Sunday, 13 January 2019


Crossed a long way
half life gone
yet undiscovered purpose,
cannot go forward
nor can retrace steps
should I unravel mysteries
or simply wait for the call!

Never thought I would ever
hang midway like Trishanku
neither heaven nor earth is mine
the nest I made is empty
prayers unanswered.

Hopes turn turtle, life wanes
but can’t give up, nor leave
things half done on this earth
what would I say when asked
did I not listen to his call-
or he did not lift me up!

No, I’ll move rise and build
play  and frolic in the wild
laugh away his taunts
tide over this analysis
and reach my goal wherever
my jocund spirit takes me to.

Sabita Sahu

Reservation Man

Prafulla Kumar Mohanty
We are familiar with Reserve Forests, Reservatories for the protection of animals, trees and beasts or birds. Now in India we have another category in the social sector: The Reservation Man (Woman too). About fifty years ago the world became familiar with Organisation Man, a category of regimented minds functioning as robots in the capitalistic organizations. In India today we have now the Reservation Man who is at the mercy of the state. Like the human condition determined by nature, the state represented by elected representatives now determines the fate and future of a large section of the society. It was fifty percent earlier, now it is going to be 60 percent, defined by caste, economic condition and group strength to wield pressure on the state. It has the numerical strength to paralyse the state buy launching strikes, bunds and agitations. We are hardly Indians for we are free by constitutional authority to refuse to sing the National Anthem. We are free to spread canards against our own country, question judgements of the Supreme Court of India and even to question the constitution of a bench to try a long pending case. This defiant freedom is championed by political parties only to pressurize governments to yield to all legitimate and illogical self- stultifying demands. Democracy gives us the right if we have the numbers.

Ambedkar, the father of the Constitution wisely decided to give reservations to the  scheduled castes and tribes for ten years, to integrate into the larger frame of the society, people who were subdued and ill-treated for long centuries in our history, by giving them education and jobs. But after 72 years we see the same situation continuing with greater ferocity. The population has increased and naturally the other caste groups by their sheer numbers have agitated to get the stamp of Reservation. The Jats, Patidars, Marathas who have lived with pride and affluence now are demanding reservations only to get the identity of a political pressure group. Months before the election in Madhya Pradesh the so called upper castes, the Brahmins and others demanded reservation. They toppled the Government by voting for another party, thereby demonstrating their democratic rights.

The Modi Government sprang a surprise on the country on the last day of the Parliament’s winter session by introducing a bill for 10 percent reservation in the ‘unreserved’ upper class. The only grace of the bill is, it is caste religion neutral. Economic backwardness is hoped to be lessened by this bill. But what shocks the people who think reservation is a demeaning slur on the people in a democracy is the views expressed by the members of Parliament who participated in the debate. Those who are already beneficiaries of reservation, the OBC, and SC and ST argue that since the population of these reserved categories of people has increased, there must be a fresh survey and the present 49.5 percent should be raised to 85 percent.  Some even suggested 100 percent. Wow! We now have a democracy where the thought, debate based on new imaginaries of a new India are relevant. The numbers will decide our fate. Those who win elections are not really the prophetic intellectuals who can shape the destiny of a country. Bernard Shaw was always right: the right thinking people are always in the minority; they cannot be part of any pressure group. If the quota competition continues in the second half of the present century India would be a country of Reservation Men blindly voting parties who would perpetuate reservation.

Normally anyone would be tempted to ask: O’ you members of Parliament, are you not satisfied with ruining the Universities, killing gifted minds, levels of intelligence, creativity suppressing talents of generations? Are you not satisfied with the feast of ceremonial dullness displayed in our technical institutes? Are you not satisfied with killing innovation? If not, make the few who have escaped your net of perdition of your slaves by introducing 100 percent reservation. Kill merit to promote mediocrity so that by 2080 India would enter some book, Guinness or otherwise, as a country of Reservation Man where merit is a sin. Posterity will be proud of you politicians for destroying initiative and inquisitiveness.

If you wish India to be a better and more prosperous country abolish caste and religion from public life. Those who are poor give them scholarships and send them to good institutions. Make the Universities throbbing centers of excellence. Try and remove the stigma of reservation from the destiny of the people. Let man strive for his excellence utilizing his native talent. Do not create yes men; create men and women who would aspire for the  stars as proud individuals- not as caged birds singing what you teach them for votes.

Sunday, 6 January 2019


Come my forlorn denizen
the  breakfast is ready
rain water for juice
pearly dew baked in sunlight
garnished with my breath-
served on lotus petal
come, end my wait of centuries,
come dearest let not things get cold.

Lunch on the edge of shore
of  magic sand,puffy clouds,
saline spray as starter,
rhythm of bangles and anklets
as main course at sun’s winking delight
come love enjoy my fare.

Supper in the Island of flowers ,
warmth of  arms as soup, 
embrace as chief course
dessert a long kiss
to make  you forget the agony
and take you to the stars for good.

Come dear Paradise is here again...

Sabita Sahu


Prafulla Kumar Mohanty

‘Mother give me the Sun’, says the dying young man to his mother in Ibsen’s play. Can a mother give the sun to her dying son as the final toy for his calm sleep! Yes, the mother alone can, for she brings out life out of her innards after carrying for languid months of joy, pride and fear in her womb. When the babe kicks inside she places her palm to feel the nascent sensation in ecstatic thrill. She grows heavy and looks beautiful, her best in fulfilment of womanhood. When a boy is born the family and friends, relatives and neighbours dance around the new mother  with her  treasure in her lap in riotous feasting. A girl child, particularly in India, makes motherhood a curse. Like Ganga in the Mahabharat sacrificing sons in the Ganges families cut the umbilical cord in rage and throw the bleeding new born in ditches. A Muslim mother of a girl child may get a triple Talaq for her ill fated motherhood. Mother is after all a woman, she can be used and thrown for she is a mere child bearing machine for the pleasures of patriarchy. In my early youth, I remember to have heard a young man yelling at his mother for having given inadequate breakfast( He was Gluttonous): Mother I can give you everything a woman needs except one thing; you carried me for 10 months in your womb, I can’t ... I haven’t forgotten how a highly educated ( but unemployed) young man of a good family can shriek to his mother words that are too banal to even hear.

Sociologists too do not have a good word for the mother. Eric Fromm writes: Growth means the freedom of the child from the protection of the mother. And who is mother; She is your father’s wife. In India we have the story of Parshuram who killed his mother to satisfy his father Jamadagni. We say good things about the mother only in novels or on public platforms to woo them to surrender to our wishes. Modern civilization with all its modernity and liberalism has not given an identity to mother. A child or a person is known by his father, the mother’s name is expendable. Although we say that the mother is the angel of the house, she holds in display a happy family but always remains as a shadowy presence. We glorify the mother as the nourisher of the mankind but never give any social prominence to a mother. Even Shakespeare has not made a mother venerable. Hamlet speaks daggers to Gertrude. Her freedom, her love, her individuality are overshadowed by the Shenanigans of the male world. God is always the father: Christ is the son of God, the mother remains unmentioned, often unacknowledged.

In the Indian epics no woman is given the pride of place as mother. Queen Satyabati, Kunti, Gandhari- all have been extolled as woman but not as mothers. Sita in the Ramayana, is the most abused and dishonoured as mother. The most worshipped Avatar in India, the most honourable king Rama doubts her personal honour. She enters the family of Rama only after going through a fire test as her chastity is in question. The same question about Sita’s chastity is raised after she gets pregnant and the honourable Ramachandra discards her, doubting her motherhood. Why? Why does woman never get her due recognition as mother? We accept, rather take for granted her role in the family but never respect a woman as mother. She gives birth to man, sustains mankind but she has no honour as mother. In the 20th century, the respect as mother was accorded to only one person- Mother Teresa. She never was a mother in the biological sense, but her qualities, service was endowed with the honorific – Mother. Is this not hypocrisy. A real mother is never honoured yet the quality of motherhood is acknowledged. This is ironical, and shows that we hoist the image discarding the real.

The mother is one you go away from, seldom come back to. She is a sacrificial figure not only in India but everywhere. Most Indian women raise their children in poverty and makes utmost sacrifice to make their children face the world with dignity. But she has no place in the lives of their children once they marry and live separately. Those who keep their mothers with them treat them as unsalaried servants. When the daughter-in-law expects a child in some foreign country, the mother becomes important. Mothers go only to serve their daughters and daughters in law during the period of pregnancy. After childbirth mothers are the nurses, cooks and free servants. Once the new mother becomes fit to resume the normal duties of life, the mother is sent back. She merely waits for a phone call on Mother’s Day, a day fixed by civilization to remember the mother at least for a day in the year.

 A mother’s sacrifices cannot be recompensed or refurbished or compensated. Till her last breath a mother wishes all the best for her children. Her unseen presence hovers around the children with blessings and she pines for them all the time. Children today are definitely conscious about the mother but do not show the concern she deserves. Ye children! Remember you are what you are because of a woman’s sacrifices: she is your mother. Show your love and respect for that’s all she needs.

Sunday, 30 December 2018


You broke the statue
throbbing with living beauty
sun moon star studded
on the vast canopy of sky
shading the earth for life’s
perpetual celebration.

But your intemperate mind
saw death in everything
you broke the statue
which you never made
scorched the earth
to divide in maps
you made the statue a quarry
to sell chips of starlike glow
at tinsel market places.

The statues you make
The Bamiyan Buddha,
Konark, Somnath are
fodder to time’s ants:
now you stare at them
standing like statues
nerveless listless dead.

Come my dears be Human
put the stars in their place
make the green earth whole
for that is your role
to celebrate life here;
for man is a speaking statue
The greatest ever made.

Sabita Sahu


Prafulla Kumar Mohanty

These days one regularly hears one word: Conspiracy. Mob lynching, they say is the conspiracy of one community to kill members of another. Conspiracy, they cry hoarse, when cows are smuggled out and sold in another country for rich tables. What was it, when Duryodhana’s soldiers and advisors attempted to steal the cows from Virat’s kingdom in the  absence of the king and his army in the Mahabharata, if not a conspiracy to smoke out the Pandavas from their period of incognito exile? The Jatugriha; the invitation of the Pandavas for a dice game by Dhritarastra: the claim to the Ayodhya throne by Bharat’s mother for her son on the day of Ram’s coronation; Sita’s abduction by Ravana (yes a vengeful conspiracy);Krishna’s plot to take away the armour from Karna- you name it! The list is endless. Political conspiracy apart the god- myths are full of conspiracies to defame, demean and dethrone rivals in anger or jealousy. Corporate conspiracy is a modern day scourge on our systems of capitalistic economy. Communal conspiracy, caste-creed conspiracy and the laughably intriguing small time conspiracies which we watch everyday on the Tele serials to defame a close family member are our daily bread, however stale or bitter: But conspiracy has its wide network as the second nature of human civilization.

What is conspiracy? Why does man conspire to bring the fall of another human specimen? Conspiracy is like a guerrilla attack on a known and powerful person or group when he/ it is least prepared or even aware of it. Who conspires? One who is weak and jealous; one who cannot take his target head on; one who feels small because of his/her own shortcomings. A strong man, a man of honour and valour never conspires: for he is confident of himself. He may not be flawless but he never stoops to conquer. At times ideological misconceptions too lead to conspiracy. The murder of Mahatma Gandhi, John.F.Kennedy, even Indira and Rajiv Gandhi’s murders have been plotted by groups whose ideologies are shy of confronting the heroes of nations. Such heroes at times fall victims to conspiracy of the mean and weak people. The conspirator is a coward. But often we see men of great honour too conspire in the name of some skewed logic of morality. Brutus kills Caesar in the Capitol in a stance of conspiratorial heroism. After the death of Achelles, in Homer’s great epic poem Iliad, Ulysses says: with the death of Achelles gone is Greek courage; but not Greek cunning- and the result in the Trojan Horse, a fatal gift which destroyed the towers of Troy. Greek cunning proves to be anti-heroic thievery slurring their victory to posterity.

The murder of Abhimanyu is a hateful illustration of conspiracy. Seven chariot warriors of the Kuru army, each one wearing a laurel crown of military glory conspired to kill Arjuna’s boy, Abhimanyu whose display of warfare shamed them to guileful meanness. This illustrates the shady machinations of tinsel heroes and brings self – condemnation forever. Conspiracy always robs the world of its most priced virtues. This also proves that a true genius is never accepted by the human beings. We see that in our myths, stories, literature in general and in social life too. We justify the early and untimely death of a great man, saying – whom God loves dies young. If this be true even, God does not appreciate genius in man, his own creature.

In the story (true) of Dharmapada who laid the pot at the peak of the Konark temple, we notice the same pettiness, jealousy and inhumanity in man. The twelve hundred artisans could not place the  Kalasa, could not complete the time bound work. The boy Dharmapada, all of twelve years , son of the chief Architect Sibei Samantaray, who had gone there in search of his father could do it with ease and perfection. These artisans, including the architect, fearing decapitation at royal command, almost compelled the boy to make a sacrifice of his life to save the so called artisans and sculptors from ignominy. Genius is always sacrificed at the altar of immoral, self-seeking cowards. Is this the price of genius: death by deceit, conspiracy or meanness?

In the modern world in which the Sapiens are more educated, trained and much better off than their early centuries counterparts, conspiracies are technologically hatched for political gains. After the Second World War the computer and the Internet have given scope for cyber conspiracy. Pentagon can be hacked, the fighter planes cannot take off, bombs may explode, data would be manipulated by remote control and even wars can break out by spreading fake news.

The powerful conspire to retain power; the poor and the jealous cowards conspire to destroy towers of civilization: and the great intellectuals play safe by resorting to the conspiracy of silence! Borrowing Huxley’s Brave New World, I may say, hurry! Let us conspire against each other to bring mankind to God’s shame and regret for having conspired to create man for his own sadistic entertainment.

Sunday, 23 December 2018

Give Me Something New

Give me pain
I’ll love you more,
nail me on the cross
I’ll give you release,
Beat me bloody
I’ll drown you with kisses
throw me to hell
I’ll take you to Garden of Eden.

Give me something
beyond pain and pleasure
to make me feel original
beyond human measure,
I’ll hold time on the palm
to be my own shrine
for mortals and spirits.

If you can’t give me
what I wish for
tears and laughter
I’ve no need for
Let me be what I am
beyond your love
don’t throw at me
what is already mine.

Sabita Sahu

Forever New