Sunday, 12 June 2022


The knock was insistent

when I opened the door

my drugged steps wobbled

bleary eyes unfocused saw

a man holding a bouquet

bald bearded life beaten man

hard to recognize:


Happy  Birthday he said –

Whose Birthday?

Yours I remember

thirty five years have not

touched my memory –

But I don’t know how you know

I don’t recognize face or voice.


You didn’t recognize then

how can you now after

Mahanadi has dried up

temple bells replaced by

electric bells to wake you up’


Who are you please –

I am just a messenger of love

I have no right to love

but I carry the message

please receive the bouquet.

Thank you

Please forget my birthday

don’t show up next year.

Sabita Sahu



Prafulla Kumar Mohanty's 


The palace floated in air

 a charming sylph on sylvan props

poised to win heaven's eyes, resonant

with auspicious conch, tambourine drums

the Vedic hymns in choric waves

touched the body and soul with balmy calm.

Uttara and Abhimanyu took the rounds

to a rain of flowers from all present.

Sudeshna, Subhadra, Arjuna, Virat

sang in couples couplets of peace and joy.

A beaming Draupadi was everywhere

serving moods of love care and service.

The earth in autumnal fullness lavished

all goodies in uncountable abundance.

Sakha! Draupadi asked when

the merry festivities breathed

in restful sobriety to invite

normal talks of other urgencies.

Sakha, what next do you envisage

after this marriage palliative to our

future health? Krishna Vasudeva

reclining in a chair smiled quizzically

why do you think life is only a sequence

of events transitory and meaningless?


Events in time are contributory parts

to the story of  life, the plotline

may be faulty, the people may be hostile

but life is life in its own Order:

O Sakha don't tease me out of my mind,

tell me what to expect, how to proceed -

Is my Sakhi so dim witted not to

anticipate the new sequence of events?

War clouds are gathering all around -

Why Sakha, is there no way for peaceful

settlement of issues   -  Yes there are

if you so choose, but ego overrides

all judgements, arrogance in bubble heroism

breaks the great chain of being:


Draupadi hung her head deep in thought

one small step and a hug will remove

all blots from the mind and heart, but

man stubbornly refuses to swallow

his own spit raising the moment

to a pitch of no return -  mused Draupadi.

Krishna gave Draupadi a sympathetic look

Sakhi be brave and face it else

you will be counted as one who ran away

in fear insulting life.


I am not running away nor will ever

if war comes choiceless I shall welcome

for better to fall fighting than surrender

your being's worth at the feet of injustice.

But my enemy is Duryodhana, why then

should armies fight ruining life's fabric

in torn despair which generations

cannot repair; Let Bhima and Duryodhana

fight a single combat, let the winner

take all to perpetuate victory.


Don't be so naive Draupadi

egos never clash in abstractions;

do you think fighting for rights

is always justified by law, morality,

justice and common sense?

Your enemy too justifies his claim

over something which neither own: The Earth

dear Sakhi, is free of your egoistical claims,

you fight to usurp nature.

The day you learn to worship the given,

the condition to which you come for

a brief time and honour the condition

keeping it safe for posterity, you will

hoist the flag of human glory,

and life  shall be bright pure and good.


But Sakha when that happens history

will be over in one generation - Great

now you talk sense, said  Vasudeva

therefore play your role in history

show your greatness  even in blood.


I see life ebbing out in the dark

I shall do my best to light up life

but you know I too am bound by nature.

Let the messenger sent to Hastinapur

return we will plan out the next course.

Sunday, 5 June 2022

Can’t Stop – Endure

We can’t stop the diurnal motion

let the earth move on its own axis

let the sun rise, moon shine

washing away all profane and divine.

If the day bites or the snake chases

the  gun is ready but my

trigger finger needs a bandage.


Motion cannot be stopped

life will move from kitchen to store

searching for more

of breath, appetite and desire –

which will never stop by ordinances

like the earth and air.


Why bother then what happens

smile if it comes on a plate

smelling sweet

protest if the summer heat

makes your sweat

spoil your new dress

let all feelings come

pain, pleasure, joy happiness

sorrow agony accept all

as the earth has accepted her punishment

to move and move and move

like the shadow of Sisyphus

in romantic undulations.

Sabita Sahu



Prafulla Kumar Mohanty's 



Virat watched Vallav decimate

Trigarta army, the trounced King

ran away for dear life, Virat

returned triumphant to greet

in surprise his son Kumar's

victory over the invincible Kurus:

Uttar kumar displayed the clothes

of Bhisma, Drona, Karna, Duryodhana

in bashful pride forbidden by

Arjuna not to reveal the truth -

But the young Prince could not keep his

reticence longer, bemused Kumar

enjoyed the aarati of mother Sudeshna,

the proud hug of father Virat,

the floral tribute and streams of praise

blessings and joyful applause of all

young old men, women sane and zealous

in noble pretence of royal modesty.

But when the tide of accolades was

poised to recede, announced in honest

tones the truth: Praise be to Arjuna,

the great Pandava Prince won the day.

Father dear and Mother mine, it was

he Arjuna himself and not Brihannala

who trounced the great Bhisma,

Drona Karna and Duryodhana

who attacked like a stormy sea.

Arjuna countered all rising waves

made the sea go back to foamy silence.

I disrobed them to bring tokens

and brought these at Arjuna's bidding.


An uproar rose in the assembly

of joy and wonder when Kanka

removed his turban and stood before

the assembly as Yudhistira; Yes great King

I am Yudhistira, Vallav is Bhima, and

Sairindri is Draupadi and Arjuna you

already know lived as dance teacher

the twins Nakula and Sahadeva have

tended your animals - yes here they come.

I thank you for your kindness O' King

you gave us shelter in your kingdom

gave us a chance to spend our year

of anonymous  exile which luckily

ended yesterday, kindly pardon us

if we have lacked in our service.

King Virat embraced Yudhistira

the assembly cheered -

Victory be to the Pandavas,

guards led them at the king's command

for change of dress to reappear

as the Pandava Princes;

Sudeshna held Draupadi's hands

dragged her to her chamber and begged

pardon, your Majesty Princess Draupadi

pardon my impudence which fate

willed in me - Draupadi hugged her tight,

No - No  Sudeshna, we are now sisters

I thank that cruel fate for this kind mischief

to add sauce to life.


Sairindri reemerged as Draupadi

decked in royal silk and jades

Draupadi glowed like the new sun

shining bright on Matsya's newbirth.

Draupadi sat alone transformed

she thanked the unseen powers for this

second restoration of  Pandava glory.

The first was at her Swayambara

the self imposed exile of the Pandavas

ended in the splendour of their resurgence

in Kampilya's grand ceremony - now

the second imposed exile has ended

refurbishing their honour and character.

Draupadi remembered her Sakha,

O Vasudeva where are you?

Your presence at my Swayambara paved the path

of dew and pebbles which I have walked

my feet still bleed but the mind is

restored to dream of a gem studded

path to my rightful aspirations

true to my womanly heart, now come Sakha

carve out my passage to light, I shall

return your gift by serving mankind.

Draupadi arose with positive energy

went to Queen's chamber where

 Uttara and Sudeshna were together,

Draupadi said, Sudeshna let us cement

our relationship with glamorous bonds

of marriage vows, I ask the hand of

Uttara your accomplished daughter,

for Arjuna's son Abhimanyu, if you agree

I'll ask Subhadra to come here with him

and I shall ask Krishna Vasudeva to bring

my sons, Abhimanyu and all to seal

our happy togetherness forever.


The happy words flew on wings

king Virat and his ministers, advisors

gloated over the possibilities of this

new tie, the palace reverberated

to the rhythms of the foliating joy

moving fast towards a green bloom.

Sunday, 29 May 2022



Purchase whatever you like

if your purse permits,

don’t linger don’t go on rejecting

showing your dislike

for artistic designs of men

who had worked for days together


Eat whatever comes to you

don’t be finicky for

that is not your last meal

reject rubbish, reject leftovers

but accept unchanging reality

with changeful tastes.


If you love someone

be it at first sight, long sight

or many sights

take her to your soul

if you move from club to club

party to party

you will never get love:

Love gets you not to select

or reject but to accept

embrace a woman like

your fate, destiny

why waste life searching for better

if you have the good

make her the Best.

Sabita Sahu 



Prafulla Kumar Mohanty's 



Those who waited for the dawn were confused,

the birds shrieked on the trees

the temple bells did not ring, priests looked up

the sky for the sun to appear but the sky

the vast spread of void

in dark befuddled agony

hung on men and women as a murky shroud

causing fear of doom.

Sudeshna, Virat and the palace ran around

in fear and shock, who could kill Kichaka?

Soldiers in that infernal darkness searched

all possible places for the enemy lurking

in shadows, may be for another attack:

Sudeshna calmed them all - Arrange for

funeral, it's the work of the Divine

let humans do their duty to honour the dead.


The Pandavas were alert, Draupadi

confined herself to her room after

a public show of sympathy and concern

over Kichaka's violent death.

Kanka advised king Virat not to panic

lest the enemies attacked Kichakaless

Matsya exploiting a weakened kingdom:

But the king received shattering news

messengers reported a massive army

is at the borders led by Bhisma, Drona.

Duryodhana has stolen all the Matsya cows,

another messenger hurried to Virat's

presence giving another bitter shock

Trigarta has attacked the kingdom Sire!


Sickly Virat in nervous excitement

looked appealingly at Kanka and called

his ministers and military officers;

Kanka held Virat's hand and said, O' King

when you have Vallav in your palace,

you should go to war with Trigarta.

Who! Vallav, the cook?

 Are you out of your mind?

War is not a kitchen art -

I know trust me

one Vallav will destroy the Trigarta pride.

You will know who he is, now

time is at a premium, go king

and laurels will meet you half way:

Virat moved with his generals

the palace drowned in gloom

prayed for respite dumb and numb.


Who will save us from the Kuru Army?

The wailing grew as the sun winked

a ray of light, the young Uttar kumar

dressed in battle gear bravely said:

no more panic, I'll fight the Kurus

get my horse ready and be quiet.

Sudeshna clasped her full panoplied

brave son and cried bitterly - No

my eyes and ears, you are only a boy

how can you stand before Bhisma's

shafts, Duryodhana's mace, Karna's arrows!

No my son let Matsya sink to hell

I'll not leave you for the maws of death.

Don't make a coward of Prince Uttar,

I beseech you My queen let the Prince

go to the front but with Brihannala -

Draupadi stood before Sudeshna

her flowing hair and blistering eyes -

If Brihannala is with him Indra's thunder

will fall like broken arrows at the

feet of Prince Uttar, let the Prince go

to earn heroic glory to crown

his tender head - But Brihannala!

Are you so witless Sairindri to send

a woman to protect my boy from Kuru fury?

Yes madam, Brihannala was with

Arjuna as charioteer for some time,

he knows the art of war, believe  me

let the Prince go, I assure you he will

come back with honours to swell your heart.


Sunday, 22 May 2022



Prafulla Kumar Mohanty's 



After her Puja Sudeshna sent for Sairindri

with a broad smile she took her inside

Sairindri, you are lucky, Kichaka is pleased

to bestow his favours on you, go make him

happy, all your bad days will end - Madam!

Are you the same queen Sudeshna,

the Mistress of the Matsya palace, the Mother

to your numerous subjects? How could you

utter such things betraying your own

womanly self? You want to sacrifice me

in the fire of your brother's lust? A sister

playing  procuress for her brother is a

new low in nature's fall. Do you think

I am so helpless, fortune's doormat,

any cynical muscle man can have me for dinner?

I am not a mere body, an alluring frame

to warm beds - I am a spirit which moves

this beauteous flesh to articulate energy.

None can touch me, none can eye me with

vile intention, I will rise like apocalypse

to drown creation in the Dark Sea -

Sairindri Sairindri - pardon me my impudence

my fear and insecurity has subdued my

feminine grace to such nether folly -

Sudeshna sobbed violently, with folded

hands she said - Sairindri you know

Matsya is  Kichaka's gift to us, to deny him

means death for us, I know not what to do

save me Sairindri tell me how to overcome

this unseemly crisis to escape Kichaka's wrath.


Draupadi hid her tears, and walked fast

to tell Yudhistira to do something but Kanka

heard everything with a bowed head and said

Go to Bhima, I cannot speak a word

to anyone and if I do, our secrets

will jeopardise our anonymity which

we cannot afford, go to him - Draupadi

went to the royal kitchen and told Bhim

everything including Sudeshna's fears.

Bhima's eyes turned red in anger

his fists tightened but Draupadi calmed

him to think for a while: Bhima

asked Draupadi to obey and go after

the fourth day moon is seen in the sky,

he would be there, he promised

to avenge her insult suitably.

Tell Arjuna to play the pakhauj

in fast beats the whole night.


Brihannala looked hurt and sad

Kichaka's star will be down tonight

take heart my love your protection

is our mission, tonight will end evil

and all  vile ducts will be sealed finally.


Draupadi went to Sudeshna's room

to find her morose dull and sick

Sairindri! She came forward to meet

Draupadi stopped her raising her hand;

I will go Queen prepare me for sacrifice.

If the sacrificial fires engulf Matsya

don't blame me for the chilling heat.

She sat blind sinking into a chair

Sudeshna too slumped on the bed sobbing.


The fateful sun set on time

stars appeared as winking omen.

Sudeshna played Sairindri

made her up as Draupadi

whom she never saw, Sairindri

was ready in scarlet radiance

to kill all passions of the world

with one fatal glance, Sudeshna

put on her all her diamonds,

rubies, sapphires, pearls - Sairindri

pardon me, from this moment on

the woman in me is dead, let not

any other woman betray her own

let not woman yield to lust,

I may burn in hell for sending

you to Kichaka in helpless

surrender to the greed of power.

But Sairindri -- I know Majesty

you do it for fear of Kichaka

but tell me honest Madam

am I only a body a sexpot

when I can create smiles all around

throw bounties of joy and sweetness

with my words, deeds and love!

All my life my lame hands

caught only straws of untruth

when my hands could shape truth

love and beauty potter like

with life's amorphous clay!

Be guilt free Mistress you'll

see and hear the harvest of truth

before the new sun lights up

your world with kind eyes.


Sudeshna gave her a basket

of sweets, a bottle of wine and

kissed Sairindri's forehead

wishing her divine protection.


The moon arose

a bleary line of cold light

in the dark ominous sky.

Vallav turned Vallavi

and sat on the appointed bed

in Sairindri's guise

long veiled in fineries,

Brihannala's pakhauj

rang out in fatal beats

reverberating Virat's kingdom

the night's wings flapped

as though trapped in its own cage

time stood on its toes

the throbbing timbre rose

like the screams of the hunted.

Kichaka staggered his  entry

the night thundered cloudless

Arjuna's fingers bled

agents of good and evil roared

as the pakhauj cracked

bone and flesh rolled

silence killed the air stiff.


Time was released, night moved

Draupadi from behind the arras

saw the ball of flesh the carcass.

She ran to blood sweating Bhima

tearkissed him in love's  gleam.

Left the mansion as Arjuna stopped

the waking birds sang evil's dirge.

Forever New