Prafulla Kumar Mohanty
Who are these queuing up before
free ration shops, faces contorted in simulated humility, eyes popping up in
wonder and gratitude, the bent heads acknowledging the merciful highness of the
dole givers? Where are those championing human dignity who always advocate
human rights and the value of human life? Do they gnash their teeth in impotent
rage at this sorry sight of man? No. They don’t, for, their advocacy of human
dignity is often confined to the political authority’s recognition of human
dignity. And that often means give the poor doles. Let the unfortunate specimens
of humanity queue up, satchel in hand or beg for money or provisions to keep
base life afoot. They write articles, in argue panel discussions to give the poor
and weaker sections of the society free food, free house and make them feel
eternally grateful to the welfare state- the
mai baap government. The clever among the activists who have some education
and gift of the gab, they organise rallies and gherao government officers or
ministers and demand reservation on caste basis. The argument is: these
unfortunate victims of Manu have been exploited by a wrong perception
of man –made divisions of upper and lower castes. The rich and powerful put
them under the mat which has become a self-deluding historical habit which they
haven’t shaken off. What’s to be done then? Give them reservation in schools,
jobs and even promotion and make it hereditary.
B.R .Ambedkar, the chief
architect of the Indian Constitution could look into the future and see that
the perpetuated reservation will be another historical blunder, for, human
beings always prefer to live under the benign shadow of divine mercy or its
worldly substitutes practised in a welfare state. He recommended a ten year
period of reservation for the scheduled classes and tribes. But the law makers
saw the vote potential in reservation and expanded it to include other castes
and vote power groups capable of wielding pressure. The constitution is amended
every ten years and the ten year periodicity is gleefully extended to rejuvenate
suffering men and women in the coming decade. And this is done to right a
historical wrong. History cannot be brought to the right moral path
retrospectively, rather the present generations enjoying reservation will have
greater demands as their positions improve and the current history will pave
the way for future distortions as the socio-moral-economic gaps will widen
following the law of nature.
This is already happening as the
new champions of the poor exploit the situation politically. Guzars,Jats,
Patels, Marathas now a days do not beg or request or appeal; they resort to the
blackmail of violence. Now the minorities demand reservation. Some state
governments grant them reservation flouting Supreme Court directives not to
exceed 50% of the total number. After a few year the so called upper castes
will demand reservation as a large percentage of meritorious youth fail to
access the available opportunities.
It is an unfortunate irony of
history that man who considers himself as the best creation of God does not hesitate to label himself helpless,
to stretch out his hands to receive doles of political mercy. Some states also prepare
long lists of want only to make them eligible for central assistance while the
historians record their proud culture and heritage. If man is a paragon of
virtue how can he pose himself as destitute only for the state’s mercy? Is it
not a shame on governments to politically exploit poverty in the name of welfare?
If the rich and the powerful, in history, exploited the hapless poor for their
own comforts and threw doles at them to record their own names in the annals of
philanthropy how were they different from the present day representatives of
Man is a natural seeker of opportunities.
In the past, those who utilized opportunities or snatched opportunities from
the jaws of adversity have contributed to human dignity by their
resourcefulness. The poor young persons of today need such opportunities. A
welfare state’s primary purpose should be to uplift man by providing
opportunities; not to enslave them by giving them reservations. The present
government should create institutions of excellence for them and encourage them
to compete. Ignite their native intelligence, teach them not to fall prey to
history as interpreted by vested interest groups and pseudo intellectuals.
Explore the talent centres and utilize those to carve out new patterns of
reality. Make them feel useful to society. Bring them out of the traps of their
own making and make them feel human with a natural sense of dignity.
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