What do you wish to give?
A world trip ticket on concord!
A jade palace carpeted with
gem studded Arabian bulbuls!
No dear, if you wish to give ,
give me your sorrow
which dampens your heart,
I’ll cover my body like a blanket
of Italian roses feeling the spice
of your
sobs to smoothen my nerves.
Give me all the pain of your heart
I’ll stir it with all my love
To churn out the
nectar of life.
Give me your lonely tears
I’ll lick it like
honey dripping
from the honey comb of life.
Give me a chance to hold your hand
I’ll walk like impish shadow.
Give me your sleepless nights
I’ll play the moon
and sing
soft lullabies, as cupid's minion
sings for his moody princess,
In the garden house of your fantasy
where cuckoos hum in ecstasy.
Open the gates of your garden
Which nurses blossoms of beauty and love
I’ll measure the waves of your breath
by blowing kisses of my love.