.
We like bow and arrow shoot
targets in the dark when the world
sleeps but we are too far apart,
nadir and zenith never to meet
here: hereafter or ever: yet
we are tied with the bond of love
care and other worldly concerns
which no other valentine had
mine is the best in earth and air.

Sabita Sahu

1 comment:

  1. A very nice concept of Valentine in which the nadir and the zenith are never to meet each other just as the jewel in the crest doesn’t see its wearer and the wearer can’t even see the jewel or guess how bright it is! Admirable idea.


Forever New