Prafulla Kumar Mohanty
There are two types of people in
the world, the agelasts and the hypergelasts- the non – laugher and the
overlaugher. One wears a mask of a face and the other makes his face overwide to
the accompaniment of high pitched sounds. Both are non- human, will of the
wisp, not easy to understand. Laughter is a rebound of hilarity, a release of
joyous feelings in gay abandon. It denotes a state of feeling, thrilling and
amiable. Ancient scholars and sages in East and West have said, - he who
laughs lives long. When a person laughs 315 facial muscles function but when a
person cries only 13. Based on this the Grotowsky School of acting trains
actors in muscle control and postures.
There are, however, many people
who do not laugh even if their fancy is tickled by an incongruous event or an
event of genuine bawdy banter. There are some who maintain gravity and suppress
their true emotions. But normally a person laughs when he sees the mechanical
in the natural, that is when something rigid and springy like the jack in the
box happens. For instance when a healthy person especially a fat women slips on
a banana peel while walking on a road and falls, your first impulse is to
laugh. Unless she happens to be your mother. Laughter assumes the anaesthesia of
the heart, that is non-involvement of personal emotions. Laughter is mainly a
group activity. The social conscience disapproves of a peculiar or singular
trait in a person to reform him. Any person who grows out of proportions with
the social norms or behaves or functions above his station in life, he
transgresses the accepted social praxis: the comic spirit eyes malignly at him.
Laughter is the expression of a collective social psyche. You must have noticed
that in a cinema hall when the auditorium is full, you burst out in full
throated laughter at a comic scene. When the auditorium is half full or the
viewers are scattered, your laughter is less boisterous. This happens because
your social conscience is subdued. When you are secluded in a corner or when you
are alone.
Laughter is a spontaneous psychic
process and its quality depends on the level of sophistication of a society. In
a primitive society laughter is rare as the consolidation of values,
stabilization of societal norms takes time. When the middle class gets
stabilized the norms of social behaviour become fixative in character. Laughter
is not a moral judgement, it is a light hearted corrective measure which
removes oddities and singularities from social behaviour. At the same time wit
and intellectual humour too play a part in creating comic situation. Wit is the
laughter of the mind. Alliteration when overused also provokes laughter.
Repetition of words or
expressions at regular intervals after a time gets boring and this social
boredom provokes the laughter of disapproval. If a teacher in the classroom
says ‘for example’ after every two sentences, the students laugh. Similarly
repetitive behaviour or appearance at a particular place without ostensible
reason also makes us laugh. The reason
is mechanisation of a rigid pattern. Man by nature is flexible and dynamic, and
therefore, whenever it shows symptoms of a machine or a string puppet his action
provokes ridicule. In an office or classroom or a meeting situation if a person
speaks or behaves in a manner transgressing the norms, people ‘condemn’ his
ridiculous behaviour by volleys of laughter.
We have to however distinguish
between ‘to laugh with’ and ‘to laugh at’. We laugh with a speaker whose witticism,
sarcasm or tongue-in -cheek statement evokes intellectual sympathy. When your
son or daughter tops the examination or gets a job you become happy and laugh
in joy. A smiling thanksgiving to your deity also goes with it. This laughter
is an expression of joy. But when a group of women in a ladies club sit
together and laugh aloud continuously for five to ten minutes the dispassionate
onlooker smiles not in joy but at the group of ladies who think laughing is a
healthy exercise which prolongs life. Others go on clapping like an American
audience after a philharmonic orchestra performance for full five minutes by
way of appreciation. There are yet others who make mouths, pouting the lips in
different ways to keep the face wrinkle free, in their bit to defeat time: if
you are not a part of it you laugh. Shakespeare’s Puck would have said , ‘ O’ Lord
What Fools these Mortals Be!’
But life is meant for laughter.
Treat life as a funny game- wipe your hands across your mouth and laugh... The world does not take care of itself and
will not bother about you.