Sunday 17 September 2017

A Silent Wish

Do not veil me with silken
threads, nor crown me
with titles, do not address me
as deity even, for I am a fragile
fragmented being waiting
for my redemption.

I know I am incomplete
without you and my journey will
revolve and evolve into nothingness
till the arrival of new Messiah
to join the broken pieces
in a redemptive order.

The silent untrodden time
that stilled my years are now
winged like a butterfly to
collect pearly nectar to spread
and paint colours on life’s canvas.

An ever silent wish to love you
more than what the heart contains
and depart from you
without bidding adieu.


  1. Poetic vision goes beyond what eyes can see. Looking within one may encounter the enticing silent wish to move towards completion. Only a poet can imagine that it is not possible without `him'. It is gratifying to love beyond limit. A LOVEing completion follows in silence. Thanks for sharing a poetic secret....

  2. Beautiful! I like the butterfly metaphor..... so aptly used.
    Do continue

  3. Beautiful lines written.every line speaks volumes.keep writing.


Forever New