Sunday, 26 June 2022

A Fervent Call to My Love

My golden dome is half built

I wrote to space for more space

the space is dwarfed by my lovenest

the stars are too dim for you

help me to complete my superdome

where the heaven would be a floor

studded by immortal glowing words.


I know you laugh in helpless tears

each drop is an ocean 

drowning my superdome to keep it cool,

you have  lost words

your pauses ruin my rhythms

your voice has lost its

ringtones in dumb vocables,

yet I know you speak endless

the new vocabulary of love.

How long will you take to hang

the tapestry of your soul’s joys

you know I am mortal with eternal

longings for unending consummation.


I don’t know where you are

what address should I pen?

But this letter will float like a balloon

somewhere above god’s lofty imagination.

Please come, we will live

in our incomplete dome

making it cover all galaxies.

Sabita Sahu.






Prafulla Kumar Mohanty's 


Krishna’s Mediation Fails: Krishna Draupadi Discuss Future


Krishna refused Duryodhana's hospitality

preferred the humble soft intimacy of Vidura.

An honest coarse meal and a safe mattress

are better than the luxury of deceitful plenty.

In the Kuru court Vasudeva advocated

the Pandava cause with moral logic.

His advocacy failed, Dhritarastra, Bhisma

silenced by Duryodhana's repugnant hubris

lowered their heads, Krishna's final appeal

for five villages for the Pandavas was pooh-poohed

much to the shock of the royal assembly.

Duryodhana's final declaration  -  Not even

a needle point space shall be yielded without war   -

closed the issue, Dhritarastra's meek silence

and wordless hesitation, the helpless protests

of the elders were all rendered irrelevant

by ranting Duryodhana who wanted Krishna held.

The shocked assembly then saw Krishna's

original oracular form wheeling his disk

in spectacular radiance.

The foolish Kauravas stepped back as he

walked out in victorious grace, leaving

the assembly in self stultifying chaos.


Auntie, said  Krishna to Kunti, I failed

to stop the clash of brothers; war is

now the dark truth, the sky will fall

in torrents of gore slushing the earth

bones will stick out like stumps

after the harvest of death, unreaped rots:

Kunti moist eyed had no voice as Krishna's

chariot flew towards the dusky sunset.

Draupadi heard what she had foretold

to herself before Krishna went to Hastina.

Pandavas knew what Krishna would bring back

as Drupad, Virat and other message hungry

nobles accepted the dark tidings

in formal fortitude to meet

their future with dutiful preparations.

To arms was the new buzz spreading

from halls to lawns to dining space:

War drums vibrated fear

in the hearts of drooping trees.


Krishna with his familiar smile

asked Draupadi, at a corridor bend

Sakhi, did you expect any happy results,

are you shocked or disappointed?

Draupadi in a calm demeanour, said

no shock Sakha, no disappointment,

the peremptory summons of war

came with the roll of dice years ago.

All my thirteen years of soul sickness

waited for the balm of peace but

peace is not to be, if my wounds

are slated to be washed with blood

I never willed it nor desired it ever.

Who in her right senses would have

a death wish and see thousands in

battle array for mutual extinction?

But you are the cause of the war

can you deny it my sweet Sakhi?

O Sakha your words bleed me deep

if I am the cause I will uncause it

I'll pardon Duryodhana and enter fire

I won't allow the future historian

to raise his accusing forefinger

at me as the cause of the Mahabharata war.

But I shall ask you  O Sakha the wielder

of the chakra, why did you kill Kamsa

why Shisupal and many others, for what?

To restore the balance between

good and evil for order and harmony.

What harmony Vasudeva? How can

one death harmonize another murder?

How will this war restore my dignity

time has no backward wings to self correct

wrong directions, it never looks back

it brings no balance save ego massage  -

Krishna laughed amiably: My Sakhi now

is wisdom in tears, if it be so, why

prepare for war, let us all withdraw to

where civilization has not reached and

meditate how to spend the rest of life  -

No Vasudeva withdrawal from life is death,

the ego the fiery soul has its own flame

when lit by enemies and ego hunters

it conflagrates and must consume passions

to calm itself  -  Which is harmony Panchali,

chopped in Krishna with an innocent grin.

If withdrawal is death and fight for rights

is death which death balms your patience

which death consoles your native justice

which death is meet without guilt ?

Choose that Draupadi and the choice is

now inevitably war for your civil rights.

Draupadi nodded her eyes in flood

Krishna placed his arm around her

reassuring her burning soul :

The peace of the living is not a graveyard

yet Sakhi the battlefield becomes one.


Sunday, 19 June 2022

My Indian Soul

The air I breathe  

savours prehistoric India

the aroma of sacrificial fires

and chants of Vedic hymns.

Peace, Non-violence is our inheritance

freedom of spirit and body,

faith, rituals are our universal goal.

The world is our family

we are one, all speaking

different tongues on mother India.

Historians have betrayed us

enemies spite us in jealousy.

But we go along the path

Buddha and Gandhi paved for us.

Together we shed our sweat

in fields factories spreading

our knowledge in soft baritones.


India is civilization’s peak

and the world moves to reach it

to celebrate life with love.




Prafulla Kumar Mohanty's 


The Drupad messenger returned

cloud smeared all over, glum and hurt

the message was writ large on his face.

He narrated how he was treated

unwelcome intruder into Hastina's rights

Dhritarastra refused to speak as he

expected Yudhistira to come in person

Duryodhan chided the message, messenger

the Pandavas, claiming they were exposed

before expiry of the exile period

hence they should be exiled for another

thirteen years repeating their forest life.


The Pandavas felt betrayed

Drupad, Virat, Vasudeva, seethed

in anger at the irrational, disgraceful

demeanour of the  Hastinapur breed:

What were Bhisma Drona doing? Have the Kurus

lost all logic, dharma and propriety?

Shouted Yajnasena in ruthless temper,

when Arjuna and Bhima stood up

Krishna laughed aloud raising their temper.

Calm Bhima, sit down Arjuna the time is

not propitious for such madness, wait

time's revelations must be perceived

in calm contemplation not in agitation.

I am confident King Dhritarastra will send

an emissary to cajole you to accept

their terms, some diplomat or messenger

will come and then you would know

their mind and plan your future course.

How do you know Vasudeva asked Drupad

that someone will come from Hastinapur?

It's politics Rajan, the conspiracy of

denial of the Pandava rights must be

softened by protestations of intimacy

kind words and conciliatory tone:

The assembly broke in desperate unease.


To prove Krishna's prophetic wisdom

Sanjay, the old charioteer of Dhritarastra

a wise sober man of honour

arrived  one morning with a message

of peace and good will for the Pandavas.

The Virat Assembly of eager heads

listened to Sanjay's words of peace

in restless consternation, Yudhistira

asked whether Indraprastha would be given

Sanjay clammed up lowering his head.


The stunned Pandavas, Virat, Drupad

became speechless, rage and disbelief

writhing them in unspeakable pain.

Krishna finally broke the silence saying

they have left no choice for us, war

is now the only way to open up their

minds to human law, logic and liberty.

But I doubt even blood and death

may not make them see reason.

Power mad Duryodhana and son mad

Dhritarastra prefer death to life,

destruction to the blossoms of peace  -

If war it is, why waste time,

Arjuna arose with menacing finality,

Bhima's intemperate choler shook his frame

Yudhistira in confusion looked at Vasudeva,

If Dhritarastra wanted me to go in person

let me go ask for Indraprastha - No, No

all the brothers shouted, no further talks.

The Kauravas must be destroyed and

we must have what is rightfully ours:

Patience said Virat, war should be our

last recourse to uncertain glory, think

whether all doors to peace are closed

leaving one door open to perdition. War

is an exciting game in the training fields

when the battle lines are drawn in blood -

What is our scope now, should we abjure

life and go in saffron to meditate

our willing impotence in nature's shady

concerns hiding away from the manly

who rule over the world?  Arjuna  said almost

shaking in frustration -  Calm down Partha

I think, I have to go to mediate for your

rights to give peace its deserved chance:

Everyone's eyes gleamed with hope  -

If I fail, continued Krishna, history will not

pardon me but I don't know if history

ever will pardon me otherwise.


Draupadi eavesdropping from behind

the curtains felt weak, but collected

herself, she wanted to enter the hall

and participate in the discussions -

Why should Sakha negotiate on our behalf,

what's there to negotiate when arrogant

affront is vaulted in the name of peace?

Yudhistira still appealed, let's ask for

one city if not Indraprastha, at least

five villages for we brothers five

to seek our fortunes to create our

faith in our manly endeavour to fulfill

our promise to our Maker: Why brother

why this meek surrender to evil,

how is war a sin as you say,

how withdrawal from life is merit?

Krishna continued, Brother! Man ought to

observe three dharmas , First kuladharma

duty towards the family you create

second is Rajadharma, duties towards

the people you serve in your kingdom,

finally Swadharma duty towards

self and society; the person who shirks

these duties is a coward, a non Man,

he who turns away from life, he who

abstains  lapses into negativity.

You must do your duty for by abstaining

you disturb the equilibrium of the world.


Draupadi knew it is not cowardice

but convictions which motivates Yudhistira,

she moved apart to her solitariness;

Krishna would argue, she mused, for us

but would he agree to settle for five

villages, if Duryodhana throws like

scornful toys at the Pandavas to show

his magnanimity as the future Kuru King?

Draupadi started at her own thoughts:

No, if our rights are crushed under

arrogant feet, it's our duty to hack

the feet with all our determined might.

Why live under self imposed guilt

of having sacrificed our humanness?

Will history record our sacrifice

as the best illustration of human merit?

No, posterity will call this a sacrilege

of human essence, our children would

call us cowards who threw away their

rights out of fake faith in non violence.

Draupadi shook her head to shake off

such stormy thoughts from her mind.

Sunday, 12 June 2022


The knock was insistent

when I opened the door

my drugged steps wobbled

bleary eyes unfocused saw

a man holding a bouquet

bald bearded life beaten man

hard to recognize:


Happy  Birthday he said –

Whose Birthday?

Yours I remember

thirty five years have not

touched my memory –

But I don’t know how you know

I don’t recognize face or voice.


You didn’t recognize then

how can you now after

Mahanadi has dried up

temple bells replaced by

electric bells to wake you up’


Who are you please –

I am just a messenger of love

I have no right to love

but I carry the message

please receive the bouquet.

Thank you

Please forget my birthday

don’t show up next year.

Sabita Sahu



Prafulla Kumar Mohanty's 


The palace floated in air

 a charming sylph on sylvan props

poised to win heaven's eyes, resonant

with auspicious conch, tambourine drums

the Vedic hymns in choric waves

touched the body and soul with balmy calm.

Uttara and Abhimanyu took the rounds

to a rain of flowers from all present.

Sudeshna, Subhadra, Arjuna, Virat

sang in couples couplets of peace and joy.

A beaming Draupadi was everywhere

serving moods of love care and service.

The earth in autumnal fullness lavished

all goodies in uncountable abundance.

Sakha! Draupadi asked when

the merry festivities breathed

in restful sobriety to invite

normal talks of other urgencies.

Sakha, what next do you envisage

after this marriage palliative to our

future health? Krishna Vasudeva

reclining in a chair smiled quizzically

why do you think life is only a sequence

of events transitory and meaningless?


Events in time are contributory parts

to the story of  life, the plotline

may be faulty, the people may be hostile

but life is life in its own Order:

O Sakha don't tease me out of my mind,

tell me what to expect, how to proceed -

Is my Sakhi so dim witted not to

anticipate the new sequence of events?

War clouds are gathering all around -

Why Sakha, is there no way for peaceful

settlement of issues   -  Yes there are

if you so choose, but ego overrides

all judgements, arrogance in bubble heroism

breaks the great chain of being:


Draupadi hung her head deep in thought

one small step and a hug will remove

all blots from the mind and heart, but

man stubbornly refuses to swallow

his own spit raising the moment

to a pitch of no return -  mused Draupadi.

Krishna gave Draupadi a sympathetic look

Sakhi be brave and face it else

you will be counted as one who ran away

in fear insulting life.


I am not running away nor will ever

if war comes choiceless I shall welcome

for better to fall fighting than surrender

your being's worth at the feet of injustice.

But my enemy is Duryodhana, why then

should armies fight ruining life's fabric

in torn despair which generations

cannot repair; Let Bhima and Duryodhana

fight a single combat, let the winner

take all to perpetuate victory.


Don't be so naive Draupadi

egos never clash in abstractions;

do you think fighting for rights

is always justified by law, morality,

justice and common sense?

Your enemy too justifies his claim

over something which neither own: The Earth

dear Sakhi, is free of your egoistical claims,

you fight to usurp nature.

The day you learn to worship the given,

the condition to which you come for

a brief time and honour the condition

keeping it safe for posterity, you will

hoist the flag of human glory,

and life  shall be bright pure and good.


But Sakha when that happens history

will be over in one generation - Great

now you talk sense, said  Vasudeva

therefore play your role in history

show your greatness  even in blood.


I see life ebbing out in the dark

I shall do my best to light up life

but you know I too am bound by nature.

Let the messenger sent to Hastinapur

return we will plan out the next course.

Sunday, 5 June 2022

Can’t Stop – Endure

We can’t stop the diurnal motion

let the earth move on its own axis

let the sun rise, moon shine

washing away all profane and divine.

If the day bites or the snake chases

the  gun is ready but my

trigger finger needs a bandage.


Motion cannot be stopped

life will move from kitchen to store

searching for more

of breath, appetite and desire –

which will never stop by ordinances

like the earth and air.


Why bother then what happens

smile if it comes on a plate

smelling sweet

protest if the summer heat

makes your sweat

spoil your new dress

let all feelings come

pain, pleasure, joy happiness

sorrow agony accept all

as the earth has accepted her punishment

to move and move and move

like the shadow of Sisyphus

in romantic undulations.

Sabita Sahu



Prafulla Kumar Mohanty's 



Virat watched Vallav decimate

Trigarta army, the trounced King

ran away for dear life, Virat

returned triumphant to greet

in surprise his son Kumar's

victory over the invincible Kurus:

Uttar kumar displayed the clothes

of Bhisma, Drona, Karna, Duryodhana

in bashful pride forbidden by

Arjuna not to reveal the truth -

But the young Prince could not keep his

reticence longer, bemused Kumar

enjoyed the aarati of mother Sudeshna,

the proud hug of father Virat,

the floral tribute and streams of praise

blessings and joyful applause of all

young old men, women sane and zealous

in noble pretence of royal modesty.

But when the tide of accolades was

poised to recede, announced in honest

tones the truth: Praise be to Arjuna,

the great Pandava Prince won the day.

Father dear and Mother mine, it was

he Arjuna himself and not Brihannala

who trounced the great Bhisma,

Drona Karna and Duryodhana

who attacked like a stormy sea.

Arjuna countered all rising waves

made the sea go back to foamy silence.

I disrobed them to bring tokens

and brought these at Arjuna's bidding.


An uproar rose in the assembly

of joy and wonder when Kanka

removed his turban and stood before

the assembly as Yudhistira; Yes great King

I am Yudhistira, Vallav is Bhima, and

Sairindri is Draupadi and Arjuna you

already know lived as dance teacher

the twins Nakula and Sahadeva have

tended your animals - yes here they come.

I thank you for your kindness O' King

you gave us shelter in your kingdom

gave us a chance to spend our year

of anonymous  exile which luckily

ended yesterday, kindly pardon us

if we have lacked in our service.

King Virat embraced Yudhistira

the assembly cheered -

Victory be to the Pandavas,

guards led them at the king's command

for change of dress to reappear

as the Pandava Princes;

Sudeshna held Draupadi's hands

dragged her to her chamber and begged

pardon, your Majesty Princess Draupadi

pardon my impudence which fate

willed in me - Draupadi hugged her tight,

No - No  Sudeshna, we are now sisters

I thank that cruel fate for this kind mischief

to add sauce to life.


Sairindri reemerged as Draupadi

decked in royal silk and jades

Draupadi glowed like the new sun

shining bright on Matsya's newbirth.

Draupadi sat alone transformed

she thanked the unseen powers for this

second restoration of  Pandava glory.

The first was at her Swayambara

the self imposed exile of the Pandavas

ended in the splendour of their resurgence

in Kampilya's grand ceremony - now

the second imposed exile has ended

refurbishing their honour and character.

Draupadi remembered her Sakha,

O Vasudeva where are you?

Your presence at my Swayambara paved the path

of dew and pebbles which I have walked

my feet still bleed but the mind is

restored to dream of a gem studded

path to my rightful aspirations

true to my womanly heart, now come Sakha

carve out my passage to light, I shall

return your gift by serving mankind.

Draupadi arose with positive energy

went to Queen's chamber where

 Uttara and Sudeshna were together,

Draupadi said, Sudeshna let us cement

our relationship with glamorous bonds

of marriage vows, I ask the hand of

Uttara your accomplished daughter,

for Arjuna's son Abhimanyu, if you agree

I'll ask Subhadra to come here with him

and I shall ask Krishna Vasudeva to bring

my sons, Abhimanyu and all to seal

our happy togetherness forever.


The happy words flew on wings

king Virat and his ministers, advisors

gloated over the possibilities of this

new tie, the palace reverberated

to the rhythms of the foliating joy

moving fast towards a green bloom.

Forever New