Monday, 1 January 2024

Forever New

 "The old order changeth

yielding place to the new,  

when I remember this childhood line

from my school days ,

now in my mature years

I ask, what is new?

If tomorrow is new 

today gets old by midnight

what order do they talk about?

I am new every moment 

my new sun rises in the new sky

when I open my new eye at the 

new dew soaked hour.

What I read is new

What I write is new

What I remember  is the new moment

What I forgot was also new one day.

Life means memories

 which I make

fighting nightmares

I make my dreams 

new and fresh.

My mirror is always new

shows me my new face

aging in grace yet youthful and divine.

I am my own divinity

I have no profane desires

what I wish I don't  get

but my wish never gets old

for I wish simple love

simple lines of divine truth

and a simple fare

in the arms of love:

Always new like a dove

soaring the new sky.

Sabita Sahu

Forever New