Sunday, 4 November 2018


Mountains and valleys have no lines
to divide or claim ownership;
men draw and call them borders.
They fight for boundaries and
limits making loveliness bloody.
Maps divide the earth into countries,
kingdoms divide humans to draw
casteline and spill blood on whims.
Swords and guns,  hate and abuse
enter  our vocabulary,
love like the faded lily
falls at noon.

We killed Christ and Gandhi,
and will kill those who speak
the language of love,
let’s not make hate our identity,
now it’s time to change our DNA
else consumed shall we be
in the pyre of our own hate.

Sabita Sahu

Wait and Hope

Prafulla Kumar Mohanty

Wise men counsel all despondents: wait and hope. This was the wisdom of sages and saints who saw primitive reality of flaccid resolves of people in the face of despairing events. Hunger sickness, tyranny and unpredictability of disastrous moments were meant to be tolerated with unwilled fortitude. Suffering was built into the human condition. Man was totally powerless against the elements, the turbulence of nature as well as the sword of authority. Unrecognized men, leaderless and weak could not even protest. They had only one stance: the stance of a supplicant. Mercy, kindness, pardon and such like values which assumed a superior ‘giver’or dispenser, were wisdom for the saints who had renounced social life- not sexual life- to attain this wisdom by meditation, prayer and worship. In their moments of illumination they praised renunciation as a great virtue for those who had things to give and give up: power and pelf. For the rest, that is those who failed to make both ends meet the wise advice was to “stand and wait”, the Miltonic way of serving god; or to wait for the things to happen and hope for better days: For milk and honey to rain from high above and for idyllic scenes to transform present sordidness by some divine wielder of wand.

Wait and hope experienced a change of meaning about the Industrial Revolution. By 17th century almost all over the world man had the realization that Manna does not fall from heaven; man must work to earn his keep. Life is work and work is worship; the human time available could be wasted by waiting for things to happen - which is nonhuman. The French Revolution of 1789 also proved that waiting for any change in a despotic dispensation is foolishness. Man must catch the bull by the horn instead of waiting for the saviour to be moved by compassion with prayer. Those who waited for the marauder to stop and turn back by prayer- induced awakening of conscience simply lost their freedom and survival. The invaders never subscribed to the wisdom of wait and hope: they exploited this passive wisdom of pathological surrender to other directed wisdom.

One can wait for his love to return after 25 years mean- time hoping and praying for the paved road with green foliage growing all around for the dainty feet of his lady love to come with lithe steps. And such lovers suffer every moment with dual pain- the pain of waiting and the interminable seconds bringing emptiness and the slow emaciation of the spirit. For a modern man waiting and hoping mean idling away time doing nothing and daydreaming and fantasizing which have no logic or concrete floor to build castles on. Modern man thinks those who cannot force the moments to its critical pitch only wait and finally die as the knight in Browning’s “The Statue”. Waiting is wasting time’s allotted span to an individual by watching the hair turn grey and seasons roll by in repetitive futility.

What is hope? Hope springs eternal in the human breast- hope for what? Fulfilment of the human potential or Redemption, the unrealizable, impalpable something no mortal has remained to report? Today we wait for telephone calls; there too the passing seconds are eternities of nonexistence. We wait for appointment letters, election dates and results, the email or the plane to land or take off. Waiting for a bus or a train too is a toll on patience. At times we wait for the end of a boring film. Some people wait for the end of an infructuous life. Others wait for a war to start or a match to begin. But waiting is the most boring thing whatever the expectations. But people wait for the Helle   Bop and the Redeemer's ship to carry us to the promised land. Their cases are different as these waiters never live in this world. They are aliens in this planet. Those who hope for the things are not active players. They cannot make things happen they will simply dream of things otherworldly.

 In today’s world nothing waits for nothing. The Sun does not wait for the cyclone to cease, it rises however unseen it may be. Modern man knows there is no free lunch. There is no Alladin’s lamp to grant our wishes. No Santa Claus descends with his hoary charm to give us our hoped for things. Man today commands the robots; AI (artificial Intelligence) and biometric algorithms end our wait. Google and Alpha Zero can play games for us and make us win prizes. Machines can digitally reduce our woes and our waiting blues.

Those who wait and hope are perhaps immortals up above. They wait for man to be more responsible for fellow men and hope man to love, work and create as he believes in the pleasure of the divine.

Sunday, 28 October 2018


I searched the way to the sea shore,
like a shadow I walked to meet the sea
to say hello after  a century
seeing me the waves like
guilty assassins bent down,
their roar was less than a bleating.

Give me my love,
where have you hidden him?
how could you own him up
he is my treasure worthier than
yours.The sea sank down the sand
and the mud drew a labyrinth.

The air, the setting sun all 
looked grim as if ashamed.
I turned my face to the descending
darkness alone with him in my memory.
After three steps I heard- 
I am here my love to guide you,
the sea disgorged me and dried up
come let's fill it up again.

Sabita Sahu

Past Is Never Dead

Prafulla Kumar Mohanty

Past is never dead, future is never born, the present is the reality. People say, make a clean breast of everything, the bygone is bygone, make a new beginning. Yes, we make new beginnings but the past is a lingering stream, however, dry or thin, it moves alongside the present. The now moment is born of the past moment undivorced it gives directions unconsciously. It induces comparisons, suggests adjustments and here comes in the future. Since all moments are fleeting, the events too change colours. Childhood leads to youth and youth to age. At no stage childhood is obliterated from one’s memory. Similarly youth lingers in old age and man attains second childhood- old fools are babes again wrote Shakespeare. But the new old babe too has dreams of youth. The memory has no childhood or age; it grows exapands like drops of rain in puddles, then ponds, then rivers ultimately flowing into the sea as a whole comprising undistinguished childhood, youth and age. Memory is the foundation of dreams which are for the morrow. When someone says my dreams are fulfilled, he unconsciously admits that the bud has blossomed. Imagination presupposes memory and memory holds past and future on the tablets of the present. Life is an eternal present, all stages of life, all events, dreams, plans and futurist imagination flow along a man’s changing perceptions of reality which often compels adjustments to accommodate desires.

Ask a lover for whom love is a marriage of true minds, he will narrate his love as a perpetual quest for excitement. The excitement is not a physical passion or a desire for sexual union, it is the excitement of life which is temporary, evanescent and unsubstantial: the lover makes his life of love eternal, concrete and substantial for he/ she creates a world of his/her own unique, full and vast. He has no dead past. He remembers his tiffs, quarrels, swollen faces as well as the salacious moments of sweaty togetherness. He remembers his dreams of a new beginning every moment, his imaginative constructs of his own heaven. Also remembers the quagmire of hell he had to wade through in tearful eyes: And all this in his present moment. The past is never an isolated package which can be locked up in an iron box and thrown into the sea. The sea too is memory of this planet’s life. Yesterday is not a dead page of history. Unborn tomorrow is not a new species of time. Today comprises yesterday and tomorrow. Life has all yesterday’s in sequential order, however, disorderly the sequence be, and life is a ‘present’ with changing dates, new sunrises and sunsets in different seasonal moods of the mind.

Whenever the dread of the existence shatters our present we look back in love to the mother’s arm, father leaving us at the school gate and children flirting with things, humans, birds and beasts with restoring nostalgia. So, the past is with us in moments of joy, sorrow and boredom. A desert reminds us of our backyard garden and imagination makes us dream of the Nandan Kanan with its Parijats: the desert does not get transformed immediately into a childhood garden nor to the divine flowers of never to be seen heaven. The present runs continuous as we change in form and attitude under the pressure of our reality.

Diversity is the nature of life and in this diversity we feel constancy. A being constantly searches for himself, that is renews himself but all renewals happen in time which has no independent divisions or distinct categories. Language, culture, training, the office, marriage or love- all give us disciplines which are imperatives but nothing is a categorical imperative. Life always remains unformulated, open leading to discovery of the self. The knowledge which the discoveries give an individual is never complete.  Similarly a man’s constancy too is never complete. His past his future always make his present a throbbing moment of quest. Past and future however die when the present is static, repetitive and without quest. Of course such a present means the end-call it death or cessation of the being.

Gautam the prince and Buddha the enlightened one are not totally different. Overindulgence in beauty, youth, luxury and sexual pleasure suddenly lost their charm as Buddha encountered the other realities. The past stood as a contrast to the present and the renouncement that followed was not a u turn, rather a connective stimulant to new thoughts, new discovery of the total reality. Time only leads a man to self- knowledge. It may be a foolish or futile anagnorisis but it happens. Time with its past memory and evolutionary history makes a man what he is. The hero of life is recognized in the last scene but the previous scenes only lead us to the recognition.

Sunday, 21 October 2018


In my sky of four clouds
twelve winds play to hide the moon
my love sits on the pock markers
where coal mines blast every noon.

He was selling dreams
sat on golden chairs, legs of sunny beams
I hated  him for he would paint me,
mixing diamond dust with ruby cream.

I left him at the coal field of life
to  darken himself in sweaty grime
to bring food for my hungry bones
to walk in streets of shady zones.

I sulk he carried pans of fire
worked in earnest in swampy quagmire
but he was in moon singing his love
I slaved in mills living in alcoves

Today my face  is burnt, hands frozen
he makes rhymes like pizza tokens
the clouds recede and winds fall
he shows the moon like roti standing tall.

Sabita Sahu


Prafulla Kumar Mohanty

I visit temples as others do, not necessarily with faith in a deity or to beg for blessings or to ask for mundane things or even to pray muttering the poetry written by other poets. I do bow down and chant: If you be let me also be. I don’t know what my words mean for meaning would depend on my  mood, my state of mind which often is manipulated by the situational ethics of moments which flow defying my logic. I do the parikrama admiring the images, statues and icons; linger over the imagination of the sculptor, try to penetrate the mind of the artist, his imagination and aesthetic vision. The poetry on stone or other materials often move me to contemplation on subtleties beyond palpable comprehension. I listen to the noise made by other visitors, intimate things spoken in low tones and watch their closed eyes and wonder what stillness throbs inside their minds! When jostling crowds push or priests utter Sanskrit blessings proportional to the money put on the plate I smile with a cynical grin and move away. Outside the sanctum sanctorum and the structure of the temple the lamps with flickering flames glow in bubble reputation for a few breaths and die out releasing smoke. Their fragrance is otherworldly. The flowers are momentary commodities bought and thrown at the side deities, bells tingle the ears with a mocking sting like an alarm clock at midnight. Joyous and morose faces light up when the deity is seen for a split second. Tirupati, Siridi, Jagannath Temple- even Meenakshi, Rameswaram nowhere can a devotee  have a one to one talk with the deity- he has to simply say all in one breath.

Outside the structure devotees squat, gossip and eat. If you associate cleanliness with culture you will be disappointed nay outraged. Hygiene, sense of order, spiritual discipline and other such civilized virtues are not the focal areas in our temples. After a brief sight of the deity the body with its hunger returns with a vengeance. Devotees settle down on the uneven shabby floor or wherever some sitting space is available and spread the leaf with ravenous appetite. Their worlds return with boisterous volubility effacing the deity from the present moment of prandial joy. The sightseeing, seashore soiree and glass clicking parties rise up with furious urgency as the leaves are thrown inviting the dynasty of flies and the other unseen microwinged creatures.

Often coming out of a temple and going towards my car I have asked myself: What is a temple? A place of worship where a deity is enshrined; a work in architecture; a theatre of composite art or a place of human beauty? Temples started as places of worship. Before the eighth century a tree vermillion smeared was also a place of worship. The visualization of god in a human form or monkey and elephant form was in practise before the Buddha came. But as population grew, village settlements came up, temples were built in large numbers. As the economic condition improved large areas were given to temples. Singers, dancers, artists, intellectuals and the literati thronged the temples. Royal patronage encouraged staging of plays, intellectual debates on aspects of philosophy. New schools of thought came up. As the Hindus believed in pluralism and polytheism, accommodation of all faiths, all intellectual views and schools of thought temples too displayed different deities. The Jagannath Temple at Puri is a veritable universe of human diversity. All faiths find symbolic representation in Jagannath. This makes the temple a modern club where faith, art, intellect, administration and management are complimentary to each other to make life celebration a humanist pride.

But what are these temples today? I am tempted to call them Multi National Corporations. Their worshiped deity is the product and devotees are consumers as well as investors and directors. The temple authorities sell their products in a competitive world market. You may also call them hotels.  Long ago in my adolescence I had read in the Hindustan Year Book, the greatest Hotel in the World is the Jagannath Temple at Puri. On occasions even more than a lakh people eat the Mahaprasad. In the Golden Temple at Amritsar they have a 24x7 kitchen and no visitor returns without being fed. The Sai temples are mushrooming all over the country and each temple is a hotel catering to the public proportional to the elasticity of their purses. This hurts me and my association of purity of motive with the temple.

I now feel that human body is a sacred temple. Cultivate all cultural diversity with the unifying faith of love and lavish it on the body. The soul will rise in love to embrace life in wholesome delight.

Sunday, 14 October 2018

Naughty Titli

I thought you would
come like a butterfly
or a way lost swallow
tearing in twittering anger
to atone for your own folly.

But you came in vengeance like
an eagle to claim your lost kingdom
your wings flapped in furious rage
the sea lost its colour and swelled
as if struck by pestilence.
The waves rushed to swallow
whatever habitation came on its way.
Trees swung in madness
broke fell and flew on
to strike unsuspecting heads
going to seek a living.

Have you gained your kingdom Titli?
why this unwanted war on innocent
 habitats to overcome your agitation.
Come to my humble abode
I’ll feed you tear saturated love:
Be yourself titli
hum your mating tunes
around our pain soaked world
we need it, we need you
to revive our faith in love.

Sabita Sahu

Forever New